
Supreme Magus Fanfic

World of Magic, shadow politics, and magical beasts. Why did I choose this world again? - This is my first fanfic so I am looking for constructive criticisms. Don't be afraid to comment if you have any ideas on how to improve the story but I am pleading for those who do not enjoy the story to just leave and not comment on unnecessary negativity. Also, check out the original story of Supreme Magus written by legion20, I do not own the novel, only my original characters. The sporadic release schedule for now.

KalebLamount · Others
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4 Chs

Chapter 1

...hmm I wasn't expecting this.

I mean what do you normally expect when you die, I am sure if you were religious, the answer would be somewhere along the lines of heaven or hell or some type of mystical afterlife.

Ha! I would have rather some Valhalla to where ever the fuck I am now.

But that's the thing... I can't see shit. All my senses aren't there and I'm gonna be honest, it isn't as bad as I thought it would be.

I mean sure I liked the night over the day to the point where my sleep schedule was seriously fucked up but still I am surprised that I am feeling comfort over dread.

Isn't sensory deprecation supposed to be some type of torture? Cause I am not having any problems but mine, or the lack thereof, or is it that I am in some type of coma and my brain is compensating.

I know it doesn't make sense, I am trying so fuck off.

God, I'm so glad I got used to entertaining myself, or else this would have been worse. It isn't even that bad. Have you ever had an argument with yourslef? Apart from the fact that you will never win, it is a good way to think out your situation and thinking of solutions.

Ok wait, don't they always say when you are in an unfamiliar situation you are to observe your environment, from there make an assessment on the situation.

Seems simple enough, soo... ya, black void of nothingness. Cool ...

Sigh, I hate this. I really hope if I get to meet some sort of higher being so that I can clarify if my religion is real, I grew up in a Christian house so it kind of just grew on me, not saying that I wasn't a believer, it just would be nice if I had clarification.

**\[ At least this one isn't freaking out, that's a good sign. At least we can get this over with quickly \]**

Well hello there miss voice in my head, you are a female right? I am not looking forward to the first voice in my head being a male.

\[ ... I am a male. \]

Fuck, can I exchange you for another voice? And it must have character, how else do you expect me to have a decent pissing match against?

\[ For fucks sake please just shut up and let me explain \]

Fine, go ahead oh so wise and mystical voice, vice? Vince? Yeah, that seems about right, I am gonna call you Vince from now on. Rhymes with the grinch, you remind me of him.

\[let's get this over with ...\]


Shit, do you have to be so loud? That's one of the reasons I like the night so much, the quiet is comforting.

\[ ha totally worth it... anyways imma just speed run you through this like how you are already familiar with this, and yes before you ask it is similar to those gamer stories you read and no you are not getting a system. There have been too many nut cases running around the omniverse so it was decided to scrap the system installment. \]

Fuck, way to kill the Vybz, that's fine, if I am being honest I never expected to get one in the first place so no harm no foul.

But why are you talking to me then?

\[ After it was scrapped it was replaced with character creation, you won't get a system but at least you will get to choose the parameters of your body once it reached maximum maturity such as height, skin color, and before you ask yes you can adjust your dick size. But I would advise choosing a world first, can be anything from your memories or can be at random, apart from your old one of course. \]

That's sweet and all but I gotta ask how much time do I have? Cause if I can make a body imma make it the best down to the cellular level.

I mean imagine if I could be able to up my cellular regeneration, that is like having something that could save your life right from the start.

I don't know shit about biology or the body but I am hoping to use the customization as a crutch and just like drop in what I want and it shits the final project out the other end.

\[ It does have that \]

Thanks but shut up and leave me to my monologue, please.

The next idea I have is from another fanfic, I am lazy, always have been, and will continue to be.

I am a firm believer in the saying of if you want something done with creativity give it to a lazy person.

It is true, I remember many times finding easy ways to bypass shity rules from the school that I attended, especially during quarantine. That was a sess pool of cheating and I loved every second of it.

Teachers would give the majority of the same questions they gave of tests earlier in the year and all you had to do was keep those questions and study the answers and you already have at least a guaranteed 60 percent. Not to mention for each exam I would be on a call with a group of people and we work through the questions together, gotta have your group in any schooling environment.

Name of the game, work smarter not harder.

\[ Take all the time you need, at least this way I have some free time before my next client \]

Thank you very much, Vincy your honor knows no bounds, it is as vast as the northern seas passed Neverwinter---.

\[ yeah yeah, whatever take your time \]

Ok back to my body. Oh shit, wait the world. I am gonna pick the world from the supreme magus novel, it is a mix of your medieval-style world with magic but you also have a shit ton of other races, and no I do not mean your standard elves and dwarves.

All manors of undead you can think of and some more that introduced into the story such as ....

I'm gonna be honest I don't remember the name specifically but I remember that they have like a shit ton magic resistance AND healing capabilities similar to dead pool AND ridiculous strength to go along with it. Basically an anti-mage.

The only problem is tho that they need sustenance to keep up with the healing so the more damage they take the hungrier they will get and essentially if they don't feel then goodbye regen.

There are so many of these different combinations of races it isn't funny, then you have 'Emperor beasts'. These are animals who have absorbed mana and have evolved and gainst sentience. Imagine a 15-foot tall bear that is powerful as fuck, can use magic and speaks. Yeah, I don't think I need to say anything else.

Throw in some eastern variation of wuxia and everyone has a core, but this is only known to a certain group of people who are like old and generally more powerful than those who don't know it exists.

Now I want you to guess what they call people who are like this

...Awakened ...

Like I don't know if these people have sticks so far up their ass that they had to give it such a name. I mean it is kinda fitting but it still doesn't stop it from being generic. These people can live a good couple hundred years so you can imagine how that goes.

They have these communities, no I shouldn't use the word communities they are way too dysfunctional for that. There is this council for the 3 defining races which are constantly at odds with each other.

The humans, the Emporer beasts, and the Undead councils have special names like dawn court but I really don't give a shit right now, you get the idea.

Then if we go higher up the ladder you have the ... guardians? God my memory is so bad, a good thing I already have an idea in mind how to get all this information but that comes later, anyways I am just gonna call them G's for now until I verify the proper titles.

These G's are essentially beings at the peak of their existence, it is when their mana core has become white. I think there are also complications of them having to be in alignment with Mogar's will or something like that.

Who is this Mogar you may ask? It is the name of the planet... yes you heard me, the planet is sentient. You can think of these guardians as Mogars champions.

Oh and also all known G's are emperor beasts, such as a Pheonix or a dragon or griffon.

If that isn't a testament to how fucked up humanity is I don't know what is.

Now then back to my body.

First, you got the basics, 6'3, cholate brown skin, In my past life, I was from the Caribbean so it's just what I am accustomed to. Don't fix what isn't broken. Black curly hair but the eyes are where things get special. Bright golden eyes, yellow and gold match my skin really well.

\[ You do realize that where you want to go your gonna get discriminated worse than your past life right? \]

Ehh that's why the family I want to be born in would have to be noble, deals with all the initial complications, and by the time I would be forced to attend the dick measuring contest they call parties I would already be a mage or at least a mage in training so I could just tell them to piss off.

\[It's not gonna be that easy but at least you've thought it through even a little. \]

Aww Vincy, are you worried about me?

\[Not in the slightest\]

Now then, onto the big guns.

Muscle density, bone density, nerves, cell structure.

Hmm let's just turn up everything times 10

\[nahh trust me you don't want to do that, what you are basically doing is creating a giant, if you jack up everything times ten then you are just gonna be 10 times bigger than an average human, I am not saying go into too much detail just use your imagination and stop skimping on the details \]

Can't you just make the changes for me? I mean you are already in my head and if I am being honest you would more than likely do a better job than me. Use what I have given you young padawan.

\[Can you not make references to shit you haven't even watched? You are not the first to suggest that if I am being honest so I have some presets based on what I know you are thinking of.\]

\[ To summarize they have been modified to get the results you are looking for without increasing body size, don't ask how it works just chock it up to the system bullshittery. Stronger, faster, more potential and all of that jazz, oh and see how you are going to that world I added in a little surprise in your life force, trust me you will thank me later. \]

Thank you, wait when you say life force do I think what I think you mean?


That's fucking great! Even tho I don't know how it works because when I died it wasn't explained yet but if it is it then all I can say is thank you.

\[ye it's fine.\]

There is something that I am concerned about tho. Can you take away my emotional attachment to my past life?

It is not that I want to forget about my family and friends but that is the problem right there.

I won't be able to go back so I don't want any baggage weighing me down, I am very grateful to my parents and I can say that after a day or two when my mind will settle I would start to think.

Btw how am I still sane?

\[you get gamers mind while in character creation but only then\]

Ahh, I see that makes sense then.

Seeing how I would be reborn, I am sure I would get lost in my thoughts about the past for months and that is the emotional weight that may hinder me. I would rather keep my memories but let me stay as that, memories.

I wouldn't want to be depressed when my thoughts set in and yes it is a possibility. I always wondered how certain MCs were able to just drop it like it didn't matter, like the woman who took care of me my whole life didn't matter, the man who taught me how to deal with life's challenges, and regrettably the not so close sibling.

I am sure I would find myself grieving.

So finally that's my final wish, to not forget but to be able to let go.

\[ ...yeah I can do that\]

\[I am gonna send you off now\]

Thanks, Vince



\[The names Carl\]

Pff that name is even worse than Vince.

\[Shut it, I'm sending you in 3, 2, 1\]

And then I lost consciousness.

Yo, this is my first fic so comments and suggestions are welcomed. See anything that can be fixed? hit me up.

KalebLamountcreators' thoughts