
Surviving As A Smith In An Apocalyptic World

Spudz_Gaming · Fantasy
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14 Chs

Chapter 2

When Cameron said 'exercise' he didn't mean physical training, he meant a breathing exercise that had been implemented during the apocalypse to help open the channels within the body to help use the meteor radiation to evolve.

The breathing exercise had to be done under water at first in order to help pressurise the lungs and prepare the heart for the rapid influx in power it was going to recieve. The heart was the key in opening the channels as all of the channels had to run through the heart in order to work, when building a channel you have to start at the heart and slowly move towards your channel points. Your channel points are located all over your body and each of the different points evolved different features. There are two points in your head the upper and lower points, the upper point was used to evolve your cognitive thinking, reaction time and mental strength whereas the lower point evolved your senses making you able to evolve a sixth sense to 'see' what was going on around you.

These two points were the easiest to evolve as they needed less meteor radiation to upgrade. The next easiest to evolve after those two would be the torso point which heightens the strength and resistance of the body and skin, this point needs lots of meteor radiation to fill but is easy to do due to its closeness to the heart causing it to have the shortest channel. The next 'must have' points are the leg points which increase your general speed and leg power these are quite hard to fill due to the amount of concentration needed to fill two points at once, it is recommended that you have the upper mind point filled before attempting the legs or arms which give you heightened physical strength.

The two of them switched to some swimming trunks and headed upstairs to the rooftop pool, they took a few quick, deep breaths and then submerged themselves into the water. The first step is to focus and try to feel the flow of your blood throughout your body, then feel the meteor radiation inside of your blood stream. Once you have a good feel of your blood flow you need to find a path from your heart to the point of your choosing, Cameron and Cole both chose the upper mind point to start with as it was just common sense to evolve your concentration in order to help out when evolving your other points. You then need to bring the radiation in your blood up into the point through your arteries and then deposit the radioactive particles there, then you will need to complete the cycle and allow the blood to go back to the heart through your veins.

Once they were both done they felt refreshed so decided to go back downstairs and prepare for the coming apocalypse as best as possible. They went and sat in their living room Cameron sat on the sofa while Cole went straight to the computer on the desk in the corner. "What should we buy then?" Cole asked to no one in particular as he scrolled down the Amazon home page he clicked on MRE meals and bought $60,000 worth which would normally be an exorbitant amount but to the Ferrous family who were multimillionaires could spend ten times that amount on a single shipment of metals for the work shop. Cameron pulled out his phone and went to a site called govplanet.eu which is one of the only places where you can buy military vehicles directly from the government there were tons to choose from.

There was the Alvis Stalwart which was a British amphibious vehicle for $30,000 and had lots of cargo space, then there was the Renault Sherpa which was about a quarter of a million dollars which was a little too much to spend on a truck so he skipped right past it. Honestly Cameron was kind of veered towards the military Humvee for around $35,000 but he would also need to get a modified M1102 Cargo trailer for around $1,500 and that would solve the space issues of the Humvee, he ordered them and selected express delivery.

He looked up to see Cole ordering water purifiers and hiring people to install them along with a bunch of spare solar panels. The entire facility ran on solar power as it was cleaner for the environment, but after the meteor exploded a lot of its particles created dust clouds in the upper atmosphere blocking out the sun cutting solar power efficiency down to around 70%. The extra panels would make up for that loss and then some, meaning they could sell off the remaining power or use it for other things like agriculture or water purification.

"Make sure to order a lot of materials for the smithery so that we can monopolise the market." Cameron said to Cole as he got up to leave the room. During the previous apocalypse when they left to look for their family the smithery was taken over to produce weapons and protective equipment for the local powers, but this time they wouldn't have to leave as their family would already be here.

Just as Cameron walked out of his apartment to head downstairs his phone buzzed in his pocket, he pulled it out to see a message on his screen from Shaz 'We're finished packing and will be there by nightfall, cya then luv ya x" Cameron quickly responded' Okay I'll wait up' then slid his phone back into his pocket and walked towards the elevator to go down.

He was going down to go and check on the quarantine encampment and meet the person in charge. Once he reached the lobby he looked outside to see that the tents were already set up and the car park was full of people going about business. Cameron stopped a passerby to ask where the person in command was and was directed to a nearby tent which he quickly entered.