
Supreme White Tiger System (DROPPED)

Dropped go check out my friends book My Top Heavy System.

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Chapter 3: First Dungeon Complete, Attack manual!

((<> Is used to imply that MC is thinking

___: Means someone is talking))

System: Host you will be transported to the Dungeon Number 1,Please get Ready!...

Zheng Chen: Alright I'm at Spirit Realm rank 6,this should be of help.





Woosh(SFX of getting transported)

Zheng Chen: Woah, That was very quick, this dungeon looks mad! Oh My... IS THAT AN ORC!?!?

System: Host, you need to kill 50 Orcs, 50 Goblins and the Golden Orc Boss before however you will have to pick one of three Attack Manuel's which you can also use in the real world!


1) Collapsing Punch(Common)

2) White Tiger Punch(Common)

3) Exterminating Kick(Common)

<OK from these three the the third one has to go because who uses Kicks? Anyways White Tiger Punch should give me some Attachment rune, from the name this is related to my System well I think so anyway.>

Zheng Chen: System I Choose the Second one! White Tiger Punch!

System: Host good choice! Host as you have picked the Sytems related Manual you have gotten and attach Rune that increase your damage by 20.

Zheng Chen: System Open Manual Interface!

~~~~ Manual Interface ~~~~

White Tiger Punch (Common)( Rune Boost)

Damage: 40 +20(Chance of adding another 20)

Defence: 500

(Author : Defence is used to show how easy it is to destroy the technique)

Spirit Consumption: 25

System: Host, You have altogether 2500 Spiritual Energy, this is Way Above Spirit Realm Rank 8!

Zheng chen: OK I need to kill these Orcs now and the Goblins. Then the Boss will come out too, hopefully I get all of XP to level Up and get some good Manuals.

<Ok so now I see that there are two groups 1 containing 25 and the other same 25 groups of Orcs, seems like These Orcs like being in groups. Quite troublesome to be honest>

<Plus right next to them are a whole bunch of Goblins circling The orcs, this is quite troublesome indeed>

Third POV

Zheng Chen then took out his sword that the System gave to him with the Manual. Although the sword was steel of lower quality Zheng still smiled, the look on his eyes changed from Abyssal Black to Green Cash signs, he saw that these offered him lots of levels. The weird thing was that he saw he was Level 1 and the Orcs and Goblins are all Level 4-7, the look on his face brightened even further due to the thought of the Boss' Level.

Zheng the. Slashed away, at both the groups. First he gathered all the agro and he ran to create some space then he attacked with White Tiger Punch.

White Tiger Punch!




Tri-Hexa Sword Slash!




Wombo Combo

There only stood, Zheng and the last remaining 10,which after looking at there dead bredrin, looked with great Killing intent and anger. They all charged at him, but this time his smile Increased from Ear to Ear. His ultimate move was approaching.

Zheng Chen with his sword spun, the air and wind swirled with increasing Power!



With just five spins all 10 remaining Goblins stood no chance as all of them fell at the same time. Then a d there the loud Blood-Curdling scream could be, heard one little Goblin squished under the humongous feet of the Final Boss. However the eyes of Zheng shun so bright the lights of angels would be in shame compared to him. The only thing going through his mind was:


System: Host you have 10 Minutes left please hurry up as if you dont finish all the loot and exp will disappear completely. The counter is on your bottom left.

Zheng Chen was getting very excited and the adrenaline rose to frightening levels, he slashed and punches with all his might and finally the Boss fell down with a comical fall.

White Tiger Punch!





- 150





× 10 000 XP, Cultivation rose to Half Step Origin Realm!

× Collapsing Punch!

× 5000 Silver Coins

× Breathing Technique(Uncommon Growth Type)

Zheng Chen: System! What are Silver coins used for, in the the Real world the currency is spirit coins.

System: Silver coins are used to buy things from the Dungeon System!

Zheng Chen: I don't have the Du-

[¦Congratulations Host you have Unlocked the Dungeon System Add-On¦]

Zheng Chen:System Open the Dungeon Part!

System: Yes Host Gladly!

So there will only be 4 chapters a week I can't make Mondays due to college reasons. But still I hope you continue reading this story and share this with others. Good bye!!!

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