
Supreme Demon Lord

JD goes through the motions of every day life, wishing that he could make his nerdy dreams become reality. One night as he goes to sleep, he finds himself in what he believes is just a normal dream, but soon realizes that he can't wake up to his reality. The thing that shocks him the most after this revelation, is that he's taken the form of a small demon named Rokene. After realizing that this new reality has become his own, he also finds that he has a system similar to that of what you find in video games, and it begins to explain to him that his objective in this new world is to become the god of not only the demon race, but of every existence in this world.

mel0n · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
28 Chs


Rokene decided that it was time to get stronger before making his appearance in the kingdom of Zanoria. It was time for him to find prey and level up.

First, he needed to practice his magic and become capable of performing the spells without having to delay due to the concentration that it took. This would only come with practice, and so that is what he did.

For the next several weeks, Rokene and Jupiter were not only surviving out in the wilderness, but were practicing their skills every moment that they could. With Rokene having a set amount of MP that he could work with at a time, he would have to take breaks after his training sessions.

He was able to talk with Jupiter about her type of magic, while also learning more about the world. He learned that the name of the world was Azarath. He inquired about the other nations, but unfortunately, Jupiter was only informed about Zanoria.

Her owner never allowed for his slaves to read or be educated as far as the outside world was concerned. The only reason she knew about Zanoria, was because of the experiences that she had on the brief times that he would allow her and the other slaves to leave his home.

Rokene wasn't able to learn as much as he wanted about the new world that he was in, but at least he had some idea about Zanoria and the way that it was run.

During this time, his magic spells leveled up considerably. All of his spells reached the 4th rank, while his level rose to 5. This was due to the fact that every time he was able to find poachers or low level hunters exploring the forest, he would kill them as quickly as possible while also focusing on using his different types of spells.

After 2 weeks of constant training, he finally got the courage to try and fight his prey up close instead of relying on killing them from a distance with one of his spells. He realized that his appearance would frighten his opponents briefly, and that was because of the fact that he was a demon, but their fight or flight instincts would kick in when he began to attack.

Rokene realized that he didn't mind sneak attacks, but having the people he killed see his face before ending their lives was much more enjoyable. He was never this sadistic when he was a human in his previous world, but he soon began to think that the reason for this new behavior could be attributed to him now being a demon.

When he fought the lone hunter in the woods face to face, the man was frightened but just like the others, his instincts kicked in. The man began to shoot arrows at Rokene, but he was able to block them with his shield made of earth with ease. Rokene ran up to the man while blocking every arrow that came near him.

Thankfully the shield was large enough now thanks to its level up to cover his small body with ease, which allowed him to get within an arms length of the man.

At that point, the man began to realize the danger that he was truly in, and decided to start stabbing at Rokene with the tips of his remaining arrows. The arrows were able to reach his body a couple of times when Rokene would try to go on the offensive, but the damage that was done was minimal.

Even though the arrows pierced his skin, the wounds healed almost immediately.

"Wow, I feel like a certain mutant from the comics I used to read back in my world." Rokene thought to himself.

By this time, he decided to stop using the shield and allow his insane healing properties to bring him through the fight. Once he removed the shield, the hunter began to think that he had the upper hand and was able to exhaust the mana from the small demon, but it was at that moment that Rokene knew that the hunter was fucked.

Rokene dropped through the ground at an incredible speed, which left the hunter's mind reeling. He couldn't see the figure of his opponent anymore, and before he realized it, he felt extreme heat coming from behind him.

The hunter turned around, and as soon as he did, he felt a hand touch his chest. As he looked down, the hunter began to see flames engulf his entire upper body. The smell of burning flesh was almost too much for him to handle, but before he could make a noise, Rokene lopped off his head with a blade of wind. Rokene received several notifications at that moment.

[pawn-2 killed]

[50 exp gained]

[level up]

[minor evolution beginning]

As soon as Rokene read through all of the notifications, he felt an intense pain course through his whole body. He felt as if every fiber of his being was being ripped to shreds at that very moment. His bones crumbled but grew back almost immediately, his muscles were destroyed but were rebuilt, and his skin began to stretch as well.

The process took 10 seconds to complete, but to Rokene, it felt as if days had just gone by. When he was finally able to stand back up, he felt like his body was lighter. Not only that but power was beginning to really flow through him. He knew at that moment that he had moved from being a pawn-1 to pawn-2 without even looking at his status screen. The farming of exp that he had been doing in those weeks had finally paid off.

Hey guys, please give a review on the story and power stones if you feel like it deserves it. Any feedback would be greatly appreciated and will help me to continue writing and to grow as a writer also. Thank you for those who are already supporting the story!

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