
Supreme Dragon Bloodline

Synopsis Plagued with bad luck his whole life. Lost his parents to the cruel reality of the current era. Left alone and maltreated because he had absolutely no standing in the current society. Having a horrible childhood experience. But still holding onto the last shred of hope that could change his life. He wanted strength. Sadly this dream and will was crushed by a simply ordinary mechanical voice. In his darkest moment. Down and discriminated against because he had no talent or affinity. With the strange pendant. Only thing in remains of his late parents. He was given another chance. Stepping onto the bloodline path... Alone he walked on the path to supremacy. . . . . With my Supreme Dragon Bloodline! Superpower?! Talent?! Physique?! Grade?! I'll crush them all! I'll reign SUPREME! I Am The Law And The Law Is Me Supreme Dragon Bloodline . . . .. . . Looking for battle against behemoth beast and Titanic Legendary Beast ? Then read this. Trust me the beginning maybe rough but I've got something big for you guys.

FREAK_Reader01 · Fantasy
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89 Chs

Terror Arrives

Chapter 30






The battlefield turned silent, everyone stood in place staring at the unbelievable scene that was starting to get believable with each seconds passed.

Blood started gushing out like a shower splendour from where the limbs separated.

The Rhino's corpse stood on it's hind legs, still illusioned by it's glorious moment before death.

Eric lightly landed with his knee bent on the ground.

The illusioned rhino soon realized it was dead without it's brain giving commands, with incomplete limbs, it crashed sideways with frozen posture of a neighing horse[1].


"What the hell did I just see right now?" finally breaking the atmosphere while pointing at Eric's back.

"Damn! Are my eyes paining me or is this an illusion?" the guy with the brown hair said squeezing both eyes with his two hands to double check.


This gasp of amazement would have continued for a long time if it wasn't on the battlefield, the group soon resumed their charge after recovering from the shock.

"Roar!!" the battle continued.

Excutioner who.had been battling 3 Peak Vicious beast, was now engaged in a more fearsome battle with five new ones, while the corpse of their former in deep sleep. He gave Eric a side glance acknowledging his legendary feat, laughing as his attacks became more fiercer and deadly colliding with the beast three meters gigantic body.

"Seems there is finally hope to win this battle" this thought rang through their minds.

But sadly "Man proposes, but the Heavens dispose" and so was this thought disposed.

An aura greater than anyone present, broke through the limit of the atmosphere suppressing everything in it's path with pure might, the beast cowered in fear and human mystics struggled to stand on their feet except from the Bronze rank mystics who were already on their knees.

Starting from the central back of the beast flanks, right in the middle of the forest , the embodiment of this aura began to make it's away through it's subordinate.

Eric felt the sudden chill, the alarming treath was too vived to be ignored.

Eric felt the same emotions he felt 1 week back, a danger that could take his life was on it's way coming for him.


"Bamb!" the sudden sneak attack that would have taken the life of any Peak Silver Mystic, was blocked by Eric, but not without consequences.

He smashed straight back wards , bumping and bouncing like a piece of shit.


A bloodied figure smashed the tree into two , finally putting an end to it's free bumpy ride.

And that was non other Eric, who was just ravishing in his gladiator's glory, bloodied and battered like a rag doll.



"Whirrr!" different kinds of beast sounds were heard welcoming their monarch, who stood proud , stylishly cat walking with two large eye-catching tails, struck out of it's back.

The low level beast, squirmed hurriedly retreating in terror, a clean path was made , leading straight to Eric.

Including Vicious level beasts who just battled the human mystics, retreating in fear, not daring to delay in the slightest.

"What the hell is that?" a Silver Rank Mystic gulped in fear , staring at the beast before them, that terrified him.

Everyone kept quiet feeling the intense pressure radiating off the beast with two large tail.

Fear creeped through their spines , retreating with heavy footsteps of defeat, this time around no amount of motivation would give them the slightest bit of morale against such beast.

"A Two Tailed Fox" Excutioner muttered under his breath.


Tailed Demon Fox, according to their names were known for their craftiness and intelligence, among beasts of same rank, shredding horror to those who they encountered.

Tailed Demon Foxes were ranked according to the size and amount of tail they've grown, they more tail they had the higher their strength is ranked, and the more size it grew the more dangerous and crafty it became, almost equalling their fellow species "Nine Lives Demonic Cat" a beast of legends and terror said to be invincible, since they were almost unkillable while having Nine Lives, each life loosed more terrifying they became.

Well....that is a story for another day.

The current tailed fox had two large tails reaching the height of 6meters, with furs sharper than blades.


"What is this?"

"How did it appear here?" this thought ran through their heads, trying to guess how such a terrifying monster appeared here.

This was a lost battle from the beginning, they were just carrying on a show of courage and slaughter like clowns for this monster, only to end up in a devastating reality of their strength.

"We are damned!"

"Why now? My wife just gave birth and I wasn't even allowed to see my child" a middle age one armed mystics roared with one sorrow, as he knelt on the ground, with no lights in his eyes "Hope?" there was no hope to hold unto, and nothing could change that no matter what they did, the outcome was already decided by the Two Tailed Fox.


Tailed Foxes not like their names, were born without tails, and with each breakthrough they had a tail was added.

A one Tailed Fox equaled Silver Rank Mystics, so a Two Tailed Fox was even more terrifying equalling Gold Rank Mystics.

And here a fully grown Two Tailed Fox stood dominating the whole of Skywalk City experts without lifting a finger.


The Fox paid no heed to the retreating fellows, as it's eyes never left locked unto the bloodied Eric, who's blood began to sip back through his pores , healing and mending back at a very slow pace.

Hunger flashed through it's pupils, Eric was it's prey and no one was allowed to touch him, to the extent not even Vicious Beasts dared to have any thing against him.

Not bothering to uphold it's image any longer against this sumptutous delicate human before it, it's drooling mouth opened, totaly loosing control.

It leaped straight into the air, defying gravitation .

It's two paw stretched forward, it's mouth wide enough to gulp the whole Eric once....

In it's eyes Eric was already in his stomach...



The speed of sound was broken twice in a row.

A dazzling fist confronted the gapping beast mouth, and like a gate to the underworld it went through it.

"Boom!" a louder boom was heard.

The once majestic Two Tailed Fox combusted into bloody pieces like a knock out on a new year night, with difference of bloody rain of flesh and blood instead of it's dazzling Colours.







(Author Note: Thanks for the love so far guys. Any questions?)

[1 when a horse raises it's two front legs up]