
Supreme Genes

Follow Tommy, an average family-man turned warrior when he is yanked away from the world he knows. Landing in a strange land Tommy is confronted by terrifying beasts and legendary creatures only seen in imagination. A humanlike species finds and takes him in, starting an epic journey of cultivation. One goal remains for Tommy. Returning to his wife and children.

Koolaideman · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
22 Chs


Before he could react he felt his skull smash into the grass he had been staring at. Oddly it didn't hurt though which he didn't understand why. Coming through the ground felt completely opposite to falling through his floor. He felt as if he was flying instead of falling.

As he comes bursting through the ground he has a shock. Directly in front of him is what he can only describe as a demon. It was huge at around 9 feet tall with giant rippling muscle. Its face appeared to be a mix of a dragon and human, similar to what the thought of the devil would look like including 2 large black horns sticking out of its blood red skin. It had 4 arms with hands on the end each only containing 2 fingers and a thumb. The legs were covered in thick black fur making its blood red torso stand out that much more. The beasts feet bore massive talons appearing similar to an eagle.

As his heart started to race he realized he had his knife still. He was rising into the air from the initial burst out of the ground. Reaching a height equal to the beast no more than 2 feet in front of him he quickly jammed his knife into the beasts eye.

Blood started to squirt out from the point of impact directly into Tommy's mouth.

*Blood of titan class creature consumed.* That strange voice rang out in his head again. He still didn't know what it meant.

*Searching for gene mutation."

The titan class creature in front of him quickly moved to punch Tommy. But Tommy was still shooting higher from initially breaking through the ground. As the titan was frantically swinging with 3 arms his 4th tried to clamp down over his injured eye, not realizing the knife was still stuck in it.


The sound of his hand driving the knife through his own eye sounded like a basketball being thrown against a metal garage door. His eyeball sounded as if it was made of metal. The creature slumped down as if every muscle in its body stopped working. As it hit the ground you could feel everything shake from how dense he was.

*Demonic Barbarian gene located mutation beginning.*

The voice went off again and he could feel the muscles in his body warming up. It started gentle, like stepping into a warm bath, then it drastically changed. It felt as if he had just been dipped in acid, every muscle in his body burned. It felt as if each muscle string was being ripped out of his bones, one by one.

This only lasted a few moments before he was waking up face down in the dirt. He slowly opened his eyes, terrified to move. He felt so much pain in his muscles a minute ago he was sure if he moved all he would feel is pain. So he decided to just lie there for a little bit. At least until he got some strength back.