
Surviving in two worlds (ingles)

When I decided to play Diablo 2 to remember my youth, I realized that I appeared in the game and to top it off, I also got involved with the world of Azeroth. Will I be able to survive? Or be another victim of the disasters of these worlds. most of the characters are not my property, I do not have any property or credit on them and I encourage people to know the original works ---------------------------------------------- English is not my native language, so don't be surprised by grammatical errors. ---------------------------------------------- Link para donaciones (www.patreon.com/Osito0)

Osito0 · Video Games
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27 Chs

Blood Raven

26 Blood Raven

When Marón leaves I take out the books that Brand gave me, reviewing I was able to find several magician abilities, but the one that matters most to me is one, teleportation, I don't want to depend on a magician to be able to move long distances, this was the reason why I chose go to Dalaran first.

My next destination will be Ironforge, I will go to buy armor and weapons for Charsi, I go to Akara's shop when it gets dark.

Juan: Hi Akara.

Akara: Hi Juan, how can I help you?

Juan: I brought you some souvenirs.

I tell her and take out the potions, scrolls and enchanted items, she looks at them curiously.

Akara: Interesting, thanks, I'll look into this.

He speaks and enters his shop, he seems cheerful.

I look at it and I leave, the previous time I found the entrance to the cemetery, arriving at Llanura I go to the entrance of the cemetery, while I go into the territory I can see a metal fence, inside there is a bloody crow, I decide to kill all the demons that are around before entering, I don't want them to interfere when I face Blood Crow, I take a day to kill the demons around the graveyard.

Once I don't find any more demons, I enter the inner cemetery through a metal door, I head to the central area, looking for a surprise attack that they can launch at me.

Upon reaching the center I find a large old tree, at the base of the tree there is a corrupt harpy sitting, she had pale skin, she wore leather armor, she carried a bow, her face was covered by a helmet in the shape of a bestial skull , she is blood crow, I slowly approach expecting her to launch an attack on me, but she doesn't seem to react to my presence.

I keep getting closer but she still doesn't react, I prepare my bow, that's when she raised her head and spoke.

Blood Raven: It seems that I will die again, it's been a long time.

This confuses me, in the game she never said that phrase, I stop, I wanted to know what would happen, this is no longer a game, maybe something changed in her.

Juan: It seems that you can speak.

Blood Raven: Should I take that as an insult?

he asks sarcastically.

Juan: I didn't want to insult you, it's just that all the demons I met didn't think and just attacked.

Blood Raven: Don't compare me to them, they're just minions, cannon fodder from hell.

Juan: I see, so we prepare to fight?

Blood Raven: If you want to kill me just do it, anyway, I'll come back to life when the world resets.

John: don't you want to live?

Blood Raven: Why should I betray my sisters, let hell control me, maybe this is my punishment.

He says sadly.

Juan: I thought that now you would fight for the devil.

Blood Raven: When my mind was controlled I fought without my conscience, but after dying so many times the devil's control was, I was able to regain my conscience and all the memories of what I did when controlled.

His sadness increases after saying this.

Juan: and what do you plan to do?

Blood Raven: What to do, I can only stay here and continue to receive my punishment.

He says resignedly while shaking his head.

Juan: You know, the harpies' camp is still standing, they just suffered what you suffered.

His body tenses.

Juan: I don't know what they thought about you, but it would be better if you found a way to help them.

She shakes her head.

Blood Raven: I wish I could help you, but I can't leave this place.

He says helplessly, I think of the harpies who were able to leave the camp.

Juan: if you could get out of here, would you help them?

She thinks and nods.

Blood Raven: If I could get out of here, I'd help them any way I could.

Juan: then follow me.

We walked towards the entrance of the area, although I'm not sure if it will work, but at least we have to try.

To my surprise it worked, she was able to leave the area without any problem, she is surprised by this fact, but manages to calm down quickly.

Cuervo: As I said, I will help as much as I can and I feel that you know how to help them.

I scratch my head and say.

Juan: I don't know how to help them, but I have a feeling I'll know when I get to the world stone.

Raven: as a warrior the only thing I know is to fight, I will help you on your way, I hope you allow me to help you.

I could use your help and I have no reason to refuse, but I don't know how the camp will react, we'll see when the time comes.

Juan: It's fine.

Suddenly a strange energy surrounds us both, she begins to change, her skin becomes pinker, her hair grows, the demonic traits also disappear, when it's all over I can feel a connection with her.

I check the interface and I can see how the icon with her picture appears in the upper left corner, I open the mercenary window, Blood Raven's name is on it and it shows me all the stats of her.

His stats are very high, his numbers are between 3000 to 3600, this makes me more confused on how to have a power system, I have nothing to compare it with, when I have free time I will have to create one.

She keeps checking her body, she takes off her skull helmet to check better, she is very pretty, she has red eyes. Light brown hair and a well defined body, it seemed that she became human, while I examine her she seems to finish checking herself.

Raven: What have you done?

I hasten to deny.

Juan: I didn't do anything, but it seems that we have a connection, do you feel the same?

Raven: In fact, I feel something in my soul, it looks like a contract.

John: contract?

Raven: those of hell make deals through a contract, there are different types, slave, servant, equal, summoning and many others, since I have the power of hell I also know something about this and from what I feel our contract is similar to something like master servant, you are the master and I am the servant.

Juan: I'm sorry, I didn't know this would happen.

I deny quickly, I don't want him to think this was my idea.

Raven: It doesn't matter, I have no intention of being free, I just want you to let me help the harpies.

Juan: don't worry, I also want to help them.

She nods.

Juan: I think it's better to clean the crypt and the mausoleum.

Raven: I don't care.

First I approach the crypt, I order my skeletons to line up and enter slowly, I don't know what opens inside.

When almost all my skeletons enter, I hear noises of weapons fighting each other, I rush the last ones so that they can enter and see what happens.

Entering I see a horde of demons charging against my skeletons, they are like a stampede, my skeletons stand in formation so they don't pass, I quickly draw my bow and shoot, Blood Raven stands next to me and looks at me.

Raven: do you have fringes?

I look at her back and notice that she has a few arrows, I take out several arrows from my storage and put them next to her.

He quickly grabs one and fires into the crowd, hitting a zombie right in the head which dies immediately, but the arrow continues to travel, killing several more.

I was very surprised, I kill demons with two arrows, it seems that I have to practice more.

We moved forward and killed demons all day, they didn't stop coming until we reached a room, in it there was a golden chest next to many skeletons, from my experience I could tell that all of them were elite demons and a couple of them were unique.

With the help of Blood Raven I was able to defeat them quickly and also thanks to the large number of corpses, I was able to summon skeletons once they fell, with all of them dead I think of all the loot I will get, they didn't give me time to collect my loot, before that I approach the chest and open it, various objects shoot out of it, gold, gems, runes, potions, more of the same, I thought they would give me something good, I return my gaze to the corpses, it is time to collect the rest, I it took two hours to collect everything and sort it, separating the fringes from the corpses to use them again, apart from the usual I got several evolution potions and three skill orbs, I have extra strong, magic immune and cold enchantment.

I call harvester, I forget about him, but now that I have several potions that can help him I think it's time to improve him, I grab 9 potions and pour them on his head one by one, the same scene as before happens, when it ends I can feel that his soul is bigger, he looks around, I can feel that he is curious, it seems that with the growth of his soul his intelligence also increases, I take out another ten potions, he looks at his body and starts to move it, but it is more fluid, before he had a clumsiness that characterizes low level skeletons, but now his movements seem like those of a normal person, he grabs his weapon and starts to move it, I look at him for a moment and try to communicate through our connection, he stops He turns to look at me and kneels down, I can feel loyalty, joy and respect coming from him.

I'll leave it for a while, I want to see what the effects will be in the future.

We left the crypt and went to the mausoleum, I want to finish cleaning this area quickly, I don't care if it's night, in closed spaces my vision is reduced, with this in mind, then I don't hesitate to enter the mausoleum, I don't feel tired thanks to the system that only removes stamina when I run.

It took me another day to clean the mausoleum, I got more of the same, this time they only gave me two skill potions, hard skin and cold enchantment, I also leveled up and I'm halfway to the next level, I decide to save my skill points , I have many skills to perfect and I don't want to increase others.

I take out a portal scroll and enter it.