
Surviving as a Hidden Scp in the Foundation

A world-renowned researcher and scientist Isaac in the modern world was a well-respected person in the world, for discovering cures to previously deadly diseases and helping humanity to a whole new level of technology, But despite this Isaac was an empathetic person ignoring everyone and being a person who would do anything to accomplish his goals leading to many evil deeds resulting into his death, by the revenge of a family member of one of his test subjects. As he died due to his sins in the living resulting in neutral he was punished to reincarnate in one of the many worlds of the Scp Universe as an Scp with a system forcing him to join the Scp Foundation without being caught or else he would die, Will he be able to ascend to the top of the Foundation without getting caught or be experimented on as a new scp while trying find out in this story.

LazySatanixDevil · Others
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12 Chs

Chapter 4 First Mission Completion Plan

Ever since Isaac was first reincarnated as an unnamed newborn in the Scp world, he was shocked that just after he was reincarnated and meeting his new life's parents, Just after him having thinking that reincarnating back into a baby was quite a pain since he couldn't even do essential functions himself, Just after the Nurse who brought him back into the room of where his new parents where.

He then saw people rush into the room, which these people caused Isaac to be able to identify immediately as members of the SCP Foundation from the Soldier's uniform that had their logo on their shoulders, and which although it may seem heartless of him, he didn't felt too bad when his parents were killed right in from him, Isaac's reason for emphatic ness of them was due to the lack of time he had shared with them to acknowledge them as his parents fully, and even in his past life he was an orphan so aside from his master/caretaker in his past life which he considered as his father he never really experience parental love, and due to him in his past life already witnessing countless deaths and committed some of them was due to him, death wasn't a new experience to Isaac, no matter how gruesome it is.

So as Isaac, who had already been conscious and weirdly able enough to open his eyes already and use his ears clearly even though he was just a newborn, gathered information from the scientist from the Scp foundation and as he was observed and tested advanced technology, the Scp Foundation had that even Isaac's original world couldn't even compare to by its detail alone.

So in the almost two weeks Isaac was monitored, experimented and contained by the Scp Foundation, Isaac managed to figure out good information that was important for his current situation, first of all, Isaac found out that he was born in this world, on the same date and the same year he did in his past life. However, he couldn't prove it yet; Isaac predicted that probably aside from the existence of the Scp Foundation and supernatural entities in general, it seemed that this world was the same as the world he came from, he even heard of videogames that exist in his past time around this time like gtaIII, smash bros and other games that had been released around this time.

So anyways, aside from confirming his situation, Isaac also listened in on the researchers plan on him, and thankfully Isaac heard that he wouldn't be taken in as an Scp since that would mean an instant loss for his main quest, if just as he reincarnated he was already designated as an Scp. And he heard that it seemed that in a few days, he would be sent away into an orphanage after the Scp Foundation took care of legal procedures and hid the cause for the disappearance of my parent's in this life.

And while Isaac had been listening to the researchers talk, he then saw that in his system below the Main Quest Log was a new mission he seemed to have gotten after he got in contact with the Scp Researchers in this place which he suspected to be a small facility of the foundation, which states

[New Mission: Get in Contact with an Scp]

[Rewards: Stats boost +15 all stats and System Skill Appraisal]

When Isaac saw this prompt appear as a somewhat otaku in his past, he was already quite used to plot events like this and seeing that depending on his actions for the next few days; this quest would either be one average in difficulty to somewhat tough as he thought that as he was still a newborn and if he gets sent to an orphanage, it would probably take a few years at least ten years before he could even independently search out any scraps, among the few locations Isaac could remember that is uncontained by the foundation. Still, he needed to be careful on which ones he goes to since many of those places are dangerous and would likely cause him to die quickly as an ordinary human without any copied skill or enhanced physique from the system stats.

So when Isaac compared his current stats on the status page to the possible rewards of the system, he saw that. His current overall stats of Strength, Stamina, Agility, Intelligence, Perception, Dexterity were all in the value of 1 except for Intelligence being a seemingly high number of 470 and Perception to be 35. When he saw this, Isaac expected everything to be low stats as he was just a newborn, barely able to stand.

And as he expected, his intelligence where retained in the status and perception. He didn't really understand why it was higher from all the other base stats, but he guessed it was due to him seemingly born being already able to hear and see things clearly compared to other infants. From Isaac's guesses related to the Researchers of him seemingly having a newly evolved gene as a human, Isaac didn't have any to check it, so he just decided to ignore the topic about his evolved gene for now.

And so, seeing that 15 stats plus for all stats, especially the increase in stamina, he thought it would be extremely beneficial for him, especially now that he is still a newborn, with minimal strength to even stay awake for a long time, as he gets tired out fast in this newborn body and often tires out quickly when planning, causing him to not recall important info from his mind effectively in the last few days.

So after Isaac took a last look at his status board which, aside from his stats, showed his age, his blank name as he wasn't even named in this past life yet before his parents died, titles that have nothing, His Scp Level- which since he still hadn't been able to copy an SCP ability was labelled "___." and occupation which is also empty, Isaac then fell asleep in the crib he was placed on by the researchers who experimented on him before, as he tried out once again due to his measly 1 stat of stamina and slept.


[Cornwall, England Covenant Church]

[Time 11pm]

On a rainy evening deep in the forest was a hooded man with indistinguishable features had suddenly arrived in one of the distinctly old and rundown Churches located deep in the Lodock woods while holding a large briefcase in one of his hands, while on the other hand was holding to figures, of seemingly a pair of twin newborns as one of them looking like a normal newborn, with long blond hair already growing quite a bit despite seemingly being born a few months ago, with also fair features that many women would fight for, and the other although looking similar like the first one had special characteristics that can be said to be inhuman as having a small pair of antlers growing in the newborn's blond hair like the other newborn, hooved feat similar to that of deers and a small tail, like a reindeer's.

And as this man with the two newborns approached the Covenant Church, the Head Nun who was the one who met the man in front of the Church in the rainy night like every other nun in place was already asleep in the church's nun quarters with " indistinguishable features" then spoken with the Nun as he told her.

??? "I hope you can take care of this girl as she is someone with powerful abilities; however, she also has a power that can't let her live in a normal society, so I wish for you to take care of her in this place as I know that this is one of the few places where she can truly be safe, as she is the offspring of "an elder creature of great power," And of course I wouldn't ask you this for free as I know your Covenant's situation I will give you this in exchange for taking care of her, and not letting her outside this place because I know she wouldn't leave a better life is she gets found out."

And as the man with "indistinguishable features." said those words, he handed the briefcase he had to the head nun and showed its contents of million's of money, which surprised the head nun as this was her first time seeing such a large amount of cash, and as she accepted the man's offer, which afterwards he began to give proper instructions to take care of the newborn with blond hair, and giving those words as the man seemed to about to leave with the other newborn he had with him, which of course was seen by the head nun as she asked the man.

Head nun "██████ what about that child over there? You know we could also take care of her too, you know, with this amount of funding already too much for this child alone, we could also take care of her, as I know you're not going to take care of her right."

As the man with "indistinguishable features." stayed silent for quite a while after hearing the head nun's words, he then said to her.

??? "No, I can't, this two children can't stay together as if they do, something bad would happen eventually as their two powers together in one place would cause large ramifications, so I can't let them grow together, I will send this second child to another place similar to yours on another country as to let them grow peacefully and freely their lives hopefully even in this small place. So... If the child ever gets discovered, I hope you can give her this letter, as to find out about her history and burn it quickly, or else, she might be in danger..."

So as the man said those last words and as in an inhuman way threw a letter which seemingly came out from nowhere, to the hands of the head nun who seemed to be already used to the man's actions as she saw him walk out into the rainy night once again, with the newborn with special characteristics just as quickly the man arrived and left with one of the two twin newborns at the covenant.


[September 21, 2001]

In the room where Isaac had stayed for the last week after the tests and experimentation he had gone through immediately after his birth, now was finally the day, at least according to some of the caretakers, guards and researchers who occasionally check up on his condition the day that he would leave this small facility, and get sent to the orphanage he was to be left at, Isaac's plan after gathering sufficient data from all the talking and murmuring of the people who was in his room as well as the places he travelled when he was awake from the room he was born into this secured facility, now take advantage of his location to quickly finish his first quest as he thought to himself as now, he was currently fixed up and about taken to somewhere as he thought.

Isaac {Operation First Mission completion now begins.}

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