
Supreme Genes

Follow Tommy, an average family-man turned warrior when he is yanked away from the world he knows. Landing in a strange land Tommy is confronted by terrifying beasts and legendary creatures only seen in imagination. A humanlike species finds and takes him in, starting an epic journey of cultivation. One goal remains for Tommy. Returning to his wife and children.

Koolaideman · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
22 Chs

Godly fly

*God status creature consumed* the voice scared him.

*Searching for gene mutation*

"Gene mutation?" he said outloud as the voice kept going off in his head.

"What did you say?" Gabby yells from the living room.

"Nothing babe. Foods great by the way." he panicky yells back.

*Godly Fly gene located mutation beginning* as the voice rung in his head this time he started feeling something weird in his body. It felt as if there was immense pressure building up in his body. At the same time he could feel a force pushing down on him from every direction. What was probably only a few moments felt like hours for him as the pressure from inside of his body built to an excruciatingly high level.

Just when he didn't think he could take the pain any more an odd wave washed over him. It felt as if every cell in his body was waving in unison. An extremely calm sense washed over him almost like floating in water. No, it was more like floating in space. No, gently floating down through space.

As these thought were racing through his mind he realized the gentle float down was drastically starting to feel as if he were a comet hurdling towards earth at an astonishing speed.

He starts to panic, yelling for his wife.

"GABBY!" he's screaming at the top of his lungs absolutely terrified of this feeling hes having despite still standing right in front of his kitchen table.

He could hear her running through the hall. But even so every step sounded like it was getting slower.




The steps felt like they were minutes apart at this point and Tommy was completely frozen, unable to move at all. He was still standing with his knife in one hand and fork in the other. His body appeared completely stiff yet you could almost make out a faint ripple on his skin. The same effect that appears when a single drop of water hits a still lake, was slowly rippling through him.

Just as Gabby was about to finally turn the corner, he felt the floor give out from under his feet. As he fell through the floor he felt as if his body was on fire from the pressure pushing from inside and out on his skin. He couldn't hold it in anymore.

"AHHHHHHHH!" the pain finally escaped him.

Just as he was expecting to see his basement coming up, finally having the floorboards pass his face. He was in awe. All around him was a beautiful scenery appearing of galaxies and stars, comets flying around a nebulae everywhere. He felt as if he was falling but could clearly see himself moving up, which he didn't understand. He knows he fell through the floor so how could he be moving up?

Looking up expecting to see a hole in the ceiling and his kitchen he was once again floored, no longer feeling the pain he once did. All he could see in front of him was grass, grass over his head.