
Survival in Space: I have Hundredfold Enhancement

After being awakened from their slumber, the six billion people on Earth discovered that they had been teleported to the deep ends of the universe. Everyone started with 50 basic survival points and owned a survival base which could evolve. Around them were all sorts of metals, the remains of spaceships and high-tech material kits floating in space. In order to survive, develop and grow stronger in this vast universe, humans had to utilize their survival bases to search for systems, collect items, accumulate survival points and upgrade their bases. However, the universe was perilous, with gamma rays, meteorites, space viruses, mutated creatures, robots which were input with killing commands… Grimm was one of the humans. Fortunately, he acquired the Hundredfold Enhancement System. [Discovered <filthy bottled water> x1. Enhanced 100 times and the host receives <pure drinking water> x100.] [Discovered <rusty iron> x1. Enhanced 100 times and the host receives <ferroalloy> x100. This can be used to strengthen the shell of the base.] [Discovered <old carbine x1>. Enhanced 100 times and the host receives <automatic tracking laser x1>. Does the host wish to set it up at the border of the base?] Grimm had struck a jackpot! While others were carefully scavenging for materials and countless lives were lost in the process, Grimm reached the peak of technology in an instant. Commanding a super base with technology a few hundred years more advanced than that of Earth, Grimm waltzed through space with ease.

Heavy Fist Eat Chicken · Sci-fi
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40 Chs

100-Fold Amplification Defense Equipment

Translator: Dragon Boat Translation Editor: Dragon Boat Translation

[ Spaceship energy shield ]

[ Description: It can be used to defend against energy weapon attacks, but its defensive power against cannonballs is limited. Moreover, it requires a large amount of energy. It needs to be activated manually! ]

Reading the description of the spaceship energy shield, Grimm nodded. This thing was very useful, but the demand for energy was probably a little too large. Moreover, he did not know when the high-energy particle flow would appear. He couldn't keep the energy shield on the whole time for the next 48 hours.

Although his own energy was very abundant, he could not waste it like this.

Grimm opened the description of the spaceship's guardian UAV again.

[ Spaceship's guardian UAV ]

[ Description: The individual defense is not strong. It mainly relies on the advantage in numbers to form an energy shield defense array. The advantage is that it can move freely. In the position that may be attacked, the energy array can stack a shield. Moreover, the guardian UAV can be used as a reconnaissance aircraft. ]

Grimm nodded. He had encountered this thing when he entered the ruins.

Although the combat power of the individual drones was not strong, their combined defense array was still very effective.

Moreover, when a gap appeared in the shield, these drones could also move quickly to fill the gap in the defense.

"This must also be made!"

Next, Grimm opened the last equipment's description information.

[ Spacecraft electromagnetic field emitter ]

[ Description: A low-power defense device. It mainly targets some free high-energy particles. It can be activated for a long time. ]

"Perfect solution!"

Grimm was sure that this thing was the key defense device against high-energy particles.

Of course, he had to make all three items. However, he still needed a large number of magic crystal ores and strong magnetic ores at the moment.

By the time he checked the manufacturing principles, the mechanical claw had already captured a large number of materials, all of which had a 100-fold increase. However, the problem was that Grimm did not obtain any magic crystal ores or strong magnetic ores.

This situation was not very reasonable. Since he was about to face a high-energy particle flow, logically speaking, he should have been given the resources to produce the corresponding defensive equipment.

This was unless the resources near all the players were not uniform. Some players had more alloys around them, while some players had more ores around them.

"It seems that I can only go and trade some back."

Grimm opened the trading center and quickly listed the transactions.

[ Dense alloy x 2 trading magic crystal ores x 1! ]

[ Dense alloy x 2 trading strong magnetic ore x 1! ]

The price he offered was neither cheap nor expensive. He should be able to gather all the materials in a short period of time.

As expected, after the transaction was announced, the transactions were completed one after another.

[ Transaction successful, obtained: magic crystal ores x 1! ]

[ Transaction successful, obtained: strong magnetic ore x 1! ]

Grimm quickly traded some magic crystal ores. Although the quantity was not enough to create an energy shield for the spaceship, it was more than enough to create a few spaceship guardian UAV's.

He opened the technological construction interface.

He chose manufacture.

[ Spaceship guardian UAVs: Basic energy 20 points, magic crystal ores x 1, mechanical module X 5, compact alloy X 5]

The materials were complete and the energy was sufficient!

In the next moment, waves of welding white light flickered.

In less than five minutes, a spaceship guardian UAVs was completed.

[ Acquired: spaceship guardian UAVs x 1! ]

Of course, Grimm was looking forward to the effect of the 100-fold enhancement!

[100-fold enhancement has taken effect! ]

[ Spaceship guardian UAV X 1 has received 100-fold enhancement, acquired Beehive miniature defensive spaceship! ]

[ Beehive miniature defensive spaceship ]

[ Description: it has a smaller size, but its defensive ability is stronger. Moreover, because its size is too small, it is extremely difficult to be targeted and attacked by the enemy. It is more suitable for scouting work! ]

Grimm was stunned!

Although he did not look closely at the newly created spaceship guardian UAV, its size was at least that of a range rover vehicle. However, this beehive miniature defensive spaceship was only the size of a seagull.

With such a small size, it was naturally not easy for the enemy to lock onto the target. Those with poor radar function could not even discover his small spaceships.

Following that, Grimm used 200 points of basic energy to build a total of 10 spacecraft guardian UAVs.

Of course, without exception, they all received a 100 times amplification and became a swarm of miniature defensive spacecraft.

Although there were only 10 of them, they were finally in a group.

Grimm released them. Without the command from the control panel, they circled the spacecraft like satellites.

Nodding his head in satisfaction, Grimm prepared to build the electromagnetic field emitter of the spaceship again.

He opened the technological construction interface and checked the manufacturing principle.

[ Electromagnetic field emitter of the spaceship: Basic energy 200 points, strong magnetic ore x50, compact alloy X50, mechanical module X50]

"Very good, build it!"

Grimm smiled and ordered to build it. After about half an hour, the huge equipment was finally completed.

As it appeared, the system notification sounded.

[ Acquired: Spaceship electromagnetic field emitter x 1! ]

[100-fold amplification has taken effect! ]

[ Spaceship electromagnetic field emitter X 1 has acquired 100-fold amplification, acquired strong magnetic storm generator x 1! ]

"Magnetic Storm Generator?"

"Is this a defensive equipment or an offensive equipment?"

Grimm opened the item's description in confusion.

[ Strong magnetic storm generator ]

[ Description: It has two states. The standby state provides the spaceship with a protective magnetic field that can resist the damage of high-energy particle to the spaceship. The offensive state will fire a strong magnetic storm in a specified direction, causing the enemy's electronic equipment to malfunction or even be damaged! ]

"What the f *ck?"

"This is a huge earn!"

Grimm had only intended to create a defensive equipment. He did not expect that after the system's 100-fold enhancement, it would actually become a powerful offensive weapon.

Destroying electronic equipment was a fatal blow to an ordinary spaceship.

Which spaceship did not have electronic equipment? If all the electronic equipment were disabled, then the enemy would basically be waiting for death!

Thinking of this, Grimm smiled.

"There is still one last piece of equipment!"

Opening the technological construction interface, Grimm checked the last manufacturing principle.

[ Spaceship energy shield: Basic energy 100 points, magic crystal ore x50, mechanical module X50, common alloy X50]


Similarly, the materials were complete and the energy was sufficient.

Less than ten minutes after Grimm gave the order to manufacture, a huge energy shield instrument appeared below the spaceship.

[ Acquired: Spaceship energy shield X 1! ]

[ Spaceship energy shield X 1 has a 100-fold increase. Obtained spaceship shield generator x 1! ]

[ Spaceship shield generator ]

[ Description: after activated, a powerful shield is generated. Moreover, the energy shield will reflect part of the damage and cause a low amount of splash damage. ]

Grimm nodded. The low amount of splash damage was actually not low. For a spaceship, the damage might not be enough.

But if it was something like a ship-guarding drone, the splash damage would probably be enough to destroy it.