
Surviving The Transmigrated World

Anders turned eighteen and had to serve for military service for 9 months. He thought his boring and monotone life was going to continue but he ends up transmigrating to another world. Will his new life be as boring as the last?

Blue_Monkey · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
2 Chs


A burly young man was leaving a wide building. His name was Anders Lockhart, he just finished military service that is mandatory for men above the age of eighteen.

Following nine months of service in the army, now being out he was heading to hang out with his friends, he hadn't seen in a long time.

"Anders, watch out!"

He heard a familiar voice calling out to him with a hint of distress, he turned his head and the sight of one of his friend pointing behind him came into view.

He looked behind him and a truck was approching him at great speed. His heart started pounding like a hand was pressing it, he tried to move his body but only pain was felt before his mind went blank. His last thoughts were "what a meaningless life I've lived."


He looked down and saw and that his body was a teenager's, he saw his reflection in a piece of broken glass but it wasn't the face he was familiar with. He was a young man with long dull and dark hair and brown eyes, altough his looks were messy, he could tell he was quite handsome as he touched his face.

"Who is this? Did I take his body?"

"Where am I?"

He had so many questions about this situation.


A slight groan escaped from his mouth, his eyes were heavy and a excruciating pain was what greeted him as he tried to stand up with difficulty. It felt like needles were poking both the inside and outside of his body. He tried to think about this, suddently a sharp headache battered his head.

Memories of whose body he found himself in belonged to started to flow into my mind. The fifteen years old boy was named Kaladin and his life was quite similar to his as both of their parents were dead.

Monsters known as abominations emerged in the town and ravaged the town, Kaladin was slightly bruised by a poisonous abomination before he ran away.

"The poison seems to have killed him before I took possession of his body, I guess i'm Kaladin now"

Heavy footsteps resounded around

"Thud, thud!"

He turned his head in the direction of the sound, what entered his vision was a humanoid creature similar to a wolf just accros the street. Seeing the monstruosity getting closer, fear invaded his mind and only one thought remained 'RUN AWAY'

Ignoring the agonizing pain going through his body, he fled to hide in another place since it didn't seem to have seen him.

His legs were heavy and he wanted to stop running yet the image of that monster was engraved in his mind, he didn't want to waste the new life given to him, so he keeped on running.

After having ran for thirty seconds, he heard something rush towards him, he assumed it picked up his scent.

His heart skipped a beat when more footsteps were coming for all sides and soon four of those monsters were surronding him, recalling their name called from his newfound memories. They were called abominations and their objective was to run amok and slaughter.

He thought this second life was going to end because they were growling and ready to pouce at him.


A rough voice was heard and he did as it said, ducking without hesitation.

He felt something passing above his head and after raising it, a muscular man cleaved two of those abominations with a sword as long as he was tall.

He came towards him and prepared to face the two remaining.

"Don't worry kid, I'm an adventurer here to exterminate the horde."

Hearing that, he recalled the nature of this world. That's right in this world humans were able to use a power called mana to transcend their limits.

He was stupefied by the sight of a man cutting in two abominations like they were butter. Even though the past Kaladin knew their existence, he had never met one let alone one so strong.

He wondered if he could became as strong as the man or maybe even stronger. He knew from his memories that at the age of sixteen the process of awakening takes place. His decision was to go to a library after this all, in order to collect informations since he got a opportunity to start a new life.

he decided to try his best to live without regrets unlike his past life.

The man came to his side, he had a stern looking face with auburn hair.

"My name is Alaric, like I said before i'm an adventurer, what's your name kid?"

"I'm Kaladin Lockhart"

Without thinking he used his last name from his past life.

Looking at his crumbling body, Alaric reached out for something in his bag and at tossed him something.

Looking at the vial in his grasp, Kaladin could deduce it was a low rank healing potion. He could only thank god he met someone respectable as he gulped down the liquid, he felt his body becoming lighter and stronger.

"Thank you for the potion sir"

"Don't sweat it lives matter more than some liquid, I will now take you to my party"

Before he could understand what was going on, he was picked up with one arm and Alaric started hopping from house to house.

Several minutes later, they arrived deeper in the town, and dozens of people were gathered.

Alaric put him down and approched a group of people facing the crowd. As he joined the group of seven, a bald man took a step foward.

"Hello everyone, i'm Howard Rocky adventurer's leader. We adventurers came as soon as we caught wind of a horde of abominations coming towards the town.

Other groups of adventurer will come here so we ask you to remain here in safety."

Howard went on with his speech but Kaladin wasn't listening to him anymore, he was thinking about his future plans, he planned to head out to a library as his memories didn't seem to know much about mana, and he knew having it could change his life. As the saying goes information is power.