
Sweet Cafe

The Su Family is one of the affluent family in the country. Evan Su is the current head of Su Corporation and married to a genius and extraordinary woman Daniella Chen. Their love and trust for each other make everyone in their inner circle to feel jealous. Having tremendous wealth, admiration from their circle and, intelligent children. A lot of people wished to have their life. But their children's way of living is way too much to handle. Ethan, Leo, and Alexandria are triplets. Since they were kids, they were taught to love and protect each other. But, the triplets seem to have misunderstood their mother's words since they have done nothing but trouble. And the youngest member of Su, Louisa. A girl who doesn't want to speak and interact with people. She hides her face with her long bangs, plays with human's skeleton and has organs as her toy, Louisa is a weird kid. No one wants to be her friend, and she doesn't mind it. On the triplet's 16th birthday, a day which they supposed to celebrate with their family and friends was interrupted when Ethan gave his siblings explosives gift. Standing by the end of the stairs, Alexa and Leo stared at each other. Their hands slowly moved to open the gift Ethan gave. In the background, they could hear Ethan's voice shouting, 'Not Now idiots!' A loud explosion, blue smoke, guest screaming and panicking. The triplet's party has turned into a disaster. Their parents had no other option than to cancel the party. Hours after the explosion, their mother announced that they will be moving. Living on a budget, having to work in the coffee shop their parents started, transferring to a mid-class school. The triplets realized the weight of their action. "None of us will have access to your father's money until I say so. No one will ask for your uncle's help. We will live a simple life where you need to clean, and cook for yourself, which means there will be no maids." Everyone in the basement was shocked except Evan. The triplets looked at each other while Louisa started writing on her tablet. "Mom, what do you mean by no maid? Who will cook my bacon?" Alexa spoke in horror after hearing the news. The triplets, Louisa and their parents will move to a province and start a new simple life. But not only that, their cousin Selena Su, will also be living with them.

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190 Chs

The Last Time

After Selena's little catch up with Maddie and Anders, she proceeded to the room where the party was being held.

She found out that Anders and Maddie were meeting with Maddie's college friend. They asked her if she wanted to go but, she has somewhere else to be so she politely declined their offer.

She was still shocked for meeting them, she didn't tell them why she was here aside from 'I have a party to attend.'

When she had finally arrived in the room, it has the same number of people as before, not so crowded, unlike the party she was used too.

Her fingers gripped the side of her dress as she walked towards Killian, the man was standing next to his father, chatting about something she could not hear due to their distance.

(I thought he was looking for me.) she thought.

She stopped in front of them and whatever topic they were discussing was interrupted when Killian's father smiled at her.

She looked at the man, he still has the aloof aura like the first time they met. It somehow scared her, she felt as if she's staring at a drooling wolf.

"I believed you are here to take your partner back," Selena shyly turned to Killian, the man's eyes were glooming, for what reason, she doesn't know.

"I can wait. Where is our table?" she asked Killian in a low voice.

"Wait, before you leave, Can I ask how did you meet?" she could hear the curiosity in Killian's father's voice.

"On the plane. He was sitting next to me," remembering that day has made her lips to curve. The alcohol Killian stole hasn't been opened, it's still in her room.

"Wow! And then he's also the same person who saved you that night, right?" the man laughed with amusement.

Selena met his eyes and nodded; she could see that Killian got some of his facial features from his father.

"I am very thankful for what he did," that time, she was looking at Killian with sincerity but, Killian's eyes remained cold.

"oh well! You two look perfect together. Killian why don't you bring her to your table and I will go and find your brother. Where is he anyway?" when the man said that, his face turned into a different direction, looking for Alejandro.

"What do you need from him," Killian has an indescribable expression across his face, anger or hatred, Selena could not figure out.

"I just have to talk to him about Tiffany. Seems like she was heartbroken so I guess I should let them talk," after Kilian's father said those word, Killian stopped him by grabbing his elbow, with sharp eyes, he glared at his father.

"Why don't you stop controlling people? Alejandro has someone he likes, stop meddling with his relationship," Selena could see a vein popping in Kilian's neck as he said those words with anger.

"Watch your tone Killian, you know very well that Alejandro was just trying to be a good son to his mother."

Selena was feeling awkward, unsure whether she should interrupt them or not.

"Stop it. Just stop it, father. Let my brother be happy for once. Haven't you had enough?" Saying those in the same sharp tone, Killian turned his back on his father and walked away.

Selena was dumbfounded to be left alone with Killian's father. She was about to excuse herself when Killian came back and seized her wrist.

"I forgot you," saying that, Killian dragged her towards the minibar.

They sat on the high chair at the bar counter, the live music was replaced with a soft one.

"Are you alright?" she asked. Seeing his face so red with anger has made her worried.

Seeing a different part of Killian has made her realized that he had a deep family issue. Making her think that it must be the reason why he was acting like a maniac towards her.

"Don't worry, you're not the only one who had a family issue. If you get to know mine, you would think your family is the normal one," she let out a bitter laugh, enough for Killian to turn and looked at her with questions in his eyes.


"What?" Selena was perplexed why Killian suddenly said it.

"Don't tell me your story. I don't want to know your family." Killian said, there was a hint of sadness and disappointment in his voice and Selena wonders why.

Since they arrived at the party, the only time she had seen him with a smile on his face was when they were in the cabin.

She lowered her sight to her hands holding a glass, feeling somehow embarrassed that Killian refused to listen to her.

"It's not because I am not interested. Don't get the wrong idea. I just want you to share your story with someone you like. So why don't you go and find him?" Killian's face gentled as he spoke.

Relief flooded in Selena's mind when she found out the reason for his rejection. She smiled at him and swiveled her body around to look for Alejandro.

Sadness has made her eyelashes flickered, seeing Alejandro with Tiffany in the middle of the crowd, dancing like the other pair somehow shattered her heart into pieces.

A firm hand suddenly seized her arm, she turned and saw Killian with a smirk curve on his lips.

"Let's dance," before she could answer, Killian had already dragged her towards the dancefloor.

Selena's shoulder jumped in surprised when Killian wrapped a hand around her waist and pulled her closer while his other hand, held hers. When their fingers intertwined, Selena met Killian's eyes, they were looking straight into her eyes – digging into her soul.

His eyes were conveying something she could not interpret. She stayed looking at him, into his deep black eyes but, she didn't get any answer.

Their body moved as the music started, it was a soft and melancholic melody. It could set anyone's mind to romantic but, Selena felt different. Despite the warmness coming from Killian's hand, Selena's body was frozen staring at Alejandro.

"Look at me Selena," Killian's deep voice has made her turn at him, and when she met his eyes and noticed his eyelashes flickered, Selena understood that Killian was worried about her.

"He said he likes me. Do you think it's true?" she asked in an almost broken voice.

Selena's gazed dropped away for a moment, and then her face elevated, looking into Killian's eyes.

"Why are you doubting him?" he asked back, refusing to answer her question.

Selena gulped hard and said, "it just that, he said he likes me and then do something else. It's confusing me."

"Should we try him?" his usual teasing voice has come back. A line appeared in between Selena's brows as she thought of his words.

"What do you mean?"

"Do you trust me?" Selena instantly shook her head as a response.

"How could I trust you? You always lie to me." She pouted a little, remembering how much he used to tease her in the past.

"I have never lied to you Selena and I want to continue that," his face became serious as he said those words.


"Then tell me, do you like me?" she courageously asked.

"I want you to be happy Selena," he replied without catching a breath.

She could hear the sincerity in his voice, but still, he didn't answer her question.

"That's not my question."

"I said I will never lie to you but that doesn't mean I will answer all your questions." Kilian's body stopped for a moment while the music continues on playing in a slow and romantic way, he was giving her a lopsided smile, eyes twinkled tauntingly.

Selena stopped as well. When his hands laid on her shoulders, she saw his lips gradually parting.

"I will be gone for sometime Selena. You are free... for now," saying that, Killian swiftly drew closer. Her body stiffed, her lips shivered when she felt the familiar lips on hers.

Before she could push him, her sight caught Killian's body flying in the air. Her eyes swelled with shock as she turned at the person next to her, it was no other than Alejandro, face so red and veins in his neck were popping out with anger.


“Or we can say our goodbyes in my cabin, just like the old times,”


A line for tomorrow's update.

Thank you so much!!!!!

Sarah A.

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