
Surviving in two worlds (ingles)

When I decided to play Diablo 2 to remember my youth, I realized that I appeared in the game and to top it off, I also got involved with the world of Azeroth. Will I be able to survive? Or be another victim of the disasters of these worlds. most of the characters are not my property, I do not have any property or credit on them and I encourage people to know the original works ---------------------------------------------- English is not my native language, so don't be surprised by grammatical errors. ---------------------------------------------- Link para donaciones (www.patreon.com/Osito0)

Osito0 · Video Games
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27 Chs


25 Dalaran

The next day, returning to the world of Azeroth, I head to my office after putting on something more comfortable.

In my office I sit at the desk, during this time I was very tense and I didn't have time to rest, now that everything is almost ready I have time to think about myself, I will continue my training in the world of Diablo.

I don't know the history of Word of Warcraft in detail, but I know some situations, I played the game as a hobby and I would like to meet some characters now that I'm here.

Ordering my thoughts I decide my first destination, I call Marcos.

Juan: Marcos calls Mr. Ampeter, I would like to speak with him.

After a while Marcos returns with Ampeter.

Juan: Good morning, Mr. Ampeter.

Ampeter: Good morning sir.

He returns the salute as he bows.

Juan: I called him to tell him that I will not be in the city very often, he can manage the city as he wants, I just want you to do some things, apart from the construction of the wall and the improvement of the port, I want you to contact Miss Carla , she has some tasks that will need coordination with you, also about the security of the city, I want you to look for soldiers to maintain security, I want crime to disappear from it and don't forget the people who have an important position, you can arrest them if they are corrupt and commit crimes.

Ampeter: I understand, about obtaining soldiers, how should I do it.

Juan: You can train them or hire them from anywhere, all I want is for them to keep the city safe.

Ampere: I understand.

I give him money so that he can use it in case he lacks it, once he leaves I call Marcos.

Juan: Marcos, as I already said, I will leave, but I will return every time to see how things are going around here, I want you to keep everything in order and watch what happens in the city, I want to trust Mr. Ampeter, but you never know.

Mark: Yes sir.

Juan: call Marón.

Marcos leaves and returns with the magician Marón.

Juan: Marón I want to consult you about some things.

Maroon: no problem.

Juan: do you know the city of Dalaran?

Maroon: Yes sir.

Juan: Do you know how I can enter the city?

Marón: It is very difficult to enter the city, they have very strict rules, you have to ask for a permit to enter, this takes a long time, another way is to show talent for magic and they will accept you as a student of magic, but they will not let you leave from the city.

I think for a while, I could show them my mana manipulation and I'm sure they'll accept me, but not being able to leave the city is not good for me, I just have to ask permission.

Juan: How long do I have to wait to get in?

Marón: the minimum waiting time is two months.

It's not a lot of time, but it would waste a lot of time in my situation.

Juan: By the way, because you are here and not in Dalaran.

He seems to hesitate and speaks after thinking about it.

Maron: sir, my magic talent was good, but not enough to move forward, I could only learn the basics, since my talent was no longer good enough they stopped giving me the resources, I could stay in Dalaran city, but I wanted to continue my studies in magic, so I decided to leave the city to find an opportunity to continue my studies.

Juan: I see, so that's why you offer your services.

Marón: Yes, I need money to spend and find an opportunity.

Juan: can there be a way to get in faster?

He thinks for a while.

Maron: The best way is to get their attention and then give them a good reason to let you in.

Something to get your attention? I think of something that can be useful, I have several things that can be useful, my training method, my skills, the materials of the world of Diablo, thinking about this an idea occurs to me.

I pull out a shattered amethyst, show Maron, and say.

Juan: can this work?

Maron grabs the gem and inspects it, then is shocked and excited.

Marón: Sir, where do I get this?

Juan: I found it in one of my adventures, what's up?, does it work?

Marón: sir, this is amazing, this gem contains a very powerful and pure energy, if this worked.

says excited

Juan: then you can take it to them so they can check it.

Marón: right away sir.

He teleports.

I stay in my office and take out the holy book while I wait for him to come back.

After a couple of hours I feel the atmosphere change, I can feel the mana around me become more active, then Maron with a man appears.

Marón: sir, I brought one of the assistants of the Archmage Antonidas.

Brand: Good morning sir, my name is Brand one of Lord Antonidas' attendants, I came here to invite you on behalf of Lord Antonidas.

I didn't think the gem would catch Antonidas's attention.

Juan: It's fine.

Brand started to cast the teleport ability and we appeared in a room, where an old man was sitting waiting for us.

Antonidas: Hello, my name is Antonidas.

Juan: Nice to meet you sir, I'm Juan.

I reply and introduce myself.

Antonidas: the magician Maron said that the owner of the gem he brought is yours.

Juan: Yes sir.

Antonidas: Could you tell me where you found these gems.

Juan: I found them on top of a bandit, they seemed nice to me and I picked them up.

I lie to him, I didn't want to tell him that I can get more, I know that Antonidas is closed-minded and I don't want anything bad to happen to me.

Antonidas: I see, so you have some more?

It seems that my decision was correct.

Juan: I have some, sir, could you tell me what these gems are for?

Antonidas: Gems contain great energy and it is very stable, at first glance we could see that we can absorb the energy it contains helping us improve, we are still investigating if there is a better way to use them.

It seems that gems are very valuable.

Juan: sir, it seems that the gems seem very valuable.

Antonidas: for us they are very valuable, I don't know if you could sell me the ones you have.

Juan: sir, I can sell them, but I don't want gold coins.

Anthony: What do you want?

Juan: I would like you to give me the magic spells and spells.

Antonidas falls silent and concentrates on me, seeming surprised when he does this.

Antonidas: I don't feel mana in you, why do you need our spells? Only those who have mana can cast it.

The reason why he can't feel my mana, is that I learned to hide it, I didn't want anyone to find out about my power and that it might be a trump card.

Juan: I am curious about spells and would like to study them.

Antonidas looks at me for a while and then looks at Maron, he seems to think of something.

Antonidas: I can give it to you, but you can't show it to anyone, this is the fruit of the Dalaran wizards' research, I give it to you only because these gems are very valuable.

John: thank you.

I thank him and take out 9 more gems, Antonidas seems happy.

Juan: Mr. Antonidas, would you mind if I can explore the city?

Antonidas doesn't seem to weigh much on me, he's very focused on the gems.

Antonidas: It's fine, just don't cause any trouble.

I say goodbye and go out with the help of his assistant, I don't want to disturb him and I leave quietly so as not to disturb him.

Brand: I can only accompany you here, Lord Antonidas gave you permission to be in the city, be careful not to enter prohibited places.

Juan: thank you.

I say goodbye to the assistant.

Juan: I hope you can guide me through the magician city Marón.

He is a bit anxious, but he seems to calm down and answer me.

Marón: Okay, please follow me.

We walked around the city, it is very big and has the same architecture as in the game, with the help of Maron I was able to buy various items, such as potions, scrolls and various other items, I will present it to Akara to study, I also bought several magic weapons, Charsi asked me to bring various weapons and armor, after seeing my paladin outfit, she says that the technique used is different from what she knows.

After a while Brand approaches.

Brand: Excuse me, here I have all the things we promised.

He says and hands me a space bag.

Juan: Thank you and also thank Mr. Antonidas.

With all matters finished, I ask Maron to return us to Holands, I wanted to see Jaina but I couldn't find her, Maron activates the teleportation and we arrive quickly.

As soon as we arrive at my office I feel uncomfortable, if I'm not mistaken, any magician can teleport to my room without any restriction, I want to ask Maron, but I look like she wants to ask me something.

Juan: Marón, it seems that you want to tell me something, say what you think.

He looks at me doubtfully and speaks.

Marón: sir, because you gave the stones to Lord Antonidas, I think you already know that those gems are very valuable, when I held it I felt how my affinity increased and improved, according to my calculations if I absorbed the energy of the gems I could become a great magician

Hell I didn't think they would be so valuable, no way, I have a lot of them, plus they're just fragmented.

Juan: Calm down.

I say as I throw a shattered amethyst at him, he quickly catches it and is shocked.

Maron: I thought you gave everything to Lord Antonidas.

Juan: haha, yes, he also thought so or I hope so, you can stay with her, but don't tell anyone, they would be in trouble if they find out.

He nods quickly and thanks.

Juan: by the way I wanted to ask you if there is a way that they can't teleport without my permission, I don't want them to teleport to my room without my permission.

Maron: Although not many mages can use teleportation, there is a formation that restricts space.

Juan: can you get it?

Maron: yes.

Juan: thank you.

So he leaves excited with the gem in his hand.