
Supreme Genes

Follow Tommy, an average family-man turned warrior when he is yanked away from the world he knows. Landing in a strange land Tommy is confronted by terrifying beasts and legendary creatures only seen in imagination. A humanlike species finds and takes him in, starting an epic journey of cultivation. One goal remains for Tommy. Returning to his wife and children.

Koolaideman · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
22 Chs

Geno Gems

He had fully punched this giant boulder and had hurt his hand pretty bad yes, but didn't break the skin in the slightest. Earlier he had gently fallen on his butt and that small little rock stabbed him, and gotten him pretty good actually. He was confused by this completely. How could he put all that force into a hit and gotten nothing, but just his body weight caused that thing to stab him so deeply?

"I gotta check this out." Tommy said curiously as he trekked back in the direction he had come from. Now that he had related that this was all real he started paying attention to direction, and basing direction off of what he knows he would be now walking west. He came back to the spot he had fallen and could still see the spots of blood on the little rock in the ground.

"What is this?" He asked as he bent down and grabbed it. "And why is it so strong?" he could almost feel something leaking out of it into his hand.

He didn't know what was coming out of this little rock but the longer he held it the more he could feel it entering his hand. It felt like electric, but at the same time cool. You would expect the electric feeling to hurt but it was actually quite refreshing.

*Geno Gem now linked to your DNA. Would you like to activate it?*

"Ye-yes." He said a little timid as to what can happen.

As soon as he answered he felt the little gem shoot into his hand. He felt no pain as if it was just absorbed into him. As this happened that dark orange color started to spread from the single point he was holding the gem to the rest of his hand. It was an alarmingly fast process that Tommy barely had time to react to. He was as scared as he was curious.

As the color spread through his hands up through his arms, and to the rest of his body, he felt invigorated. Like a bolt of energy entering his body, spreading with the color.

*Activation of Supreme Geno Gem complete. Access is now at users control.*

Tommy was confused.

"How am I supposed to use whatever-." He was cut off in mid sentence.

The moment the thought to use it crossed his mind this orange liquid leaked out of his skin. In the blink of an eye it covered every part of his body, including a clear shield over his eyes, and hardened into what appeared to be a dark orange crystal covering him. Although every part of his body was covered he could still breathe and see perfectly. He knew that he was being covered but it didn't effect his vision in the slightest, to him he couldn't feel or even see the covering of his face. It was similar to a 2-way mirror.

"Is this armor?" Tommy couldn't help but to think.

He thought he should at least check it out a little bit if it is armor it could be useful. But until he was aware of how these classifications actually correlated to the world he would still be wary of every creature he came across. That Demon Barbarian was extremely strong based on the strength I got from his genes, and if a Titan class creature was weak he didn't know how well this "supreme" armor was.

He wanted to see if he could at least hit with his full power and not be injured. So he picked a random spot in the ground. Pulled back fully with all his might and swung as hard as he could at a spot on the ground.

"CREEEEEEK!" This overbearingly loud crack was sounded across the entire forest. It could be heard for tens of miles in every direction.

A crack was visibly seen sprawling from the point of impact and quickly spider-webbing across the ground in a circle about 60 from the center.

Tommy felt absolutely zero pain as he did this.

"This armor is amazing." Tommy said flabbergasted at what had just happened.

He knew from the impact of this hit that he had to be considered strong in this world after that. He then started wondering if any one or anything heard that incredulous crack.

"HEY! OVER-HERE!" He heard someone shout from behind him. They were quite a distance away as the voice he heard was extremely faint. But they were voices which shock Tommy. What shocked him more, is that they were speaking English.