
Chapter 15: Remove the Firewood from Under the Pot

Translator: 549690339

"Miss Leng, my way of treatment is somewhat unique, please excuse any offenses."

The smile on Long Yan's face faded slightly as he hinted at Leng Yuexi to stand.

Leng Yuexi nodded slightly and stood up.

"Close your eyes."

Long Yan said.

Perhaps thinking of something, Leng Yuexi's face turned pink. Nevertheless, she cooperatively shut her eyes with a little nervousness in her heart. If Long Yan...

Just in the instant when Leng Yuexi closed her eyes, Long Yan activated the Poison God Finger. His forefinger instantly turned black and stabbed into her lower abdomen like lightning. A streak of poison light entered her Shenque Point.

The moment his forefinger contacted her lower abdomen, Leng Yuexi trembled as if she had been electrocuted. Her pretty face blushed instantly, and she opened her eyes.

From childhood, no man aside from her father had even touched her hand. Today, Long Yan had touched her lower abdomen. It was utterly embarrassing!

"Miss Leng, how do you feel now?"

Long Yan asked.

Seeing Long Yan's serious face, Leng Yuexi then carefully checked her condition. At this moment, she realized that her internal malicious fire, which always been coiling inside her, seemed to be suppressed. She could no longer feel the mark of the malevolent fire.

"Have you truly eliminated my Poisonous Fire for me?"

Leng Yuexi was overjoyed. The Poisonous Fire had been her nightmare. Today, this nightmare had finally left her.

"So quickly?"

Ye Han Smoke turned around with a slightly surprised look on her face. As a fourth-rank pill refiner, she could do nothing about the Poisonous Fire in Leng Yuexi's body. It was a miracle that Long Yan managed to suppress the Poisonous Fire in the blink of an eye.

"I have only temporarily suppressed the Poisonous Fire for you. It will take some time to eliminate it completely."

The Poison God Finger could not only kill but also save people. He used poison to suppress Leng Yuexi's Poisonous Fire. Of course, once he absorbed the Poisonous Fire, Leng Yuexi would be completely free from it. But there was something he needed help from Leng Yuexi with, so he had to take it one step at a time.

"Great! Now I truly believe you can remove my Poisonous Fire."

Leng Yuexi, beaming with joy, had full trust in Long Yan.

Even if it were a Martial King, it would be very tough to suppress her Poisonous Fire. But Long Yan accomplished it with ease, which spoke volumes.

"How did you do it?"

Ye Han Smoke asked, her tone considerably softened.

"That's a secret."

Long Yan brought a faint smile to his face and lightly uttered these four words.


Ye Han Smoke's eyebrows furrowed slightly as her eyes emitted a cold light.

"Alright, stop deliberately provoking Sister Han Smoke."

Leng Yuexi naturally noticed Long Yan deliberately antagonizing Ye Han Smoke: "You suppressed the Poisonous Fire for me this time. What should I do to thank you?"

"No need to thank me."

Long Yan moved his hand and said, "I want to know where I can find a Pure Yang Fruit."

Condensing the Nine Suns was the most important aspect of the Nine Suns Divine Art. After he broke through to the True Martial Ninth Level, his Pure Yang Qi Vortex had already matured. To break into the Spirit Martial Boundary, he must convert the Pure Yang Qi Vortex into a Pure Yang Star.

Only by absorbing the Pure Yang Power from Pure Yang treasures could the Pure Yang Qi Vortex be turned into a Pure Yang Star.

There are very few treasured items in this world infused with Pure Yang Power. The best Pure Yang treasure was obviously the Nine Suns Holy Water, Pure Yang Fruit being the least valuable and most common.

"Pure Yang Fruit?"

Leng Yuexi's beautiful eyes flickered and she said, "Although a Pure Yang Fruit is not considered precious, it is indeed rare. Even the Leng Family might not have one. On the entire Shenwu Continent, only a small universe controlled by the Tianwu Dynasty cultivates Pure Yang Fruits. That small universe is the foundation of the Tianwu Dynasty, and not just anyone can enter. However, in a month, it will be the Tianwu Dynasty's annual hunting competition where the first prize is a Pure Yang Fruit."

"What is the Hunting Competition?"

Long Yan didn't know much about the Hunting Competition.

Thanks to Leng Yuexi's explanation, he understood it.

The Hunting Competition is an event held annually by the Tianwu Dynasty. Any forces that are vassals to the Tianwu Dynasty can send representatives, as long as they are under twenty years old.

The rewards for the Hunting Competition are exceedingly generous, especially for the champion. To boost competitive spirit, the dynasty usually discloses the rewards three months in advance.

"In one month, the championship will be mine," Long Yan vowed to himself. The Pure Yang Fruit, was something he must acquire.

"Sister Han Yan, what do you think of Long Yan?"

After Long Yan left, Leng Yue Xi asked Ye Han Smoke.

"He's somewhat mysterious, yet since he was able to help you dispel the Poisonous Fire, when necessary, we can lend him some help."


In the days that followed, Ling Wu City remained relatively calm, with no significant incidents.

Aside from refining elixirs for the Long family, Long Yan also offered some advice to Long Kun. Within several days, Long Kun managed to refine a high-grade Tier Two elixir, just a step away from advancing to a third-grade pill refiner.

On top of that, Long Yan had also been observing Ah Man, but with no particular success.

Ah Man was the name he'd given to the robust young man.

Ah Man continued to remain silent. However, he had a tremendous appetite and was practically eating non-stop. If the Long family hadn't been so wealthy, he might have eaten them into bankruptcy.

Within just a few days, his body had grown even stronger, and he'd also grown taller, standing full head taller than Long Yan, resembling a human-shaped tyrannosaur.

In the blink of an eye, ten days had passed.

The Lin Family Mansion was all decked out with lights and decorations, even the servants were dressed festively. The central courtyard held hundreds of tables arranged for a feast, inviting guests from all directions.

Today was the day for the Lin family and Bai family to unite through marriage.

The Long family of course, having received an invitation from the Lin family earlier, couldn't be outdone. Long Cangqiong and the five elders had gone to the feast early in the morning.

In his room, Long Yan woke from his cultivation. A visible, sharp gleam shot out from his eyes.

"Three months are up, Lin Yuyan, your good days are over."

He had no personal grudge against Lin Yuyan, but she was responsible for the death of the former owner of his body. As repayment, he would not spare Lin Yuyan.

"Young Master, something terrible has happened!"

At that moment, Zhang Yibai's voice came from the other courtyard.

"What happened?"

Long Yan opened the door of his room and walked out. If it wasn't something major, Zhang Yibai wouldn't have disturbed him.

"Young Master, the Bai Family has attacked us."

Zhang Yibai looked grave.


Long Yan's eyes narrowed. He hadn't expected the Bai family to act so soon: "Let's go. We need to check this out."

As he en route, he learned from Zhang Yibai that his grandpa and the five elders had gone to the Lin family's feast. The Bai family chose this moment to strike, cunningly aiming to kick the Long family while they were down.

"The Lin family is truly sinister. They've made an enemy of me, and I will wipe them out completely. The Bai family won't be able to protect them."

A killing intent flashed in Long Yan's eyes. He had already sentenced the Lin family to death.