
Surviving in my Own Unpublished Failed Novel

CLICHES LIST: TOWER ✓ DUNGEONS ✓ CONSTELLATIONS ✓ A cliche story of a man, Russell Moon, who has been reincarnated inside his own novel – an unpublished one at that, if that even makes sense! Being in a new world that he was familiar with, he began to uncover the mysteries behind his reincarnation even after trying his best to avoid getting involved, knowing the clear ending of peace if he just let the main characters do their routines. However, he also discovered what he later called "Untouched Elements" These elements could be said to be translated into the saying, I didn't know this shit!

False_Architect · Fantasy
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260 Chs


Sunday Afternoon, Disciplinary Committee Weekly Training

"Good afternoon, everyone. I've taken care of some personal things yesterday; thus, didn't manage to attend the 'Mock Battle', but I've received reports from the Student Council President and every participant will receive their corresponding report or feedback. These reports contained evaluations done by the Student Council President, as well as the Vice-President of the Disciplinary Committee. The reason I am only informing all of you about this right now is that I don't want all or maybe some of you to be conscious that you were being evaluated..."

It was spoken by the platinum-haired woman with ruby eyes, Azalea Vermillion while standing in front of every Disciplinary Committee member including Freya Moon, who recovered gradually and quickly with the help of a medium-grade health and stamina potion, as well as Amery Blight who was sitting beside her.