
Supreme Genes

Follow Tommy, an average family-man turned warrior when he is yanked away from the world he knows. Landing in a strange land Tommy is confronted by terrifying beasts and legendary creatures only seen in imagination. A humanlike species finds and takes him in, starting an epic journey of cultivation. One goal remains for Tommy. Returning to his wife and children.

Koolaideman · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
22 Chs


"OH GOD YES!" Tommy actually shouted this hearing the voice in his head once again. He was now extremely worried seeing that this Blue Ivy Monitor was holding a spear.

The blue cubed gem was was slowly swirling as if it was evaporating. Once again, he could feel it drifting into his hand, it was a cool feeling this time. It felt like he was being dipped into a vat of mint. The same cool refreshing feeling that your mouth experiences, was being felt leaking into his body. Starting with the palm of his hand the cool feeling was quickly spreading outward, it reached the tips of his fingers on that hand and continued upward through the arm. The process was extremely fast almost happening in the blink of an eye, but oddly he felt as if the cool spreading through his body was a slow process.

*Activation of Pawn Geno Gem is now complete. Access is now at users control*

Tommy immediately thought about the orange liquid that would surround his body when the armor came out. Since his armor was already equipped nothing happened. So he thought about the color of the gem that he had now obtained, not even sure of what it does. He was really hoping it wasn't another set of armor.

As he started to think about the blue gem that familiar yet strange voice spoke to him again. Before he could respond the Blue Ivy Monitor man had charged at him with the spear head pointed directly at his face. Tommy barely had time to shift his head. The spear fully pierced through the cartilage in his ear still slicing a straight line from his cheek to the back of his head.

*Please choose weapon form.* The voice was still speaking to him as he was continually rolling on the ground, and jumping from place to place frantically.

*Form A- Great Sword*

*Form B- War Hammer*

*Form C- Battle Axe*

Tommy heard the voice list the types of weapons that it could form into as he was still trying his best to dodge and avoid this man in front of him. The same creepy smile plastered on his face the entire time he was chasing Tommy around. It was sending shivers down his spine every time they made eye contact.

Tommy wasn't sure how to pick as far as the weapons go. The first problem was that he wasn't sure if the weapon would stay in this form permanently or if he was able to choose it every time he summoned it. The second issue is that all of these weapons were large, heavy, and difficult to maneuver with. With his current opponent having incredible speed, this was a major issue. Thinking about this last part Tommy had made his decision.

*Form A has been selected*

At this instant he could feel that cool refreshing feeling all concentrate into his hand. He could feel it moving from every point in his body into his hand. When he could no longer feel it anywhere else in his body this electric blue liquid shot out of his hand quickly forming this beautiful sword. The great sword was a total of 6 feet long, the blade being about 4 1/2 feet and the hilt taking up the final foot and a half. The blade was around 5 inches wide and very thick, at the thickest part it was 3 inches slanting down on each side to a beautiful edge. It immediately made Tommy think of EXCALIBER, the mythical sword of King Arthur. It had a pattern on the blade that looked like fireworks exploding in the air. The blade simply looked like magic and even emitted a pale blue aura around it.

"Perfect timing." Tommy thought. He realized that through all of his jumping and dodging he had pushed himself into a cubicle. The Office Graveyard wasn't like any building you've ever been in though. It seemed like this building was a magical space. After leaving the entrance it seemed like it was impossible to even see the walls of the building, as if they went on forever. Looking down a cubicle hall felt like a mirror illusion as you could just see cubicle after cubicle going on forever in both directions. The cubicles themselves were like standing in a basketball court once you passed through the doorway of each one, despite that from the hallway you would still pass a doorway every 6 feet.

In the cubicle Tommy had backed himself into a corner. The Blue Ivy Monitor, still with that creepy smile, was launching directly at Tommy with the spear aimed directly at his head.

The sword finished forming at the same instance that the spear was about to come into contact with Tommy.

He could distinctly hear what sounded like sheet metal being ripped apart.

The spear tip cut directly through Tommy's new sword, crushing the hope of ending this fight with the weapon he had just obtained. The sword happened to throw the spear off target just enough to miss Tommy's head.

Luckily for Tommy though, the Blue Ivy Monitor had thrown all of his strength into the attack. Tommy was stuck in a corner. He clearly didn't have strength on par with the monitor. Tommy was running from him constantly obtaining tiny cuts as he would maneuver far better than the Ivy Monitor and avoid dying, but this made it clear that he wasn't a match. Now with Tommy pushing himself into a corner, Ivy Monitor put everything into this attack to assure that he would kill him here.

The spear narrowly slid his head and the monitors force continued him forward driving his spear deep into the cubicle wall. Shockingly the wall seemed to be made out of some sort of stone and was at least 3 feet deep. The spear was sunk down halfway before it stopped. This caused the Blue Ivy Monitors head to slide directly above Tommy's broken blade.

When Tommy's sword was cut it wasn't straight across. It was cut in a diagonal direction causing the tip to still have a sharp point.

Tommy seeing this opportunity, thrust his sword as hard as he could, into the plant-mans throat. It sunk in fairly easy. The problem was that, without disconnecting the head fully from the body, it could still control the body. Tommy pulled the blade as hard as he could. It was like cutting cheese with a dull knife, tearing the fleshy vines instead of cutting them. The head finally came off, causing the body to drop. Tommy reacted quickly knowing that the head couldn't touch the ground. He stabbed into the head hard with the tip of the sword, barely stopping in at inch above the ground.

Tommy reached behind the head feeling for the threadlike vines on the back of the head. He twirled the threads around his fingers a few times and yanked them out of the back of its head.

In the time he was dealing with the blue monitor, the white one that had turned into a pale green color had fully recovered. Instead of fighting though he was trying to run away. Tommy used the broken sword as the threw it, causing the blade to swing like a helicopter blade, flew directly to the pale green ones head. After decapitating the green once once again he ran as fast as he could to pick the head up before it could reattach to the vines. When he picked it up there were just a few vines starting to grow. Tommy easily pulled them out.

"These damn monitors keep stopping me." Tommy was now curious why they were trying to stop him. Solus had never mentioned them seeking people out. The monitors would only attack the things in each plants vicinity. Why were they seeking him out, he was wondering this as he was now following these threads again.

"Are these getting thicker?" Tommy had been pulling and following the threads for what felt like an hour without anything happening. At this point it was hard to tell but it felt like the threads were taking up more space between his fingers. The only reason this would happen is if they were getting thicker.

He was getting excited hoping that he was finally going to satisfy his curiosity and possibly find a way out of this place. Until he looked ahead of him that is.

Standing dead ahead of Tommy was a gigantic man. It stood 8 feet tall and was full of muscle. It looked like a giant body builder. The odd thing was that unlike a body builder looking big and bulky, this man appeared quite slim despite the bulging muscle standing out. The worst part was that it was completely red.

With this being my first novel, I would like to encourage feed back. Gaining sight into my readers thoughts on the story could definately end up influencing the over-all flow in the long run. As well point out any conflicts that I have failed to cover. All input will be read and considered.

Koolaidemancreators' thoughts