
Chapter 14: Tyrant Sky Art

Translator: 549690339

Ling Wu City, Long Family.

"Yan'er, you're finally back."

As soon as Long Yan returned to the Long Family, Long Cangqiong received the news and came to Long Yan's residence immediately, followed by Long Xinghe.

"Good kid, I didn't expect you to hide so deeply. Not only can you refine pills, but your strength is also so powerful."

Long Xinghe patted Long Yan's shoulder with a smile on his face.

That day, news of Long Yan's forceful defeat of Long Hao and Long Ziyue spread quickly, and the Long Family was once again shaken. Long Yan's strength to defeat Long Hao was far beyond everyone's expectations.

"Grandpa, have you sold all the elixirs I left behind?"

Long Yan said.

Before he went to the Ten Thousand Poison Forest, he had refined a large number of Supreme-grade Crimson Blood Pills, enough for the Long Family to sell normally for two months.

"There are still some elixirs left, but that's not the most important thing."

Long Cangqiong sighed, looking somewhat serious, and said, "In half a month, it will be the wedding day of Lin Family and Bai Family. Yesterday, Lin Family sent an invitation. We are at odds with the Lin Family, and when the Bai Family people arrive, I'm afraid the Lin Family will take action."

The alliance between Bai Family and Lin Family was definitely not good news for the Long Family.

"This is clearly a Hongmen Banquet. Perhaps in half a month, it will be the real time for the Lin Family and Long Family to settle their differences; the Long Family may be in danger."

Long Xinghe said, "Yan'er, we don't worry about our own lives or deaths, but you are the genius of the Long Family and must not be hurt. So, we've discussed and decided that the Great Elder will secretly escort you out of Ling Wu City. Even if the Long Family is destroyed, as long as you are still alive and attain the strength of the Heavenly Martial Realm, you can rebuild the Long Family."

Long Yan was more talented than Long Hao and was an Alchemist. It shouldn't be a problem for him to reach the Heavenly Martial Realm after growing up.

"Is this what family feels like?"

Long Yan's heart warmed, and this long-lost feeling gave him a deep sense of belonging.

"Grandpa, Uncle, I won't leave."

Long Yan spoke very firmly, "Don't worry, with me here, even if the Lin Family joins the Bai Family, they won't be able to do anything to the Long Family."


The expressions of Long Cangqiong and Long Xinghe changed slightly, but before they could say anything, they were interrupted by Long Yan.

"You don't need to say more, just believe in me."

Long Yan changed the topic, "Grandpa, you've been stuck in the Earth Martial Realm Second Layer for several years now, haven't you?"

Long Cangqiong had reached the Earth Martial Realm Second Layer five years ago. In these five years, he had been doing his best to cultivate but had not made any progress.

"Sigh, it seems there's no hope for me in this lifetime."

Long Cangqiong sighed lightly, having already given up hope for a breakthrough.

Long Yan gave a slight smile, took out a scroll he had prepared in advance, and said, "Grandpa, this is a set of martial arts called Tyrant Sky Art. As long as you practice it, I guarantee you can break through in less than ten days."

The best martial art in the Long Family was only at the advanced yellow level. It could be cultivated in the early stages, but once one broke through to the Earth Martial Realm, it would become somewhat useless.

"Could this be a Profound Rank Martial Art? It should be even more!"

As soon as Long Cangqiong opened the scroll, he was instantly attracted by its contents.

"Grandpa, the Tyrant Sky Art is an Earth Grade Martial Art."

Long Yan said with a smile.


"An Earth Grade Martial Art?"

Upon hearing this, both Long Cangqiong and Long Xinghe shuddered, their eyes almost popping out.

Legend had it that only the Five Great Powers had Earth Grade Martial Arts, and each power had only one such martial art. These martial arts were considered treasures of the sects and were only available for the Supreme Masters to practice.

"Yan'er, where did you get this martial art from?"

Looking at the scroll in his hand, Long Cangqiong's body trembled."You don't need to worry about that. From now on, this Tyrant Sky Art will be the Long family's heirloom martial art. As for who practices it, it's up for you, grandpa, to decide."

Long Yan said.

In his past life, he collected numerous combat skills and martial arts, among which the Tyrant Sky Art was a powerful Earth grade high-level technique, second only to Heavenly Rank Martial Arts. With this Tyrant Sky Art, the Long family would gradually accumulate foundations and grow stronger.

Long Cangqiong nodded slightly and after giving a few simple instructions, left the other courtyard with Long Xinghe.

"Dad, our speculation is most likely true. There must be a powerful existence behind Yan'er."

On the way, Long Xinghe whispered.

"Hmm, since Yan'er isn't saying anything, let's not ask too many questions. This time, we believe in Yan'er. I will close up and breakthrough to the Earth Martial Third Level immediately. You should pay more attention to the movements of the Lin Family."

Long Cangqiong could hardly wait to practice the Tyrant Sky Art.

"Young Master, Miss Xiyue sent a message and asked you to meet her at the Wanbao Trading Company."

As soon as Long Cangqiong and Long Xinghe left, Zhang Yibai rushed in, his admiration for Long Yan was like an endless surging river. To be remembered by a young lady, this was definitely the highest state of ###!

"This girl's information is pretty well-informed."

Long Yan's mouth curved slightly. He tidied up a bit and went to the Wanbao Trading Company.

Inside the courtyard of the Wanbao Trading Company.

Long Yan sat facing two women, one of whom was Leng Yuexi.

The other woman was about eighteen or nineteen years old, with a stunningly beautiful appearance that rivaled Leng Yuexi. However, her body was cold and icy, like an iceberg, repelling people thousands of miles away.

Long Yan's gaze barely lingered on Ye Han Smoke before moving away, causing a flash of surprise in her cold eyes.

"Little girl, have you already thought of me this soon?"

Long Yan smiled at Leng Yuexi.

Leng Yuexi smiled sweetly and said, "I've been thinking about you every day."

"Let me introduce you. This is Ye Han Smoke, a true disciple of the Pill King Hall, and the leader of the Three Major Geniuses. She's already a Fourth Rank Alchemist."

Leng Yuexi briefly introduced Ye Han Smoke.

"Beautiful lady, nice to meet you. Let's shake hands."

Long Yan's eyes lit up, not expecting Ye Han Smoke to have such a big background. He shamelessly reached out his hand, wanting some close #contact with Ye Han Smoke.


Ye Han Smoke snorted coldly, the surrounding temperature dropped sharply. Her strength was even stronger than Leng Yuexi, already at the Earth Martial Realm Eighth Layer.

"Hehe, don't be so distant. Who knows, I might be able to help you advance to Pill King."

Long Yan laughed, withdrawing his hand. He was just joking.

Ye Han Smoke was like an ice mountain that had never melted in ten thousand years, each tone of her voice carrying an icy breath, "The three months are almost up. You'd better have a way to suppress the Poisonous Fire in Yuexi's body. Otherwise, you won't be leaving Wanbao Trading Company today."

Long Yan raised an eyebrow, provocatively saying, "Suppressing the Poisonous Fire is naturally not a problem, but shouldn't you step aside for a moment?"

"What did you say?"

Ye Han Smoke's eyes turned cold, a wave of momentum beginning to fluctuate.

"My medical skills are unparalleled, so I naturally can't let others peek. With you here, how can I be at ease to perform?"

Long Yan spoke confidently.


Ye Han Smoke was so angry that smoke came out of her seven orifices, as if she wanted to kill Long Yan.


After snorting coldly one more time, Ye Han Smoke finally turned away.