
Supreme Genes

Follow Tommy, an average family-man turned warrior when he is yanked away from the world he knows. Landing in a strange land Tommy is confronted by terrifying beasts and legendary creatures only seen in imagination. A humanlike species finds and takes him in, starting an epic journey of cultivation. One goal remains for Tommy. Returning to his wife and children.

Koolaideman · Fantasy
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22 Chs

Strange World

It wasn't until he had started walking that he realized something was very wrong. The sky was a beautiful lavender color for one. He thought maybe he hit his head too hard earlier and wasn't seeing quite right.

Shortly he came to the conclusion that it wasn't from hitting his head and hallucinating. When he saw a squirrel, or at least he thought it was a squirrel. When it came close he realized it was a very small lion with a long bushy tail of silver fur, the rest of the body was a deep emerald color, looking very similar to a squirrel from a distance. It was gone quickly so he found himself second guessing if what he saw was real. As the mini lion ran closer to him in the high boughs of the trees, a large gap between the trees was visible. The gap had to be at least 300 feet.

The small lion didn't deter its direction at all though. Still running full speed off of the end of the branch, directly towards the large gap. The lion had no wings or gliding flaps, usually associated with small animals like sugar gliders, to cross it.

Tommy literally fell back in utter shock at what he witnessed. The little lion stepped onto the air. Full speed ahead it ran the entire 300 feet to the next tree. The most amazing part was that it didn't jump, or loose altitude as it ran. It moved as if it was still running along the length of the tree's branch all the way to the next tree.

Tommy was at a loss for words. In the matter of 3 hours, since sitting at his dinner table, so many unbelievable thing had happened to him. It was at this point he fully accepted that this was real and not some crazy dream from hitting his head when he fell through the floor. It all felt too real. In the first fight with the Demon Barbarian he had too much adrenaline to really feel any thing. It was such a surreal event he just pushed it off as a crazy fun dream. I mean something that large and strong shouldn't have ever been killed by a simple steak knife. It had to be a dream for him to not even get hurt.

As soon as he hit the ground in shock though all of that changed. His ass hurt, and it hurt bad. He perfectly fell onto a very pointed rock that stabbed him. He was bleeding, it wasn't bad but it was very noticeable. In that short moment of watching that lion-squirrel and falling down realization hit him. He was really on another world, or in a different dimension. He didn't know where or even what this place was. He started to worry, until he remember the "gene mutations" that he had gained.