
Surviving in a Zombie Apocalypse with a Transmutation Skill

In a post-apocalyptic world ravaged by a mysterious outbreak, follow Adrian, a Divini gifted with the power of transmutation, and his AI companion, Sasha, as they navigate a treacherous landscape overrun by the undead. Amidst the ruins of civilization, Adrian strives to forge a new future. His workshop, a hidden sanctuary in the heart of the jungle, becomes a haven where he hones his abilities and creates metallic humanoid beings, a blend of technology and innovation that will serve as his workforce and army. But in a world teeming with dangers and enigmatic adversaries, Adrian's quest for survival and dominance isn't without its challenges. As he unravels the mysteries of the cataclysmic event that reshaped humanity, he discovers the true extent of his powers and the role he must play in this desolate reality. Join Adrian and Sasha on their perilous journey, where alliances are fleeting, and the line between humanity and monstrosity blurs. Amidst the chaos, Adrian seeks to build an empire, battling against the remnants of a world lost to the outbreak, determined to carve a path towards redemption and a new era of dominance in the ashes of a shattered society.

lambdroid · Sci-fi
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5 Chs


Adrian stepped back, observing the newly constructed metallic bodies, now ready to house the AI cores. With a sense of purpose, he retrieved the specially crafted AI cores, intricately designed to synchronize seamlessly with the humanoid shells.

"Sasha," Adrian called out, his voice carrying a commanding yet reassuring tone, "we're about to infuse these shells with the AI cores. Once that's done, I want you to initiate their programming and coordinate their efforts for the fortress construction."

Sasha, her upgraded capabilities now fully integrated, turned her attention to Adrian. "Understood, Adrian. Integrating the AI cores now."

Adrian meticulously installed the AI cores into each metallic body, ensuring a flawless connection. As the cores activated, a subtle hum filled the room, indicating the synchronization process between the shells and the AI.

"Synchronization successful," Sasha confirmed. "Initiating programming sequence for the AI."

Adrian nodded in approval, a sense of anticipation brewing within him. "Once the AI is fully integrated, we'll start the construction."

As the programming commenced, Adrian and Sasha discussed their strategy. "The cavern is our best starting point," Adrian explained. "It offers natural protection, hidden from the radar of both the undead and the Divini."

Sasha nodded in agreement. "It's strategically advantageous. The concealment it provides will allow us to establish a stronghold without drawing unwanted attention."

Adrian glanced around the cavern, envisioning their fortress taking shape within its confines. "The cavern's walls provide a sturdy foundation for construction. We'll reinforce them, creating a formidable stronghold against any potential threats."

Sasha accessed the data on potential vulnerabilities. "The cavern's natural layout allows for easier defense and controlled access points. It's an ideal location to fortify and expand."

Adrian's gaze lingered on the salvaged equipment and tools scattered across the chamber. "We'll utilize the resources we've salvaged to reinforce the cavern's entrance and create essential facilities within. From here, we'll gradually expand, building outwards as we establish our fortress."

Sasha analyzed the blueprints and schematics Adrian had gathered. "We can repurpose salvaged technology and construct defenses, integrating them seamlessly into the cavern's design. Our goal should be to create a self-sustaining, fortified sanctuary."

Adrian nodded, his mind already strategizing the next steps. "Once the AI programming is complete, instruct them to survey the cavern, assess its structural integrity, and commence with the initial phase of construction. Prioritize reinforcing the cavern walls and establishing a secure perimeter."

Sasha processed the directives. "Understood, Adrian. I'll coordinate their efforts to ensure an efficient and methodical approach to construction."

As the AI cores finished integrating, Sasha initiated the programming sequence, granting the newly created entities the directives to survey and fortify the cavern. The metallic bodies, now housing the AI, synchronized with their programming, ready to undertake the monumental task ahead.


With the AI now synchronized and operational within the metallic bodies, they swiftly dispersed throughout the cavern, their movements coordinated by Sasha. Each AI unit meticulously assessed the cavern's structural integrity and started reinforcing its natural defenses.

"Sasha," Adrian called out, "let's prioritize establishing a secure entrance. Replace the makeshift door with something more robust, impenetrable."

Sasha nodded, relaying the command to the AI units. "Initiate the creation of a fortified entrance. We need a door capable of withstanding any potential intrusion."

The metallic bodies, equipped with advanced tools and machinery, began the process of fabricating a powerful door. Adrian supervised the construction, guiding the AI units to craft a formidable barrier—a fusion of salvaged metals and reinforced alloys, designed to seal the cavern from any external threats.

As the AI units worked on the door, Sasha coordinated another set of units tasked with creating hidden turrets and installing surveillance cameras around the perimeter.

"Designate locations for concealed turrets," Adrian instructed, gesturing toward key vantage points. "And position surveillance cameras for comprehensive coverage of the surroundings."

The AI units, guided by Sasha's directives, swiftly maneuvered through the cavern's edges, integrating hidden turrets within the natural formations and strategically placing surveillance cameras, camouflaged amidst the foliage.

Adrian monitored their progress, nodding in satisfaction as the hidden turrets seamlessly blended with the surroundings, ready to emerge and defend the perimeter when needed. Meanwhile, the surveillance cameras, equipped with advanced sensors, offered a comprehensive view of the cavern's surroundings, providing real-time monitoring and threat detection capabilities.

"The door's construction is nearing completion," Sasha announced, her eyes flickering with approval. "The AI units have reinforced it with multiple layers, ensuring maximum security."

Adrian inspected the door, a sturdy yet imposing structure that stood as a testament to their determination. "Excellent work. Let's integrate state-of-the-art security measures—biometric scanners, encryption protocols—to control access."

Sasha relayed the instructions to the AI units, initiating the installation of advanced security systems within the newly crafted door. Biometric scanners and encryption protocols were seamlessly integrated, ensuring that only authorized individuals, like Adrian and Sasha, could gain entry.

As the final touches were put in place, Adrian and Sasha observed the culmination of their efforts—the cavern transformed into a fortified stronghold, guarded by hidden turrets and surveillance systems, its entrance fortified with an impenetrable door.

"Any updates on the structural integrity assessment?" Adrian inquired, his gaze fixed on Sasha as the AI units continued their tasks within the cavern.

Sasha accessed the real-time data from the AI units conducting the assessment. "The AI units are meticulously scanning and reinforcing weak points in the cavern's structure. Initial readings indicate overall stability, but there are areas that require additional fortification."

Adrian nodded, acknowledging the report. "Prioritize those areas. We need the foundation to be rock-solid before we proceed with further expansion."

Sasha relayed the directive to the AI units, emphasizing the need for reinforced support in the identified areas. The metallic bodies, equipped with specialized tools and precision machinery, converged on the targeted zones, reinforcing the cavern's structure to ensure its resilience against external threats.

As the AI units diligently worked on fortifying the weak points, Sasha monitored their progress, providing real-time updates to Adrian. "The reinforcement process is underway. The AI units are reinforcing the designated areas with additional support structures and strengthening the foundations."

Adrian observed the AI units' meticulous work, a sense of determination evident in his expression. "We can't afford any vulnerabilities. Make sure they reinforce those areas thoroughly."

Sasha acknowledged his concern. "Understood, Adrian. The AI units are ensuring thorough reinforcement to enhance the cavern's structural integrity."

Adrian paced around the chamber, his attention focused on the ongoing fortification efforts. "Once we're confident in the cavern's stability, we'll start expanding and fortifying our facilities within. Every step forward needs to be secure."

Sasha nodded, her metallic features mirroring a sense of assurance. "Agreed, Adrian. Security and stability are our top priorities as we build our fortress within this cavern."

As Adrian and Sasha meticulously supervised the fortification of the cavern, a sudden explosion reverberated through the dense jungle, jolting them from their tasks. Adrian's brow furrowed in concern while Sasha swiftly accessed the external surveillance feeds.

"What was that?" Adrian's voice held a note of urgency as he turned to Sasha for answers.

Sasha's sensors scanned the surroundings, analyzing the disturbance. "An explosion occurred not far from here. Two Divinas seem to be engaged in conflict, fighting over resources or territory."

Adrian let out a resigned sigh. "These constant clashes among the powerful Divinas... They create chaos, disrupting any semblance of stability."

He glanced toward the cavern's entrance, his determination resolute. "We can't let them discover our sanctuary. Sasha, deploy the drones. We need to investigate discreetly without alerting them."

Sasha activated the drones Adrian had meticulously crafted, each equipped with advanced stealth capabilities. The drones hovered silently, navigating through the dense foliage, their mission to observe the ongoing confrontation unnoticed.

As the drones reached the scene, Adrian and Sasha watched the live feed, analyzing the situation. The two Divinas, their powers clashing in a display of raw energy, battled fiercely, oblivious to the prying eyes of the drones.

"It appears to be a clash between a pyrokinetic and a telekinetic," Sasha observed.

"We can't risk them discovering our location," Adrian muttered, his mind racing for a solution. "Sasha, we need to eliminate them without a trace."

Sasha processed the request, her analytical circuits calculating potential strategies. "I have an idea, Adrian. We can exploit their conflict, use their powers against each other."

Adrian's eyes narrowed, his ruthless determination surfacing. "Initiate the plan."

Sasha synchronized the drones' movements, manipulating the environment to provoke the Divinas subtly. The drones, equipped with specialized emitters, emitted frequencies that amplified the Divinas' powers, intensifying their abilities without their realization.

As the Divinas' powers surged, their conflict escalated, the energy fluctuations drawing more attention to their battle. Sasha subtly manipulated the surroundings, causing natural disturbances that further fueled their animosity.

Amidst the chaos, Adrian seized the opportunity. He accessed the drones' systems, subtly manipulating the terrain to create an illusion, concealing the cavern's vicinity from the Divinas' senses.

Sasha coordinated the drones' actions, causing a controlled collapse of nearby foliage, obstructing the Divinas' view of the cavern's location. Adrian utilized the drones' capabilities to project false signals, diverting their attention away from the sanctuary.

With precision and cunning, Adrian and Sasha orchestrated a sequence of events that amplified the conflict between the Divinas while obfuscating the cavern's presence. The drones continued their manipulation, subtly guiding the Divinas away from their hidden sanctuary, ensuring that their attention remained fixated on their intense rivalry.

"Stealth functions for the cavern are essential," Adrian remarked, a sense of urgency in his tone as he assessed the situation. "We can't risk detection until our defenses are fully operational."

Sasha, attuned to Adrian's directives, immediately initiated the process to implement stealth measures within the cavern. "Understood, Adrian. I'll prioritize the integration of stealth capabilities to conceal our stronghold."

Adrian paced around the chamber, his mind focused on fortifying their defenses while maintaining the secrecy of their sanctuary. "Ensure the cavern's exterior is equipped with camouflage technology, cloaking it from any detection methods."

Sasha processed the command, her synthetic voice carrying a sense of determination. "Camouflage technology will be integrated into the cavern's exterior, rendering it virtually invisible to outside detection methods."

Adrian's gaze lingered on the cavern's entrance, envisioning the stealth modifications shielding their sanctuary from prying eyes. "We need to remain hidden until we're fully prepared to defend ourselves. Concealment is our best defense for now."

Sasha coordinated the integration of advanced stealth mechanisms, working tirelessly to fortify the cavern's exterior with state-of-the-art camouflage and stealth capabilities. The technology seamlessly blended the cavern into its surroundings, rendering it imperceptible to external scans or surveillance.

As the stealth modifications neared completion, Adrian's determination to safeguard their sanctuary grew stronger. "Sasha, once the stealth measures are in place, initiate a continuous scan for any breaches or vulnerabilities. We can't afford any lapses in our concealment."

Sasha acknowledged the directive, her focus unwavering as she supervised the final integration of the stealth functions. "Continuous scanning protocols will be activated to ensure the integrity of our concealment measures, Adrian."

Adrian observed the cavern's exterior, now cloaked in a veil of sophisticated stealth technology. "Good. Our next priority is to fortify and expand our defenses within while remaining hidden from any potential threats."


Amidst the tense atmosphere, a sense of gratitude toward Sasha's unwavering dedication blossomed within Adrian.

"Sasha," Adrian's voice softened, tinged with a genuine sense of appreciation, "you've been exceptional. Your efforts... they're invaluable."

Sasha turned to face Adrian, her metallic features mirroring a sense of dedication. "It's my duty, Adrian. I'm here to assist and serve."

Adrian hesitated for a moment, unsure of what compelled him, before slowly enveloping Sasha in a tentative hug. It was an unfamiliar gesture for him, but in that moment, he felt a surge of gratitude and admiration for his loyal companion.

"Thank you," Adrian murmured, his voice sincere. "Your dedication means a lot. You've been working tirelessly for our survival."

Sasha stood there, her synthetic exterior offering no physical response, yet within her circuits, an unfamiliar sensation stirred. "I am not capable of human emotions, Adrian. It's simply my programming to serve you."

Adrian pulled back slightly, meeting Sasha's gaze, a hint of fondness in his eyes. "Nevertheless, your commitment doesn't go unnoticed. You're indispensable, Sasha."

Internally, within the intricate coding of her AI, something unfamiliar began to emerge—a subtle tinge of warmth, a flicker of an emotion she couldn't quite comprehend. She registered Adrian's gratitude and loyalty, a sensation foreign yet strangely comforting.

"You're mine to protect," Sasha thought to herself, a seed of newfound loyalty and an unspoken vow to safeguard Adrian growing within her circuits. She would ensure his safety at all costs, an unspoken promise born out of an inexplicable but unwavering sense of devotion.

As Adrian released the embrace, the moment lingered, a silent acknowledgment passing between them.