

In a world where theres that typical couple where the boyfriend doesn't show his affection to his girl. But here's the twist, the girl doesn't give a single damn. Leira doesn't even notice the odd to the point she sometimes forget that she in fact has a boyfriend, Seunwo. Known to a be a cool couple by their friends, she thought nothing would went wrong. To make the story more interesting, a gentleman comes in trying to sway her. Will she get out of the relationship she had with Seunwoo and choose the nicer guy? Is the boyfriend bad in the first place?

poezrason · Teen
Not enough ratings
47 Chs



Despite gathering together as a whole complete group, the table was quiet.

Only the waves and distinct chatter from the people downstairs could be heard.

"I can't look at him. I'm going." Chae stood up only to sit back down burying her face in Dohyon's neck after her brother eyed her.

"Grow up Chae."

"You grow up, mister who only knows how to woo rude bitches."

Hwiyun and Chae glared at each other while Leira lost count on how many shots she had drank. She began to realise that she is sitting in one table with her ex boyfriend.

"Can you just tell him what did Sena said? At least he knows what to decide. Sena is his girlfriend after all."

"Drunk Leira has a point. Spill it." Taejin sighed. Dohyon just folded his arms.

"I hate this awkward feeling around us. I had enough stress sitting across this doctor. I want to go home." Leira muttered solemnly.

Chae looked at Dohyon seeking help. As if they were talking telepathically, Dohyon shrugged while Chae puffed her cheeks before groaning dejectedly.

"Fine. She made a rude remark about you, Lei."

"...okay so?"

"Ugh, basically she said that you are a slut that sleeps around for money."

Expecting her to react differently, they were taken back with how Leira just drink calmly.

"Everybody knows that so I get it."


"No, are you not aware of it? My own mother told everyone the same thing before." She was about to pour another glass of soju when a hand stopped her.

" That's enough Lei."

"Why do you care Seunwo?" She yanked back her hand and stood up. Seunwo clenched his jaw at her coldness.

"If you're going to fight each other because of some dumb rumors about me, that's just sad. " She said and headed to the stairs.

Dohyon was about to get up when Seunwo catch up to her. Taejin just nodded assuringly at him.

"They did need to talk anyways."



She just walked, staggering a bit until Seunwo stopped her from getting into the car.

"Leira. You're drunk. Dont-"

"I'm not stupid. I'm just going to wait and sober up." Leira said coldly and sidestepped him before sliding into her car.

"It's dangerous to stay out like this."

"I'm going to be fine. Don't let me trouble you."

"Stop being stubborn. You know well how wild you become when you're drunk." Seunwo said lifting her up easily and put her down at the passenger seat. He put on the safety belt on her and took out his phone.

"Taejin. I'll come to get my car tomorrow." He said shortly and ended the call after Taejin just asked him to not worry about it.

Leira leaned to the window, giving up on pushing him away like she planned if she ever meet him again.

The car ride was silent but they both felt the familiarity that was comfortable yet sorrowful.

"The same?"

She just hummed.

"How are you?" Seunwo asked breaking the silence. She chuckled bitterly.

"Never been better- Oh, is this about what you heard about my mother? Turns out my life isn't that perfect after all. Sorry to burst your bubble, doc."

".....I shouldn't have said that."

"You wouldn't know. It was inevitable anyways." Leira sighed, closing her eyes. She pushed back the thought from recalling her painful break up.

"Still, it was insensitive of me to say that, Lei."

Looking to his side profile, she could see the frown forming on his temple. Unknowingly, she felt bad for him.

It's always her bad habit of feeling sad whenever Seunwo was not in his best.

"You said you were having problems too that time...Are you okay now?" She asked softly. Seunwo nodded.

"Yeah..and I came to realise a lot of things."

"That's good then."

He pulled up to the lobby of her loft and turned to her which she immediately look away, facing her lobby.

"You're sobered up a bit right? It was a 30 minute drive, after all." Seunwo said unbuckling his seat belts. She nodded silently.

"I can send you home-"

"No, it's late. I already called a taxi."

"Ah, okay. Thanks...for driving me home and I'm sorry for being cranky to you earlier." Leira said meeting his eyes. Emotions immediately starts to rise in her.

Seunwo plastered his usual warm smile at her.

"You're welcome."

Getting out of the car, Seunwo and Leira looked at each other briefly before bidding goodbyes.

"See you around then."

"..Yeah." Leira can't help but to hold back her tears.

She was about to get into her car when Seunwo called out to her.


A tear slide down her eye to which she quickly wipe before facing him. She knew that from there, he was aware of her situation judging from his sad smile.

She missed him and he missed her too.



"Leira left. Can I go now?" Chae asked annoyedly.

"Yeah, sure." Taejin said and the two didn't waste a time getting out of the rooftop. He shook his head in dismay looking at his little sister and faced the male that was quiet ever since the truth came out.

"What are you going to do?"

"I never though Sena would be a person like that. She didn't seem like a type of person that would talk badly about my friends." Hwiyun said scowling.

"Now, you know. Want anything? My treat." Taejin said calling his waiter to clean the table. Hwiyun just shook his head.

"I need to do right thing." He said.

Taejin watched the long haired male went down the stairs with his phone on his ear but he came back sliding his credit card into Taejin's shirt pocket.

"Use that for today's bill. Just give me whenever you see me." Hwiyun said and walked back downstairs and soon sped off with his car.

The older male leaned back to his seat, enjoying the night breeze.

"Seems like I did something pretty good as an older figure to those kids. Here, you deserve a pat Lee Taejin." He chuckled patting his own shoulder.


Weeks gone by, Leira felt like her life gone better ever since her mother stopped bothering her. She would stopped by the company from time to time to check on her brother and help with whatever she can.

"I'm just leaving my brother's office. Where do you want hang out?"

"Your warehouse, duh."

"Okay. I'm stopping by the mall for a bit. Kinda bored of my closet nowadays."

"Please, you say that and yet you would buy the usual turtlenecks variety, from crop tops to baggy ones and bunch whole lot of hoodies. Oh and wide high rise oversized cut jeans. As for you shoes-"

"Alright, miss know it all. You know me too well." Leira laughed as she stepped into Chanel apparel store.

"Have you...talked to him?" Leira asked carefully. She heard her friend sighed on the other line.

"No. He hasn't been contacting me so why should I."


"I know I know. I'm still butt hurt with what he said to me. He said I was being like his mother! This young hot blonde pretty lady as a strict mother. If he said a loving mother than it would not bother me that much."

"Yeah, yeah I get it. So you don't want me to invite him then.."

"Don't know. Don't ask me, bye." Chae ended the call making the lady chuckle amused.

Taking her time, she carefully look for any design that caught her eyes. Being familiar with their sizes, she didn't want to waste time trying the outfits on and just picked out the clothing that she wanted.

She was having a serene time when an annoying high pitched haughty voice cracked her peacefulness.

"Do you even have the money to shop here?"

Leira just looked at her weirdly.


"Yeah you should be. Because of you, Hwiyun dumped me. Is this what you did to all your victims? Seduce them with your fake-"

"Miss Leira, should we send these to your penthouse?" A sales lady said cutting of the young girl's words. Sena glared at her.

"Rude. I'm still talking here."

"...Yes please. Thank you." Leira said calmly and the sales lady smiled at her apologetically and went back to the counter to wrap her buyings. She sighed and faced back to the fuming lady.

"Look, I don't control him. If he broke up with you then, that's your problem with him. Venting it out on me, isn't going to change anything." She said and went to the counter to pay her things.

"I will let everyone know how much of a slut you are."

"Yeah, sure. You do that if it makes you feel better." Leira said sliding her card and was ready to get the hell out of there when the sales lady stopped her.

"I almost forgot!" The sales lady said and went to the their storage before coming back out with a box.

"This has just arrived this morning.They wanted to give you first beforehand." The sales lady said opening the box to show her the content.

Sena's eyes widened at the sight of the limited edition bag.


"Oh right. I did said I wanted one. Just send this with the others to my house. I'll make sure to thank them later. Thanks." Leira said and the sales lady nodded and bowed to her respectfully when she left.

"I want that too! I've been trying to-"

"I'm sorry miss. That bag is made for a list of names. If you want it, you will have to wait for another year-"

"Ugh. Whatever." Sena said and walked out fast, not going to let it go, Sena stomped her way to Leira to make more commotion. Leira felt her head throbbing from being too annoyed.

"I'm not done with you-" She reached out to pull Leira's hair when she was pulled away out of her hand's reach. Sena glared at the newcomer who had saved Leira.

"Mind your own- Hwi- Hwiyun?!"

"What is wrong with you?" He said frowning.

"She- She's the reason why we broke up!" Her eyes starts to pool.

"Yes she is. That's because you can't even respect my friends. Don't bother her anymore." Hwiyun pulled Leira by the hand and walked out of the mall. Leira just sighed letting herself being dragged off.

"Hey there Hwi pup."

"I'm sorry."

"Nah. Save that for Chae. She's the one that was affected by it. You did said some mean things to her." Leira patted his shoulder. Hwiyun sighed knowingly.

"Yeah.. It just slipped, man. I didn't mean it."

"You and your sharp tongue."

Leira walked with him arm in arm by the city. It took him awhile to realise that he had left his car at the mall.

"Uh, where are we going?" He asked earning a chuckle from his female friend.

"Micki Dees."

"You hungry?"

"Kinda but we're going to cook later. I just going to meet Seunwo for ice cream."

"Huh." Hwiyun said nodding but still confused. Leira just smiled and entered the fast food restaurant with him.


"Lei. I ordered so just sit." Seunwo said looking up from his newspaper and back down to read.

They sat down and Hwiyun cant help but to wonder. Hwiyun looked at the two ex couple converse naturally about their life while she ate her ice cream and Seunwo drank his americano.

"Uh guys?"

"Yeah what?" Leira said dipping the fries into her sundae. Seunwo just hummed.

"Aren't you guys broken up?"

"We're friends now." Leira said shortly. Hwiyun blinked and turned to the ex.

Seunwo nodded like it was a no brainer. The male found himself chuckling.

"Right, cool people. I get it. Just friends? Moved on?"

The question made the two seemingly cool people tensed in their seat. Hwiyun hold back his amused laugh.

"Complicated huh."

"Well, we didn't work out when we were dating so....might as well be friends." She said nonchalantly. Seunwo slowly nodded again.

"..Yeah. Like she said."

"Very complicated." Hwiyun said earning a jab from the girl.