
Supreme Dragon Bloodline

Synopsis Plagued with bad luck his whole life. Lost his parents to the cruel reality of the current era. Left alone and maltreated because he had absolutely no standing in the current society. Having a horrible childhood experience. But still holding onto the last shred of hope that could change his life. He wanted strength. Sadly this dream and will was crushed by a simply ordinary mechanical voice. In his darkest moment. Down and discriminated against because he had no talent or affinity. With the strange pendant. Only thing in remains of his late parents. He was given another chance. Stepping onto the bloodline path... Alone he walked on the path to supremacy. . . . . With my Supreme Dragon Bloodline! Superpower?! Talent?! Physique?! Grade?! I'll crush them all! I'll reign SUPREME! I Am The Law And The Law Is Me Supreme Dragon Bloodline . . . .. . . Looking for battle against behemoth beast and Titanic Legendary Beast ? Then read this. Trust me the beginning maybe rough but I've got something big for you guys.

FREAK_Reader01 · Fantasy
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89 Chs

The Unexpected

Chapter 31






There were at least over hundred gapping mouths large enough to contain the size of an apple, too shocked to react.

Still in state of comprehension of what just happened.

Even the mindless beasts all halted in their tracks, their vicious and brutal aura thrown to the bush, no where to be seen.

Seeing their once strong glorious sovereign combusted into bloody pieces of flesh, shocked them to the core, their instinct screamed at them to run but they couldn't move, frozen by terror they became mute.

Both sides were in a stand still.

"What tha f*ck!" chaos finally took hold.

To witness their once might foe that brought despair, suddenly squashed like a bug, with just a fist, defied their logic of strength.

Just what kind of strength was needed to, destroy a Two Tailed Demon Fox with a fist.

But... yeah one punch really ended it all, bringing an end to the ongoing blood and slaughter.

"Was it that Legendary rank?"

Indeed the Diamond Rank should be a myth to citizens from Skywalk City, it was too big of a dream to reach Gold Rank, much talk mid Gold Rank, and as for those who finally reached Gold Rank? They had to move to a more flourishing city, since there was no resources to farther their growth in a such a back water place.

But today a Diamond Rank Powerhouse paid a visit to their barren lands[1].

It would be their greatest pride of witnessing a Diamond Rank Mystic in action, a tale that would be told through from generations to generations.


"Who did that?"

"We are saved!" the bald man knelt in tears thinking of his family back at home.

A Silver Rank Mystic gasped in facination staring at the shredded Savage beast corpse or scattered pieces of flesh, after bringing about a bloody rain that was never needed.

Except Eric, the bloodied youth barely grasping unto his last breath, with half closed eyes, his limbs twisted and broken beyond repair, a testament of how strong the Fox was.

Muttering under his breath, Strength strength strength strength strength strength strength strength [²]

Eric kept muttering this same one word.

He once thought he had enough strength to at least protect his life, enough to save his life from unforseen circumstances.

Inflated by his sudden rise in strength, he became even more arrogant dealing with a couple of Vicious beast, the feeling of lording over these low level beast, had almost lead him to his death.

Realising how vicious life was.

He dominated the those beast with brute force , yet in the next moment, situation reversed, Eric became the weakling, almost instant killed in a single attack, Eric pride and arrogance was thrown straight from cloud nine deep through the earth and buried in dirt, yet such mighty beasts was shredded into bloody pieces in an instant.

Realising how life viciously treated the weak, easily devastating Eric's imagination.

There was always someone stronger than you, strong enough to squash your bug life in an instant.

This cycle is endless repeated, all over all over all over and all over again.

Too bad Eric realised too early.

As he kept on muttering the already changed word, weak weak weak weak weak weak weak weak weak.

Reminding his self he would have died today, but his fate wasn't written so, but he learnt a lesson.

This was Eric last thought before darkness embraced him in it's warm arms, everywhere became black.

Hopefully he survives the attack on a Savage Level Beast, taking an attack two ranks above him without combusting, was an accomplishment to be written in the world's record, that's if it really existed.


The floating life form in the sky slowly decended .

"What his he flying?"

someone shouted pointing out like a group of children, No,more like local villagers seeing modern amenities for the first time in their lives.

They were all facinated by the scene before them, just because they became mystics didn't give them the ability to fly right away.

Defying gravity was a big dream for anybody.

"Who doesn't want to fly?"

Either it was just to look cool or attract that your crush, flying was marvellous, especially without wings.

Just the thought of flying in the sky was exciting .

The proeignator of Skywalk City probably dreamt of this for a city to have such a crude name. They once had high hopes of someday producing a Diamond Rank Mystic, since that was the only basic to skywalk without the help of parachutes.

The more than six feets mid age man that seemed to be in his thirties gave no heed to the astonished gasp featuring his arrival, slowly decending like a god to the locals, his blonde hair fluttered with the winds, every thing about him spoke wealth, from head to toe, equipped with the least Unique grade, his combat boots weren't excluded since it was able advance through various battle while withstanding the power of a Diamond Rank Mystic.

Non of that mattered compared to the one hand Gauntlet on his right hand, it stood out like a crane among the flocks of chicken, speaking volumes of how wealthy its owner was, if it could really be priced by monerical[3] values.

In fantasy world where killing and chaos exist everywhere, power and strength [4] was the only thing sought, apart from the very few idiots that existed in every world who chose the path of a useless young master.

Paper money was already loosing value in the current society of mystics.

Treasures could only be exchanged for something equivalent in value.

Three magical stones meticulously embedded on it's surface, beautifying the exterior. The silk blue lines that intersected each stone like veins, unconsciously flashing with current of the terrifying force it beheld, to the astonished crowd.


It took no time for the expensive looking bottle potion, that would have taken the whole of Eric's life he spent in Skywalk City and a few years more to be able to afford, the bottle steadily floated in the air towards unconscious Eric, before it poured the whole of it's content into his mouth.






[1 Take note Skywalk City is only barren in cultivation resources, not financially or in cultural means]

[2 scene inspired by asta from black - c-lover]

[3: I created the word^_^]

[4: Different meanings there]

(AN: I think I made a mistake with the grade of Crescent Blade, it's a rare blade about to advance to unique not epic)