
Supreme White Tiger System (DROPPED)

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Chapter 2:Strike It Rich!

Last Chapter :

Me:"System isn't this too much? Like what's the grade of this Beginners pack?"

System: 'Host, you should know that Master Reaper values your life and without you he will not get his share of entertainment'.'You should also understand from this that he will give you many good things in your Lives, like how you wished for strong opponents. He gave you this Package so that you can become a very Unfathomable Existance, many will die for this chance, you should be very happy'

Me: Yes, YES. I will face these challenges with seriousness, trust me when I say this."

××××××××This Chapter×××××××

System: 'Host you should wake up now, you have 3 hours to cultivate until your family members wake up!'

Me:" OK but first you should teach me how to cultivate as I am not familiar with the process, also teach me the Breathing Technique"

System:'Yes host, To cultivate Host should sense in the air and find a wisp of Qi, then Host will need to get that Wisp of Qi inside and make it circle your Qi Pool. Host should practice this until you get to Mortal Realm 5 or in this world Spirit Realm Rank 5, after that Host will need to kill Monsters like in RPG games, for that Host will get Transported to Dungeons and will have a certain time to complete them depend on the Difficulty/Level. The levels go from:Low, Middle, Higher, Insane'

Me: "I understand, so I need to find a wisp of Qi huh."

As I go into my consciousness I find that there are lots of lines of Purple strands, this must be Qi, I slowly get it inside my body through a method called 'Spritual Touch' this method is useful as inside my body right now I do not have a single stand of Qi. As It reaches my Qi Pool it circles around many many times until I feel I'm being blocked by a mysterious and invisible wall. This must be the so called 'Bottleneck' Hah, it hasn't even taken me 30 seconds and I'm already Spirit Realm Rank one.

I remember the time that I read Novels and they use mysterious techniques they made, I wonder if I can buy their techniques. That would be so OP, and speaking of MCs there's one in this world by the name of Xiao Ge, I shouldnt waste time and Dilly-Dally because it will cause me to lose face if I do so. I should start to cultivate as I have 3 hours, it should be more than enough time to get to Spiritual Realm Rank 5 and after that I will cultivate in the Myriad Divine Monarch Technique to strengthen my foundations so that I will not lose cultivation effort for a Stupid mistake.

Third Person POV

In his past life Mason(Zhang Chen) was a known Killing Machine, he was sent out into Syria and the mid war crisis with Russia so that he could kill enemy spies, although the job payed well he had to eventually quit as he was getting tired and had many enemies all over the world and if he where to come out America then he will surely be killed. Russia most importantly had a big grudge on him for what he had done, moreover on the day Mason(Zheng Chen) saved the girl, Russia brought many mafia agents to kill him swiftly, but they weren't suspecting a disappearing Mason.

Mason in his old world was good at killing, he learnt how to do things swiftly with no flaws, one of his instructors even told him all the Human Acupoints and how to severely injure or ultimately Cripple the Victim if need be.

As Mason was cultivating he had to be wary of anyone intruding into his room so he asked His system to place a tracker near the door. This would guarantee him a good chance of knowing if some is coming to him, although Zhang Chen is excited to cultivate and get stronger, he had to also be warry of his body not malfunctioning, this is due to him being very fragile and had very weak bones.

After him cultivating for 3 Hours he met the requirement and accomplished the mission: Get to Rank 5 Mortal Realm.

For the reward he got an extra 500 SP(Shopping Points) so he asked his System to open shops so he can go through and Purchase whatever he wanted to help him grow.

He was scrolling through the Market as he found a particularly Good item or should the Market call it: Purchasable Memories. This was very interesting and eye catching because many people that had systems could or Purchase memories. Zhang( Author: I will be referring to him as Zhang as adding Chen is not my style) looked through the explanation and saw that it was a Limited Time Only item and also found that it was the memories of Pill Emporer. If he could get this then he would Strike it Rich! (chapter title LOL) as in this world the Aution shops will definitely take in any Pills and inspect them, although there is a chance of them spying on him. He already had gotten the Cloak of Invisibility from the system.

When he saw the price however he had a frown on his face, The price was 8 000. Although the price to some looks Cheap, to Zhang he only had 10 200 Shopping Points and this will leave him will 2 200 which will be short of what he was hoping for. However, he needed this as later in he could possibly make atleasr a few Hundred thousand Points, it's was worth the wait and He pressed the 'Yes' button.

Right after that he heard the system say

System: 'Host your item has been transported to your inventory if you purchase any other items then it will be there aswell'.

Me: "OK then that should be easier to do, but wouldnt it be easier if you just.... Like... Input the stuff into my head like memories. Who would want memores in thier inventory?!?!"

Me:"Which retard would want some other guys memories in their head, that's some nasty thing man. Having memories of someone in your head is way better dude"

System:'Yes host, next time I will directly input the memories in your head!'