
Swapping Geneive

Saving someone from drowning was the last thing I would do, ESPECIALLY if I couldn't swim. This only excited Geneive though. Driven with greed and the need for fame, FINALLY! this was her chance to shine. It was 'clearly' the gods that had gifted her this opportunity and there was no way in hell she was going to let it slip pass her buttery fingers. She smirked as she thought of herself being on T.V .' Scrawny teen girl saves helpless boy from drowning' there was no denying that she would be a household name.. Letting out a croaky battle cry, with a new set of determination, she marches into the unforgiving waters without even questioning the sudden change in weather. What she didn't know was from the moment she placed her feet into the odd lake her life was about to change drastically. Yes change was going to happen. But things do not always go as plan, do they....? Forcefully thrown into a world that Geneive thought only existed between her book pages, she is mortified when she finds out what exactly what she has landed herself into. Escaping 'maybe with a few antiques' is her main priority, but will she want to when she finds out exactly what or who is waiting for her?

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Chapter 2 ~ Sink Or Swim

Geneive's pov

" Are you sure you don't want to hang out with us? we're ordering pizza and having a movie night.. " Riley says as we walk out of school.

I shake my head... After what happened today in the cafeteria, I really wasn't in the mood to be around anyone..I just wanted to be alone with my books.

" Have fun, maybe next time though? " I suggest tiredly. They both pout but nod in understanding. We do a group hug and part ways promising to call each other when we got home.

Bending the corner, I step into the small, cozy building I've grown to know as my second home. I smile instantly, as the familiar musty cool air, attacks my face, peppering me with it's cool welcoming kisses. It makes me run my hands up and down my arms feverishly as goosebumps appear.

The atmosphere is buzzing with all things, awakening all my senses.

This place is always like this, as if it was a shelter of refuge.

Warm, abiding, accepting, quiet. My haven.

You could hear hushed conversations, occasionally a turn of a page, a scrap of a chair or the constant humming of the photo copy machine in the far corner of the room.

Students were busy studying for mid term exams, books sloppily thrown all over study desks.

It felt good to finally be out of school. Away from embarrassment, away from...Jessica. I shake my head dispelling any negative thoughts, I wasn't going to let her ruin my mood.

" Good afternoon Mrs.Wong, how are yah? " I smiled, greeting the 60 year old Liberian, also my employer.

She was currently behind her dark oak desk intensely focused on the book she was reading.

Fifteen ways to trick a bad boy? Hmm, what an interesting name, I had to check it out in my free time.

Despite her age, she still manages to look beautiful with her bright eyes of an optimistic, hidden behind her black rimmed glass. Her jet black hair line with a few strands of white, is pulled into a low messy bun.

She owns the library I work part-time in, restocking shelves

and cleaning when we were short of staff, which was most of the time, but I'm not complaining..the pay was also good.

Raising her head from behind her book, she grins at me, making crows feet radiate from the corners of her eyes.

" I'm good dear, and how was school?" she asks, setting her book down. My mood instantly sours, guess there's no way I can ever get away from it.

" It was um..great!" I replied lying through my teeth.

It's not that I liked lying to her, but I didn't want her stressing over me.

Her husband, Mr. Wong was already battling with pancreatic cancer and I didn't want to add anything more to her already full plate.

" Are you sure?" she narrows her eyes getting a vertical wrinkle between her brows.

" Yes?" I answered unsure.

" Hmm....okay.."

" So... has any new books arrived?" I asked, trying to change the topic.

" Yup, about a hour ago," she excitedly claps her hands, whatever we were talking about long gone from her mind. Phew!

She receives a few annoyed glares from people, and she rolls her eyes, making me grin widely.

She points at two big boxes on her desk, and hands me a pair of black scissors. I quickly cut the scotch tape off, taking out the first book. I run my fingers across it's smooth leather cover.

Cracking open the book, I smell the scent of new ink and sand paper. So satisfying..

I carry the heavy boxes to the fantasy section with great struggle, almost dropping it twice and quickly placed it on the floor, trying to catch my breathe.

I really need to get in shape..

Hearing a few snickers, I raise my head and see three middle schoolers, pointing at me, and whispering into each other's ears.

Of course me being the bigger person ignored them, Which was really hard, considering that I wanted to flip them off.

While packing the shelves, one of the books falls from my hand and hits the ground with a loud thud! Which causes me to jump.

I quickly turn to see if anyone saw what had happened, but no one showed any signs that they did.

I pick up the old dusty book, carefully inspecting it.. This was probably way older than my great grandparents... Maybe even older than their parent's parents.

My eyes brows furrowed as I saw the words DIARY written in bold letters across the book cover. How did someone's diary find it's way in here? Did Mrs. Wong know about this? Surely if she did she wouldn't keep it in such an obvious place...I'd say it's destiny for me to meet the book.

Oh well! One small look wouldn't hurt anyone...right? Plus the diary looked as if it was here for quite a while, if the owner wanted their diary they would've already asked for it.

Making up my mind, I settle comfortably on the floor, and lean my back against the shelf and opened the diary, excited to see what juicy secrets would be shown behind the book covers. But just as quickly my smile came it went.

Words.... a lot of strange words, that I didn't understand.

Hmm? I flip through the pages, dust dancing everywhere, around me. Nothing in this book was was even English. Why would you have the words diary in English but the other words in some other language? That doesn't make sense.

Maybe because he knew nosy readers like you would try to read it, my conscience says.

I-I wasn't nosy...it was for information purposes...

I frown disappointed, I really wanted to see what was written.

Deciding on doing some research on it later, I tear out a few pages out of the diary and stuff them into my back pockets. I had to put this diary back before someone caughtme.

Hopefully not Mrs. Wong.

" Curiosity killed the cat, you know, " someone whispers behind me. I jump startled, as my eyes widen.

Oh crap..

I slowly turn around, making sure to hide the diary behind me. Mrs.Wong hands were folded, her eyebrows arched and her lips pursed slightly. I laugh nervously, standing up. I dust myself, even though I knew there was no dirt on me.

" Um..what do you mean?" I asked looking anywhere but her. Did she see me ripping out the pages? I could feel my heart thump loudly against my chest. That's it I'm gonna to be fired..

" Nothing, just saying" she shrugs. I look up curiously at her, so did she see or did she not see?

If she did, she was doing a pretty good job at hiding it.

" Carol isn't here today, so I'll need you to do the cleaning, " she says. I nod, still confused.

She walks away briskly and I release my breath. That was too close.

I couldn't shake off that feeling, you know the feeling when you know something bad was about to happen...?

I shake my head, and resume packing the shelves, the weird diary still in lingering my mind.


It was around five thirty when I finished all the cleaning. I walked to the front seeing Mrs. Wong still reading at the same spot.

I don't know how she manages to do it, I know couldn't sit still for three minutes. The Library was dimly lit and there seemed to be only one person still studying. Poor guy.

" I'm finished. "

" Tell your mother I said hi," she replies curtly not raising her head from her book. Her mood had seem to change drastically after she almost caught me with the diary.

" I will," I force a grin and push open the doors. Warm air greets me, and I shudder. The sun had almost completed it's work for the day and was being replaced by swirls of orange, pink and blue. It was such a shame that I couldn't paint it. I was barely even good at drawing. Let's just say my best piece was a stick man.

There were still a few people lingering outside, either exercising, walking their dogs, or playing.

I felt my phone buzzing in my pocket, and took it out. I had 3 missed calls and 8 messages.

I go in my mothers chat, seeing 4 messages.

Mom: Geneive are you finished with work?

Mom: Are you reading this?

Mom: If you don't answer I'll give your books to your sister.


I roll my eyes, Aubrey hates reading, hell has to freeze over before she'd ever touch a book. I call my mother and she picks up on the first ring.

" Geneive, where are you?" shepanics. I could hear her pacing around. What's wrong with her?

" Don't worry mom I'm fine, I'll be home after I pass by Mrs. Belldrop's shop " I reply trying to calm her down.

I really wanted to taste Mrs. Belldrop's mouth watering pies. My belly rumbled in agreement, it had been hours since I last ate. About five hours and twelve minutes to be precise.

" No no, come home right now, I just heard on the radio that the-" my mother's voice cuts off..

" What? I can't hear you,"

"You... Ho.. .. La-"

Passing by the lake I hear a loud yelp making me stop walking. Was that a child's voice?

" I'll call you back in a bit, bye mom, " I said , quickly hanging up the phone before she could reply.

"Hello?" I called out. It was so quiet, you could hear pin drop.

I shrugged my shoulders, continuing to walk. I probably was hearing things because I was sleepy or something.

I hear the same yelp again and goose bumps crawl onto my skin.

I turn towards the lake, strange... Were lake waves normally this big. They were taller than the shelves in the library. I turn around.

Everyone were still acting normal in the park. Was I the only one seeing this weird stuff?

Stepping closer, I hear it agian and was sure the voice was coming from in the lake. I see something in the water flailing around and squint my eyes to get a better look....

There in the midst of the lake was a little boy that looked no older than 6 years. The waves crashed mercilessly on him as he tried his best to keep afloat. Why was he here at this time of the day?

Where were his parents? Also how are they not hearing or seeing this?

I knew I couldn't swim.. Float? yes.

This is your chance to shine Geneive, imagine how famous you'd be when you go back to school. Finally you'll be noticed! Especially by Nate.. A voice mocked me.. Where was it coming from..?

Imagine seeing yourself on T.V." Scrawny teen girl saves helpless boy from drowning" it whispered. It felt as if who or whatever it was, was behind. Maybe I was just going crazy because when I turned, there was nothing behind me.

" This better be worth it," I muttered knowing what I was sbout to do. I count up to thirty trying to calm muly nerves and then I was ready to go.

With a new set of confidence, I march into the strange water determined to rescue him. I kept walking, and walking and the closer I got the further he seemed. Strange.. Turning back to see how far I was from the shore, I gasped. I was already in the middle of the lake. Why didn't I reach him as yet? He didn't seem that far.

I looked ahead forcing away my nervousness taking a huge breath. But panic quickly set in agian as I realised the boy wasn't there any more... Where did he go? He was here just a minute ago!

" Where are you!" I shouted, doing a 360 turn making sure to look as far as my eyes could go, he was no where in sight. It was only me in the lake." Listen here kid, this is is not funny. I'm going if you don't answer," I said nervously. Silence

" Suit yourself." I grumble. Silence.

That feeling was back again, and I was ready to get out of the water.

I try lifting my foot, but it doesn't move as if something was weighing it down.

In less than a minute to process what was happening, something grabs unto my foot, dragging me slowly into the lake. Panic sets in the pit of my stomach, my heart aches, and my chest tightens painfully. As the cold fist squeezes my foot I yelp in pain shouting out for help.

The water suddenly felt icy, as if shards of glass were plunging into my skin, cutting me tauntingly.

The water turns impossibly dark almost an opaque black that I couldn't see anything from neck down. What was under there..? I cover my mouth feeling nauseous. Was this how people with thalassophaobia felt..?

I try kicking the thing repeatedly, but it didn't budge. It even tightened it's grip angrily causing me to swear loudly.

" Let go of me!" I yell trying to pull my foot, out of it's grasp.

So caught up with trying to free my foot, I didn't see the wave barreling toward me from behind. Crashing mercilessly into me it, knocks all the air out if me. My body is completely pulled under water and my head starts pounding. Still shocked, my breaths came out rushed, as salty water invaded my mouth..

My chest was on fire, I needed to breathe!

I thrash around like a mad woman, I was not going to end like this, heck, I've never had my first kiss yet! How dare this... Thing!

I kept struggling for what felt like hours, days. A constant battle between me and whatever it was that had my foot.. But I was getting sleepy.. I couldn't continue doing this.

My hands grew tired and heavy, my body cried, aching for me to stop. To just give in. No one likes you anyway, no one's going to save you..The voice says mockingly.. Was this how I was going to end? My clothes felt like bricks weighing me down even further. I wanted it off but I didn't have the strength.

Tears brim my eyes, as I try my hardest to hold my breath. I kept telling myself to hold on, maybe someone would see..? I laughed.. I didn't even believe myself.. My lungs burned, the urge to breathe was unbearable.

I stretched my hands out, but the surface seemed so far away.

My head is roughly slammed against something. And I don't bother touching my forehead knowing already that it was bleeding, suddenly I felt dizzy.

Bubbles spew out of my mouth, taking away the only breath I had left. Blackness clouds my vision, and I see all the moments of my life flash through my eyes. My ears ring loudly, even though I knew it was quiet.

The last thing I saw as I took my last breath, were the papers I tore out the diary, floating hauntingly above me.
