
Supreme Magus Fanfic

World of Magic, shadow politics, and magical beasts. Why did I choose this world again? - This is my first fanfic so I am looking for constructive criticisms. Don't be afraid to comment if you have any ideas on how to improve the story but I am pleading for those who do not enjoy the story to just leave and not comment on unnecessary negativity. Also, check out the original story of Supreme Magus written by legion20, I do not own the novel, only my original characters. The sporadic release schedule for now.

KalebLamount · Others
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4 Chs

Chapter 3

I got what I needed.

I could feel it, flowing through me. In then swirl then out again.

I was like a channel in which it passed freely. It was the correct decision to fight for that, or else this would have been much harder.

I am now able on focusing on forming my core. My lifeline. My strength.

It was not as hard as before. Using the method called accumulation, I was able to form my core that very night. There was no pain, no fright.

Only peace.

Then I was back to my rhythm. My mind drifting to an old cartoon from my memories, Avatar. Tui and La, in their eternal dance.

Breath in, hold, breath out.

I can't help but find some resemblance in the motions.

After making my core I was more entuned with mana, with the world, and with myself.

Accumulation is when I draw in mana and hold it in my core. Filling it like a balloon. Tempering the core.

Invigoration is when I draw in mana, mix it with my mana flow then expel it. This allows for healing, draws in mana in my core acting as an infinite mana source, and energizes the body allowing for less need for sleep.

With that as the first task out of the way, I can focus on learning the language and being mobile. I forgot to mention that awakening strengthens the body so it should be easier to learn to move around.

And so my schedule went, moving my body as much as possible by day, practicing magic by night.

Spirit magic in particular.

The differences first of all between spirit magic and elemental magic. For elemental magic, you would emit mana, mix it with the energy of the world then try and control it. Spirit magic skips the second step, making it more difficult to control.

The basics of Spirit magic could be classified as telekinesis. The mana you emit can interact with objects.

Then why is it not called telekinesis?

I had the same question, it is because it is way more than just interacting with objects. It has a more advanced application from which it gets its name.

I would sit in my crib, a small ball of light magic in one hand and with the other, using spirit magic I would elevate a small toy. Round and round, trying not to follow a pattern.

This is interrupted by a tapping on the big window across from me. I look up to find a strange… bird. A crow or raven maybe?

I had opened it with spirit magic earlier in the night, hoping to get some fresh air. That allowed for it the perch on the window.

It just sat there, and for a second I thought I got the feeling that this bird is a companion of mine, a companion who enjoys the quiet of the night away from the noise of the day.

Its presence bringing some levels of comfort I did not know I needed. Even as it sat on the window, so far away from my little hands. But that's alright, I did not need it beside me.

So I got back to practice, but this time with an audience. I wonder if it is as intrigued with magic as I am.

All good things must come to an end, as the sounds of the early birds resonated through the quiet morning, my companion of the quiet flew away.

I hope to see you again another night, my companion in the dark.

{Line Break}

It's unfortunate but I did not see him again.

At the very least now I can stand. Yes, it is with the help of the side of the crib but for only being a couple of weeks old, well as an estimate, I think it is an accomplishment.

It is the little thing in life.

You don't realize how good something was until you don't have it, or in my case, isn't strong enough to do it yet.

Something that is not normally said about staying up all night is that you do still get hungry. More so actually, and because of that, I end up eating twice as much during the day.

I had the idea of going downstairs towards the kitchen and finding some food. This idea had two purposes. It would help in practice because for one, I wouldn't be able to do anything physically so it would help with magic control. And secondly, exploring.

I have only seen what would be the 'living room' of this house and I want to find some type of office or library. Even a bookshelf would be fine.

From there I would try to coerce my caretaker into teaching me how to read if there are no books that teach it.

But that comes full circle to problem number one.

I can't get out of the crib.

{Line Break}

Standing with help got a lot easier over time.

After showing my caretaker that I was trying to stand by whenever she enters the room I would reach over the side of the crib and while standing, reach up to her.

She would pick me up and hold me instead of setting me down in the room, so it took a lot of back and forth before she got the message of what I wanted.

At first, I could see the confusion written on her face, which was quickly overtaken by surprise when while I was holding unto her fingers near the ground, seeing me try to walk must have looked like a duck waddling.

Safe to say she got a good laugh out of it.

The things I do for comfort.

{Line Break}

I got an opportunity.

Today instead of putting me back into the crib after exiting the room she left me on the floor while crawling.

This is the first time this has happened and she has left the door open.

All I would need to do is crawl out the door and oh sweet sweet freedom, and that is exactly what I am going to do. Ok, I am exaggerating but you get the idea.

It seems something is happened, based on the traces of panic in their voices I would say it is some type of emergency.

I follow the voices to the edge of the staircase, looking down I see a black dress (what I started calling my caretaker because I've only seen her wear black dresses) running outside.

Going downstairs is easier than standing admittingly, all I have to do is turn around and slide. Turning it into a crappy waterpark slide without the water.

From the fact that no one has seen me or even come for me yet I can assume that this has no risk to me, or it might be my wishful thinking.

I honestly hope it isn't some attack on the village.

Looking around I don't see the other woman, who I assume would be a maid, which might be good or bad I am unsure yet.

Thankfully black dress left the door open again in her rush. Another thing to rectify later. I can't have the persons in my place of residence leaving the door open. That is practically an invitation to enter.

Past the door, I am greeted with the sight of buildings on fire. My first thought on the town is that it is… deplorable.

From my memories, it would pass as a medieval-style village. Bigger than what I would imagine a village to be but not enough to be a town.

The roads look clean enough, the buildings close enough for me to see are not in that bad of shape but it is clear the quality massively decreases the further out you look.

I would imagine the closer to the center, which would be my house, the higher value the person. Typical really, it isn't a problem if done correctly but I highly doubt it.

The difference in class like this is to motivate the lesser fortunate to work hard in the hopes of reaching closer to the center. Creating a cycle of those at the bottom pushing the ones above them up along with themselves.

Making everyone more profitable in the process. I can bet a fortune that it is done opposite from my memories.

But that is a topic for another time.

Back to the fire, I see black dress reaching the buildings which are adjacent to each other. Making some hand signs then raises her hands into the air.

I am going, to be honest, I forgot magic spells for non-awakened takes-hand signs and a chant. It is to help with the formation of the spell.

Two separate balls of water start to form over both buildings. When it reached a certain size, I see her drop her hands to the ground and at the same time, the water is dispersed unto the buildings, dousing the fire.

Such simple use of magic looked so… appealing.

I wish I was closer to be able to hear her chants. Would be a good excuse whenever I show that I can use a spell.

This also confirmed my theory that black dress has had training in using magic. Seeing how she was the only one who did anything I think it is safe to assume that she is the only one in this village who can teach me.

This changes things.

It will speed up my plans in terms of finding a teacher, when you have one living under the same roof it would be a sin to waste such an opportunity.

Like how I am allowed to explore without supervision I surely shall not waste it.