
Supreme Genes

Follow Tommy, an average family-man turned warrior when he is yanked away from the world he knows. Landing in a strange land Tommy is confronted by terrifying beasts and legendary creatures only seen in imagination. A humanlike species finds and takes him in, starting an epic journey of cultivation. One goal remains for Tommy. Returning to his wife and children.

Koolaideman · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
22 Chs


The giant red man was staring at Tommy with deadpan eyes. The appearance of the man was simple. He had no hair, a bald shiny red dome was easily seen glinting on the top as the lights hit down. He had no clothes on and like the previous beings here, no genitals either. It had a large square head and no ears with a long wavy beard, clearly made from vines.

In its hand it held the handle of a large battle axe. The dual sided battle axe appeared to be made of two separate pieces of what looked like copper, but with more of a red tint. Each point of the axe looked sinister and thin at the tip and broad at the center of the blade. It looked like something a Viking would have carried around.

Tommy had collected the broken part of his great sword after defeating the Blue Ivy Monitor. When he did, he absorbed both halves of the sword back into himself. It was such an odd feeling every time. It wasn't like the first time where it could be felt spreading throughout his body. It felt more like getting a shot, not the pain of the needle, but the pressure of feeling an external liquid enter your veins. Except this was a feeling in his muscle and bones.

"Here goes nothing." Tommy thought as he tried to activate the sword again.

*Geno Gem has been broken, would you like to fix using other gems?*

This message was told to him by the system, but he didn't quite understand it. "How could he fix a weapon with his armor? Would his armor no longer be usable? And what about the strength? The armor was clearly superior to the weapon and had saved his life several times. But with the giant in front of him is way stronger than the blue monitor. Would a weapon even help him?" Tommy had all of this run through his mind in a flash.

The Red Ivy Monitor wasn't charging him, just staring intently at him. The thing had no expression on it's face and no life in it's eyes. The eyes were red but there was just something about them that lacked life. The oddest thing was that it wasn't breathing either, just standing completely still like a statue.

This gave Tommy the time he needed to think. He had been just charging in head first since he got here, which wasn't like him. Ever since he had showed up in this place he hadn't been himself. He wasn't sure if it was the excitement of being in this new place or the fact that he was constantly in danger, but he hadn't taken a moment to think throughout all of this. This was his chance to calm down and collect himself.

"This thing is nothing but a plant when I break it down. They may have mutated, but it still has to follow some kinds of laws of nature right? Just what are they? Let's see, if I look at the environment its all simple, just like a regular office building. I can see the carpet in between the layers of vines under my feet, and the cubicles. It has those strange lights at the ceiling but clearly aren't hot because they are basically touching. So if that's the case how are they lighting everything? Better yet what are those threads on the back of the monitors attached to?"

It hit him in this moment. "They are basically mutated computers. I have no clue how considering they are machines and shouldn't have a soul, like Solus said was required, but neither did plants as far as he knew. Tommy was deep in thought almost forgetting where he was as he was contemplating theories. If plants don't have souls then what is the connecting factor in all of this. The only idea that kept coming back to him was energy. The only things that all three have in common is a basic form of energy that all life gives off, oddly electricity is a factor in this as well. So that would mean any stopping point of electricity could potentially mutate. Machines, plants, animals, as he thought about it, they could all be potential threats in this place. If this place had computers, what else would it have from his era?"

"So if the connecting factor to this was electricity and these things were just mutated computers, that means that these monitors aren't even the actual brain of the thing. It was just a tool, that's why it can't die. So in order to take it out easily, I either need to overload the system or I need to sever the connection. Sound easy enough."

Tommy was in thought so deep he had closed his eyes in order to fully visualize his thoughts as best as possible, this was a method that had helped him think since he was a child. He was listening intently to the sounds around him, when there was a brief swishing sound.

Tommy ducked immediately knowing that he had been in danger since walking into this place. An odd sound behind him meant an attack was coming in his mind.

A black vine came flying above his head, stretching all the way to the red man. Once the red man was touched, he sprung to life. All Tommy could see was the thing move into a fighting stance, then all he felt was pain. Looking down, he could see fragments of his armor pushed deep into his chest. Breathing was quickly becoming difficult. Stuck firm in the middle of his chest, at the center of the crater, was an arm. The arm was attached to the red man. The arm wasn't there when Tommy looked down originally. It appeared as he was staring at the gaping hole in his chest.

The Red Ivy Monitor was staring into his eyes. It had that same creepy, emoji like smile on it's face. As Tommy's vision was starting to fade, he used the last of his strength to sever the thread like strands on the back of the red monitors head. Those strands were almost impossible to see with the naked eye, and to be honest Tommy wouldn't even know about them if it wasn't for his experience. But after fighting so many of them in such a short amount of time, he had memorized exactly where they were. The thing lost all motion of its body immediately. Tommy was blacking out fast.

*Physical body severely injured. Obtaining Spirit from area to repair. Please stand by*