
Supreme Genes

Follow Tommy, an average family-man turned warrior when he is yanked away from the world he knows. Landing in a strange land Tommy is confronted by terrifying beasts and legendary creatures only seen in imagination. A humanlike species finds and takes him in, starting an epic journey of cultivation. One goal remains for Tommy. Returning to his wife and children.

Koolaideman · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
22 Chs


For the first time he started putting into some thought on these "gene mutations" that he had received. After thinking about it, he related that after it had located and began he felt massive changes to his body. After the Godly Fly had been located and his body had finished it's change was when he was transported to this world.

It hit him. He didn't even eat a fly. After it was in his mouth, as gross as it was, he vividly remembered it was much too small and frail to be a fly let alone a godly one. It must've been a mosquito, one that had maybe eaten the blood of a Godly Fly and was still in its body. But if that was the case, then how could he have gained that gene instead of this mosquito. Something else didn't make sense about it being a fly either, the gene he obtained from the fly allowed him 3 mutations per class. How would it have gotten to his house then? And what in the hell are these classes exactly, why do they have separate ones? Do they show strength differences? If so the god class has to be high, I mean god has to be pretty amazing. What about the titan class? Was it low tier or high?

He had so many questions and no one to ask about any of this. Even if he did would he even be able to talk to them? Languages in a different dimension had to be difficult to learn, and with no base to start with it would take years any way. He didn't have that kind of time. He has a family waiting for him back home. That's something he would never give up on.

Tommy kicked into survival mode upon realizing that this was real. Tommy had a bit of a fascination for survival videos on a site called YouTube. So right away he fishes whatever he has out of his pockets. He has his wallet with a few credit and debit cards, his ID, and a few other cards that had gotten tossed in over the years. Some of those happened to be paper, which was useful to start a fire. He was a smoker so he had a pack of cigarettes with 14 left in it, a god send for the next couple of days at least. The lighter was the best part about being a smoker though, as he could use it to start fires until the fluid is out and then he can extract the flint for a make-shift fire starter. His phone was useless for him at the moment unless he wanted to pull it apart, which was too much trouble for just basic survival in the woods.

He was extremely disappointed in himself for not grabbing the steak knife back out of the Demon Barbarian. If he would've known this was real at that point it would be an invaluable object. At this point he had been walking for several hours and had no idea where it's body even was at this point.

Speaking of the Demon Barbarian. The voice in his head said that it increased his strength by a thousand fold from how strong he was prior. So if he bench pressed an average of 160 lbs wouldn't that mean he could now bench press 160,000 lbs? If this mutation increased his strength did the Godly Fly increase it as well, I mean it is a god class creature.