
Swapping Geneive

Saving someone from drowning was the last thing I would do, ESPECIALLY if I couldn't swim. This only excited Geneive though. Driven with greed and the need for fame, FINALLY! this was her chance to shine. It was 'clearly' the gods that had gifted her this opportunity and there was no way in hell she was going to let it slip pass her buttery fingers. She smirked as she thought of herself being on T.V .' Scrawny teen girl saves helpless boy from drowning' there was no denying that she would be a household name.. Letting out a croaky battle cry, with a new set of determination, she marches into the unforgiving waters without even questioning the sudden change in weather. What she didn't know was from the moment she placed her feet into the odd lake her life was about to change drastically. Yes change was going to happen. But things do not always go as plan, do they....? Forcefully thrown into a world that Geneive thought only existed between her book pages, she is mortified when she finds out what exactly what she has landed herself into. Escaping 'maybe with a few antiques' is her main priority, but will she want to when she finds out exactly what or who is waiting for her?

Ploppyreads_ · Fantasy
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Chapter 3 ~ Who Are You Perverts!

Geneive's pov

I groan, licking my dry lips unconsciously. A small action like this, caused my entire body to erupt in pain. I felt as if I had been ran over by multiple trucks, then, picked by revengeful pigeons.

" Is she gonna wake up soon?" A deep unfamiliar voice questions.

" Serves her right, for trying to drown herself, " A female snaps.

" Of course she would do that! you told her she has to mate with someone who was not her mate," he whisper-yells. She laughs houmourlessly.

" At least someone wants her, she should just accept it, it's not as if her mate would want her, she should thank me for doing her a favour!" her voice raises.

" Yeah, but the Alpha is an old man, he's older than me! and I'm old."

" Who cares! She'll be with an Alpha, it's every teenage girl's dream!" she shots back.

Were they arguing about me? And who was this Alpha guy?

" Yeah, that's her 'dream', that's why we found her in a lake near the forest, almost frozen to death, " he retorts, laughing sarcastically. Who are these freaks?

Also I can't remember trying to kill myself? I was tricked for goodness sake!

I try opening my eyes, but they wouldn't lift an inch. Darn eyes.

" No need to worry Mr. Lawson, she should awake any time now, also watch what your saying, she's in a coma, not dead so she could be hearing," another male voice replies.

I hear a loud scoff.

" Good, Yo wake up, it's been a while since the house was last cleaned," the same female says.

What the.. Who does she expect to clean the dirty house, me?

Some women these days I tell you.

" She'll still need to rest for a few days, so I would advise that you not to let her do any chores," he warns.

" Mind your damm business, she'll be fine!" she snaps. The nerve of this woman..

The scent of chlorine and disinfect, becomes so overwhelming, I force my eyes to open, shutting them quickly as I was greeted by the sun's harsh glare.

" Gosh, can you guys like close the blinds before I go blind or something? also I think your throat needs to get checked out, got some weird sounds coming out of there," I mutter sleepily blocking out the sunlight with one hand and holding my nose with the other. Someone closes the blinds and I smile letting out sigh of relief, that was much better.

Wait a minute.. Something was off..

This wasn't my bedroom...I slowly lift the thin yellow sheets. The most embarrassing garment invented that had no back and shows your underwear, stares back at me.

I screamed as I sprung up on the bed. I knew my body was going to hurt like hell after this, but I didn't care at the moment. These perverts changed me! They saw my lady parts..

Wait was I kidnapped? Where is that boy? I knew if I found him I would beat the living daylights out of him. Was he even a child? This has to be a dream.. I pinched my arm, hoping I wouldn't feel any pain to prove my point... But I felt the sting.

Okay.. So this wasn't a dream..

I turn and see three gaping faces staring back at me. Do I look that bad?

" Where am I?" I demand, looking around the foreign room. The room was really small, the faded walls had streaks where it had been cleaned previously, an electronic machine sitting on a cart with a lot of wires leading from it.

There was a privacy curtain hanging from the ceiling, separating me from the other patient and the window has a mini blind on it, and a view of a roof of an adjoining building.

" Has she gone mad," the woman says boredly, making me glare at her. What was her problem?

She glares back at me with a scowl etched unto her thin pale face.

Her thinning blond hair was up in a high ponytail and her pointy nose was held upwards reminding me of a Dorito. I could really do with a pack of those.

My stomach rumbles just at the thought of it. Its been a while since I last ate.

The man beside her was more tan and shorter. He had a gut belly, bushy eyebrows, a bald head and he wore a tight smile.

Who are they?

" Listen here, I don't know why you people kidnapped me, but I would kindly like my clothes, glasses and an escort out of here." I fold my arms.

The tall women, walks closer to the bed until her knees touched the mattress.

" Listen here you little brat, watch the way you are talking or else," she growls. Her eyes glow a lighter shade of brown, and my brows raise.

" So you have money to buy colour changing contacts, but no money for a face surgery? That's harsh," I pout pitifully.

She takes a stance ready to lunge at me, but the man who was dressed in a long white coat, who I assumed to be the doctor, whispers something in her left ear, causing her to step back to where the other man was, still glaring. I smirked sticking out my tongue. Yes I was acting child like but so what? I would do anything to annoy this crazy lady.

The doctor gives me a friendly smile. And my eyes narrow to the size of a pinprick. He was very tall, around 6 feet with dark skin, and a head of thick curls. His bright hazel eyes widen in amusement as he sees my death glare. Taking a seat in the chair next to the bed, he claps his hands excitedly.

How is he so cheery in the morning? Ah probably it's coffee.

" Hi there Geneive, I just want to ask you a few questions," he grins holding a clipboard. I nodded still leaning against the wall.

" What is your name?"

" Geneive."

" Your full name."

" Why do you need to know that?" I raised my brows. He sighs massages his forehead.

" Okay, next question. Do you know who they are? " he asks, pointing his pen towards the odd couple. I shake my head.

" Should I? " I ask..

" These are your parents," he smiles.

" No they're not," my face distorts looking at them.

I don't know what sick game they were into, but I really wasn't in the mood. Was this some kind of role play?

I look around the crammed room, searching for an escape.

My eyes zoomed in on a wooden white door and I smirked. I was going to escape from this smelly place.

I slowly inch to the edge of the bed, cringing as it squeaked with every step and I leap off, heading straight towards the door.

" Run, run as fast as you can, you'll never catch me because, I am the gingerbread man/ woman whichever you freaks prefer muhaha!"

" Stop!" The doctor yells. I roll my eyes still running. Just a few more steps and I would be out of here.

Before I could grab the door handle, the door bursts open, almost smacking me in the face. I jump back as a hand reaches out to grab me.

What were these people problem!

Someone yanks my arm from behind and I thrash around like a wild cat in their grip. Dam they were strong.

" Look! You've got the wrong girl, I know we look alike but I'm not that Geneive! " I yell. I bite the person's arm, and they shout, pushing me away. Someone else grabs me making sure to grip my jaw so I wouldn't bite them. They were treating me like I was some kind of rabid animal!

" This is kidnapping! Let me go!" I shout to the top of my lungs. I don't know what's happening but does that lake has something to do with why I was here...? And if I am here where was the real Geneive?

" Save your sorry excuse for the Alpha. " a gruff voice answers.

Something pricks my neck and I yelp rubbing it. Dam horny mosquitoes. I start feeling dizzy, my bones turn to jelly making me fall on the cold floor. What was it with me falling?


Goosebumps form all over my skin as I feel rough hands running up my arms. I swat them away, rubbing my cheek into the warm fluffy pillow.

" I'm not hiding any books mom ," I grumble. A loud laugh booms throughout the room, making the hairs on the back of my neck stand up. An unsettling feeling begins welling inside of me and I open my eyes, blinking a few times as I try to adjust them in the dim room.

I don't know how, but my body felt much better. Lifting my head, I panick seeing a broad figure sitting at the end of the bed. Everything that happened floods through my mind taking away every ounce of sleep I had left. Oh fudge..

A big hand clasps mine, and I pull away as if his touch burnt me.

Who is this?

I leaned closer trying to see what he looked like. The man, was probably in his late fifties.

His eyes were brown in the middle and blood shot everywhere else, held by fleshy pouches.

He had a lot of grey hair, with a few blond strands, and had an old wrinkly face, with a mold on the right side of his thin lips. I can see why Geneive tried drowning herself. I mean look at him!

He stares at me with an unknown glint in his eyes making me feel uncomfortable. Was this Alpha? My heart pounded against my chest. I hope he was not.

I laugh nervously pulling my knees flush against my chest.

" Um.. Hi there, I know this may sound crazy, but you've got the wrong girl, yes I am Geneive but different, I'm from California, you know?" I fiddle my fingers. I hope he understands. He smiles showing his yellowing teeth. You could clearly see this man didn't own a tooth brush. They reminded me of the sheets I was covering with, this morning.

" What is California? You always find ways to make me laugh my dear," he says hoarsely. Was something wrong with everyone's throat here?

" I'm serious," I mutter, observing that I was in a different room. This room was a lot bigger than the one I was previously in.

It has white clean walls, with a single painting of a black wolf, hanged crookedly.

The twin bed I was on, was covered with a thick dark blue sheet. And on the floor I see a thin green shag carpet, next to the bed.

A worn black bean bag was in the corner of the room and there was a wooden desk piled with papers pushed against the wall. As far as I could see there were no windows. Well there goes plan A.

" Do you like it?" he suddenly questions.

My brows raise. " Why do you ask?"

" Because this will be our room," he grins, scratching behind his neck nervously. This did not look cute in anyway.

I roll my eyes. what made this pervert think that I'll be staying here?

" It's uh..doable, "

He leans closer taking a lock of my hair between his stubby fingers sniffing it. Clearly he didn't know about personal space.

" I always loved your ginger hair, you are the only person in this pack it, so perfect," he grumbles. I pull hair out of his hands, scooting as far as I could away from him. I would have felt flattered if it came from anyone but him.

" Uh, I know," I tucked my hair behind my ears. I would have to wash it in my spear time, when I got out of here.

" Are you Alpha...?"

" Yes I am the alpha of this pack, but my name is, Bruce," he smiles.

" So is this like a role playing cult thing?" I blurted.

He growls making me jump.

" Why is everyone growling?" Gosh this was starting to get old.

" Because we are werewolves, have you forgotten?" he smiles. I stare for a while at this man, before bursting out laughing. I wipe fake tears out of my eyes.

" Are you people nuts? Werewolves," I start laughing again. He growls annoyed at my behaviour.

" You are also a werewolf so I don't get what's so funny," he grumbles.

" If I'm A so called 'werewolf' how come I've never changed into one hmm hmm?" I raise my brows.

" Because only your father is a werewolf, your mother was a human."

" Was?"

" She died while giving birth to you."

Poor Geneive..

" Listen buddy, I don't know what your on, BUT I'm really not from this place. There was this little boy who was drowning, and I tried saving him, but I drowned instead, and then I ended up in this weird place with people claiming to be werewolves, " I ramble.

He clicks his tongue in disapproval, shaking his head.

" The doctor said this would happen,"

" He said what would happen?"

" He said you would forget a lot of your memories, but don't worry, I'll be with you every step of the way, so you don't feel alone," He grins, studying me with a predators unwavering gaze.

I laugh nervously. " Yeah I'm sure you would.. "

" Oh by the way, Happy birthday, " He randomly says.

I look up confused. Today was my birthday?

" What date is it?"

" It's July 19th."

That's strange.. why do we have the same birthday? It was even weirder that we looked the same.. It was so gross. Did this guy wait until she turned eighteen to marry her.. that meant he had his eyes on her for years...? I suddenly felt like throwing up.

Where was the real Geneive?

Why was I here instead of her...?

" Oh, um thank you, I guess," I manage to plaster a fake smile. He grins ruffling my messy hair, making me frown.

" I'll be back in a while, gotta fill my princess's stomach," he sings getting off the bed.

" Oh I also forgot to tell you, the ceremony will be held at midnight, so I will send our omegas to tend to you." and with that he closes the door with a click.

" What ceremony! " I yell, panicking. I ran up to the door and try twisting the door handle, but apparently the guy locked it from outside. Fudge. I kick the door repeatedly. Did I really enter some kind of strange fantasy land? Yes my favourite books were werewolf/ fantasy books... But I never wanted to be the main character... At least the main character guy could have been my age and hot..I probably wouldn't have even put up a fight.. But what was I suppose to do with that grandpa..?

Sixteen Karate kicks, five punches and one shout later, I get tired and lean my back against the wooden door, taking deep breaths.

Inhale exhale, Inhale exhale.

What did I do to fate to make him this angry.

I just was trying to be kind and save someone for goodness sake!

Never Again..

I didn't hear the door opening and someone roughly pushes against it sending me flying. Five women wearing maid outfits barge into the room. They see me sprawled out on the floor, and they quickly run over to pick me up.

" I'm sorry I really didn't see you there," A brunette around my age apologizes, nervously looking at her feet. I laugh softly dusting myself off.

" Nah it's okay, falling has become something... quite normal for me."

I laugh bitterly. Two of the women seemed to be in their forties, and the other two, around my age.

" Alpha, said he was busy so he asked us to give you this," she says handing me a tray of my favourite food. I sigh as the familiar scent hits my nose. Pancakes~

I gingerly cut off a bite and lift the fluffy goodness towards my mouth.

Pure bliss.

The first flavour to unfold itself on my tongue was the sweetness of the syrup followed by the buttery flavour of the pancakes itself.

I scoop another piece to replace the one that was dissolving and then another, and before I knew all that remained on the plate was a few dribbles of syrup. I leaned back patting my full belly. The people here were nuts... But at least the food here was good.

" Waw, I thought you would've left a piece," the maid with the black hair says.

I laugh. " There is never enough food."

" So what are your names?"

" I'm Brenda." the one with black hair says. She points at the one that had opened the door." That's Megan." Megan waves awkwardly.

" Harper." She points to the blond girl with green eyes. Harper nods going back to staring at her feet.

" And lastly Rica." She points to a Spanish middle age woman. Rica grins at me waving. I give them a genuine smile in return.

Can they help me escape?

" Listen, I know this is gonna sound crazy but can you guys help me escape, I'm am not Geneive, well I am Geneive but not the real one, I come from California and I would like to go back there, this place isn't even real" I ramble.

They share a look between each other. They think I'm crazy also.

" Um..you know what, forget I said that....why are you here?" I ask, as I see bags in their hands.

" We are here to ready you for the ceremony tonight ," Rica says excitedly.

At least some was. I roll my eyes.

" What is the ceremony? "

" This ceremony happens when an Alpha finds his mate. They will pray to the moon goodness then they will, mark and mate each other."

" Mate as in.."

" Have sex." someone pipes up. My eyes widen.

Oh hell no.. That wrinkly thing wasn't coming near me.

" And what is a mate, mark and moon goddess again?"

" Mates are like soul mates. Each werewolf has a soulmate, that is given to them by the moon goodness. We usually find our mates after we shift for the first time around the age 16-17.

Marking is when the male wolf bites his mate the place between the neck and shoulder .

Once the female is marked then half of the bond is completed. After the marking process their bond grow stronger in which now they can not only feel each other emotions but also read each other thoughts too. Well the moon goddess is the creator of wolves and mates," Brenda answers.

My neck pains, as I think of him biting me. I'm sure I would get a disease since he didn't brush his teeth. Probably rabies... I shudder.


" Are you not excited? isn't he your mate?"

" Would you be if you were going to mate with someone old enough to be your great grandfather? And no he isn't my mate." I mutter.

She remains quite. Exactly that's what I thought.

I wished this was a dream, I wish that I could just wake up, to my mother threatening me about burning my books, hell I would even let Jessica trip me again and again, but sadly this wasn't a dream. It was a nightmare.


After showering, they dress me in this shea thingy that barley left any room for imagination. I stuck my hand out waiting for the rest of clothing.

" Where is the rest?"

" The rest of what?"

" My clothes ," I say in a duh tone. They can't expect me to go out looking like this..

" Can I change?" I pleaded.

" No." They all answered in unison.

" Why can't I?" I ask for the fiftieth time.

" Because this is traditional wear, all the lunas before you, had to wear this."

" Yeah the lunas before me weren't kidnapped and wore these willingly, I feel sorry for them though, what do you even call this thing." I grumble, pointing the the odd dress.

I'm already held against my will, they could've at least given me proper clothes.

" It doesn't matter what's its called."

An abrupt knock stops our conversation and my stomach drops. Is this it?

They all smile at me sadly, and open the door walking outside. Before the last maid Harper, I believe her name was, sticks a crumble paper into my hand. I stare at her in confusion. She only passes me a look before heading outside with the rest of the maids.

What was this?


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