
Supreme Battle-Technology System In A Desolate Magic World

Disclaimer: Please be advised that this book contains explicit depictions of Blood and Gore, starting from Chapter XX. It also has visual portrayals of amorous scenes at later chapters—Chapter XXX. Reader discretion is fully advised! [Audience Rating: 18+] *** "What would you do if, as a remarkably-skilled soldier, you were inexplicably transported as an ordinary, talentless human to a world where everyone—including kids as young as four, possess spectacular magical abilities?" How would you react to such a disheartening situation filled with severe melancholic predicaments? This, is the story of Maxmillan, a seasoned veteran soldier from Earth who transmigrated to another world where literally everyone could perceive and utilize an energy called Astra Mystralis, a boundless mystical energy that when mastered, can cause countless manifestations of phenomenal and fantastical magical effects! Oppressed, inhumanely abused, and treated cruelly, Maxmillan surrenders to his tragic fate as an ordinary, completely useless person in a world where Astra Mystralis serves as the fundamental cornerstone of their reality. But, Maxmillan's fate would change when he becomes the host of the Supreme Battle-Technology System; a powerful, sentient futuristic interface that would limitlessly bestow him with destructively potent and immensely functional, basic to supreme, transcendent, and sterling super-ranked weapons, as well as countless tons of incredible and stupendously advanced, superior-grade equipments, instruments, tools, machineries, apparatuses, and gears from tens of thousands of centuries in the future! So, equipped with potent futuristic items like Multiple-Barrel Neutron Burst Emission Gun, Strength-Amplifying Exo-Mechanical Arms, Wide-Area Plasmic and Electric Arc Grenades, Outer-Space Fast-Flight Suit, Lightning Annihilator Armor, Turbo-Thruster Propelled Speedcycle, and many more—which are some of the massive numbers of items he obtained after completing really arduous and immensely taxing, time-limited missions, quests, and tasks, Maxmillan gradually gains the means to defend himself against overpowering hordes and assemblies of vicious, greedy, and malevolent Astra Mystralis users who relentlessly pursued him because of his astounding otherworldly ability—to mysteriously and endlessly materialize different types of absolutely rare weapons, devices, and equipment, as well as summon astounding ground and air-transportation means, making him a strange and incomprehensible anomaly in their world. Coupled with numerous bionic upgrades, gene-constitution alterations, biological augmentations, advanced cybernetical fortifications, serum-based transformations, chemical super-boosts, and a massive plethora of neural enhancements that will bestow him with myriad superhuman abilities—such as energy-beam vision, gale-force breath, extreme-hypersonic to near-light-speed flight, matter manipulation, annihilation-beam discharge, tiny to vast-scale lightning explosion creation, and hundreds more, watch how Maxmillan—now a super-powered, metahuman Cyborg warrior, will bravely and fearlessly fight his way through teeming large numbers of moderately powered to astronomically powerful and savage, phenomenal god-like users of Astra Mystralis to ascend to a position of supreme fame, unmatched honor, and dazzling, incomparable glory! *** Note: This narrative unfolds as a distinctive tale seamlessly combining elements of intense climactic actions, epic magical summoning skills, pets collection and training, magical beasts exomechanical amplification, futuristic marvels, a unique Level-Up System, thrilling dangerous adventures and heartwarming family moments. And yes, it has Harem. But it's not your usual women-chasing (story-ruining) MC. This is totally different, as he's a goal-focused, plot-driven one. Same as the FMCs who are super-strong, indomitable, and impressively ambitious. Read to see for yourself. Thanks!

koladeizdavid · Fantasy
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259 Chs

Chapter 34 - Entering the Cave (III)

Chapter 34 - Entering the Cave (III)

As if cocooned in an invisible forcefield, the sword emerged from the chaos unscathed. The metallic surface gleamed with an ethereal sheen, untouched by the visceral remnants of battle. Each calculated movement of the sword seemed to repel the very essence of blood, creating an aura of pristine detachment amidst the carnage.

The juxtaposition was stark—the kinetic dance of the sword, weaving through the armored army that flanked Maxmillan, contrasted against the blood-soaked canvas of the battlefield.

The air, heavy with the metallic scent of blood, seemed to part around the untouched blade, creating an almost surreal atmosphere.

The Supercharging Annihilator Sword, a silent witness to the ceaseless obliteration and chaos it had gleefully wrought, stood as a testament to its otherworldly capabilities.

For Maxmillan, it was a peculiar sight—a weapon that cut through the fabric of life of numerous hundred people, yet remained untouched by its essence. As he navigated the small army, the sword's surface remained pristine, a silent observer in the theater of violence. The invisible forcefield, a testament to the sword's unique design, added an element of mystique to the already enigmatic weapon—in the eyes of the Sky Bridges Lord and the old man standing by his side, leaving Maxmillan and two onlookers in an underground chamber alike in awe of its unblemished presence amidst the sea of blood.

Having fully eradicated the small army that dared to confront him, Maxmillan stood amidst the aftermath, the large sword in his hand still resonating with the echoes of its destructive dance. The battlefield, now a testament to his unbridled power, bore the scars of his relentless assault—severed bodies and spilled blood painting a grim portrait.

As he turned his gaze toward the cave entrance, a savage and beastly light emanated from Maxmillan's eyes. The flickering glow hinted at a seemingly primal force beginning to course through him, an untamed energy that mirrored the ferocity of a predatory beast. The savage light danced in his eyes, a manifestation of the feral determination that fueled his every step.

The cave, a foreboding maw in the rocky expanse, beckoned Maxmillan with an air of mystery and danger. The darkness within seemed to absorb the ambient light, creating an ominous contrast to the blood-soaked battleground. The anticipation hung heavy in the air as Maxmillan, still cloaked in the aftermath of battle, prepared to enter.

With each step toward the cave's entrance, the beastly light in his eyes intensified, casting an eerie glow on his features. The juxtaposition of the primal radiance against the stark backdrop of destruction created a surreal scene. Maxmillan, a formidable force in the wake of his triumph, moved toward the cave with a purpose that transcended mere curiosity—a determination etched in the savage gleam of his eyes. The air crackled with a certain tension as he ventured into the unknown, the cave's gaping maw swallowing the savage light and the warrior alike.

"Mother, I am coming to rescue you," Maxmillan declared, his words echoing with an unwavering, god-defying resolve that reverberated through the cavernous depths.

As he stepped into the cavern, the transition unfolded into a vast underground expanse that stretched out before him. The eerie silence enveloped the space, creating an unsettling contrast to the tumultuous echoes of battle left behind. The air hung heavy with a sense of anticipation, Maxmillan's every footfall resonating through the stillness.

The cavern opened into a subterranean realm, a labyrinth of shadows that danced across the uneven walls. The absence of sound heightened Maxmillan's wariness, casting a veil of uncertainty over his purposeful strides. The silence seemed to amplify every rustle and echo, magnifying the isolation of the underground expanse.

As Maxmillan navigated the quiet depths, a question lingered in his mind. "Why is this place so quiet?" he pondered silently, the wariness in his heart and the alertness of his senses mirrored in the furrow of his brow. His keen eyes scanned the surroundings, searching for any sign or sound that might break the unnatural silence, yet the underground expanse remained enigmatic, holding its secrets in a shroud of quiet mystery.

'Where have the rest of the outlaws in this place gone to? Or is it all of them that I have laid waste to outside?' Maxmillan questioned within himself, his voice barely above a whisper but resonating with an undercurrent of uncertainty. The large underground expanse enveloped him in its shadowy embrace, its walls adorned with ancient stalactites and stalagmites that bore witness to the passage of time.

The expanse sprawled before him, a complex network of interconnected routes leading to other larger underground caves. Maxmillan's gaze swept across the expanse, the play of shadows accentuating the mystery that clung to the underground labyrinth. The quietude persisted, leaving the air thick with an unspoken tension.

As he pondered the whereabouts of the elusive outlaws, memories of the small army he had mercilessly slayed outside echoed in his mind. The interconnected routes hinted at the potential concealment of secrets, each passage a potential gateway to the unknown. The flickering light from the phosphorescent fungi accentuated the sense of disquiet, casting eerie patterns on the cave walls.

Maxmillan's footsteps echoed through the labyrinthine depths, the sound reverberating as if carried by unseen currents. His eyes, sharp and vigilant, scanned the intricate details of the cave system. The silence persisted, creating an atmosphere pregnant with anticipation. In the heart of this subterranean realm, Maxmillan stood at the crossroads of uncertainty, where the shadows seemed to hold the key to the enigma that lay ahead.

Deeper into the cave route, Maxmillan's footsteps echoed with a rhythmic cadence, the gleam in his eyes reflecting an unsettling blend of viciousness and devilish determination. The shadows danced around him, accentuating the contours of the rocky walls that bore witness to the clandestine encounter about to unfold.

Suddenly, like phantoms materializing from the darkness, men dressed in black emerged with silent precision. Their concealed forms blended seamlessly with the shadows until the moment they sprung into action. Each figure, a silhouette of malevolence, wielded magically-enchanted weapons—swords, spears, and daggers that glinted with an ominous radiance.