
Supreme Demon Lord

JD goes through the motions of every day life, wishing that he could make his nerdy dreams become reality. One night as he goes to sleep, he finds himself in what he believes is just a normal dream, but soon realizes that he can't wake up to his reality. The thing that shocks him the most after this revelation, is that he's taken the form of a small demon named Rokene. After realizing that this new reality has become his own, he also finds that he has a system similar to that of what you find in video games, and it begins to explain to him that his objective in this new world is to become the god of not only the demon race, but of every existence in this world.

mel0n · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
28 Chs

Minor evolution

Rokene could feel this new power running through his body. He felt as if he had become a new person after the evolution. He decided to finally check his status and was impressed to see that his stats had doubled.

The thing that surprised him the most was seeing just how much his MP has grown. It had finally reached the 60 mark.

Since his spells all cost 1 MP after every use, he was now able to practice for much longer periods before having to take a break. Another thing that stood out to him was a notification telling him that he had new skills.

[new skills unlocked]

[Fire fist- level 1

healing touch-level 1

Wind step- level 1

Earth armor- level 1

Shadow storage- level 1

All pawn-2 skills will now cost 2 MP]

Rokene was dumbfounded when he looked at the notifications. These new skills really cemented his power difference over others at the same level as him and lower.

"Some of these skills appear to be pretty self explanatory, but I'm not so certain about a couple of them. Shadow storage appears to be a simple storage skills as the name suggests, but healing tough and wind step seem very interesting. I guess I should try them out before I ever consider using them in any form of fight." He thought to himself.

Rokene spent hours out in the woods testing out his new skills. Fire fist worked just as expected, a flame engulfed his fist, but the power behind a punch with those flames was almost twice as powerful as a normal punch. It also had the extra effect of being able to burn whatever the fist made contact with.

Earth armor simply created a small suit of armor that covered Rokene's chest with rocks and hardened mud. "This could become more beneficial in combat than lugging around that giant shield." He thought to himself.

He finally decided to try the other two spells that brought him uncertainty. "First is the wind step spell" he thought. Rokene began to imagine being able to step on a solid piece of air, before making his body follow that thought.

When he tried to step up as if we were walking up a stair, he felt like his foot had landed on something solid. He put all his weight on that foot and imagined another step at the same level as the other one for his other foot.

Before Rokene realized it, he was floating above the ground, on his invisible stairs. While this was exciting for him, he decided to check his MP because he was afraid that every step would take away 2MP. When he looked though, he noticed that it had only went down 2 points and that was from the first step. "Maybe activating is the only thing that takes away MP?" he wondered to himself.

He began to imagine more steps, until finally, he was floating 20 feet above the ground. "This is a little disorienting from up here. Especially since I have nothing to hold onto. With practice, I'm sure this will be a very useful spell, and not just in battle also."

He decided to step back down to the earth after contemplating the usefulness of the wind step. When he made it back to the ground, he decided to try out the healing touch skill.

In order to try it, Rokene believed that he needed to have a small injury first. He placed the tip of his index finger in his mouth and not down, drawing a little blood to come out. Then he placed his other hand right over the injury and focused on a cool water enveloping it. At that moment, enough water to cover the finger appeared and started to glow.

After a couple of seconds, a warm calming feeling came over the finger as the wound closed up. He wiped the blood away with a smile growing on his face. "These new skills are incredible. There is so much versatility for each one of them. I need to show Jupiter what I can do now, and see how her training is coming along as well."

When he finally reached the little spot near the stream that they had been staying at, he could smell something burning. He decided to check out the source, and that was when he saw Jupiter standing over a tree branch that had caught fire.

"Why are you standing around and staring at a burning branch like it's the most mesmerizing thing you've ever seen?" He asked as he walked up. She turned to face him with a proud smile on her face. " My magic is finally strong enough to damage things besides giving it a little shock." She responded.

Jupiter proceeded to show Rokene what she can do, by pointing at another branch before shooting a small jolt of lightning from her fingertips. The branch immediately caught flames when the lightning made contact, which made her smile grow even wider.

Then she looked to Rokene to see his reaction, but she could noticed that something was different about him. "Did you get taller while you were out there?" He didn't know what she was talking about, but decided to get closer to her to check their height difference.

When they first met, Jupiter was a solid half a foot taller than him, but as he stood beside her, he could tell that she was only a couple of inches taller at that point.

When he first arrived in the new world, he stood at the same height that he had in his previous world, which was just barely over 5ft. Now it seemed that his evolution had caused him to grow 4 inches.

"If a minor evolution caused me to change this much, I wonder what's going to happen to my body in the future. As long as I become much stronger though, I guess my looks won't matter too much to me." He thought to himself. A small grin appeared on his face when he began to think about what the future held for him.

I know that I took a decent break from writing, but I promise that I am going to be able to stay on top of it now! Please enjoy

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