
Superstar Wife : Please Have Some Mercy

[WARNING! THIS BOOK HAS MATURE CONTENT] Elysia Davies, is a true beauty with many talents. She is not only the top actress in Los Angeles, California but also the lead vocalist of the ever popular girl group 'Spicy Sugars'… Ivan Moore, the handsome CEO of 'Mystic World & Entertainment', is not only the richest business tycoon of the world but also the charismatic member of the famous boy group 'Golden Amigos'… She is a troublemaker, while he is the peacemaker… She is the 'Feisty Queen’ of the industry whereas he is the 'Chill Dude'… She loves to torture people who hold a grudge against her while he is the king of forgiveness only towards those folks who doesn’t target his families… She is the rich spoiled brat while he is the wealthy respectful heir… Simply, she is the Tormentor but he is the Savior… So many differences between both of them yet they had one thing very much common in their lives…'HATE'..!!! They hate each other with every living cell in their bodies… Just a look at each other is enough to flip their mood off. If they were kept in the same place, it could turn even the most peaceful heaven into a scorching hell. In short, they should never be left alone with each other. That could cause chaos and disasters. But the question is, what will happen when these two opposite poles attract? What if the yin and yang, are abruptly tied together by a so called 'Arrange Marriage'? Will the hatred between them overcome all the boundaries and blossom into LOVE? Or, will they still continue as the two sides of coin rather than blooming into the most 'Mismatched Couple'? And, what does their lives have in store for them? A smooth love track or a roller coaster ride with many twists and turns? --- “I don’t like to walk on flowers if there are no thorns on them. And I’m no saint nor a forgiver… I’m a witch who can make the hell descend on to the earth, on those who tries to step on me. And there is no ‘mercy' in my scary dictionary. ” Elysia scowled as she glared at him. “Oh, so you’re now a spooky poet too, huh? Then let me also add my own share to your so-called poetry.. I can be the thorn in your flower bed if you wish me to be. Try intriguing my rage, I’ll never set you free. If I unleash my demonic side, you’ll perish in the hell you’ve created. Cause the word ‘mercy’ has never existed.. ” Ivan scoffed at the raging lady, standing in front of him. "Not only you but I can act like the devil too." he smirked with his eyes mocking at her. Elysia huffed in rage as she spouted with her venom filled eyes, “You know what!! I just hate you, Mr. Ivan Moore.” “Trust me…The feeling is mutual, Ms. Elysia Davies!” Ivan spat, chuckling darkly at her… --- “Never have I thought in my life that I’ll fall in love with my biggest foe. Now, she is the sole controller of my heart.” Ivan said inching closer to her. “Who could have imagined that I’ll be head over heels with my nemesis whom I have loathed the most in the past..” Elysia mumbled touching her nose to his. “I love you Sia..” Ivan whispered, pressing his forehead to hers. “I love you too, Ivan..” Elysia muttered as their lips crashed in as they kissed each other passionately, under the vast sea of stars.. --- Hi, this is author here… Thank you for looking into the synopsis. If you liked it then please join the rollercoaster ride of this amazing 'Haters turns lovers' couple by adding this book into your library.. I promise that it will be a full package of drama, love, revenge and many more interesting twists and turns which will lead you to unfold numerous of secrets… No rape and physical abuse… But have lots of face-slaps… I hope, you guys will give it a try… ---- This is my second book… My first book is 'My Heart Beats Only For You'.. If you want, then please check it out too… [P.S.- The cover is not mine.] ---- Discord https://discord.gg/AscctQj Insta @sree_exol

Sree_ExoL · Urban
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284 Chs

The art of manipulation...

What it felt like a decade, Mrs. Davies finally came out of her trance and asked seriously, "Ely, how is your relationship going on with your boyfriend now?"

Elysia who was munching some snacks while chirping with her father happily, suddenly stopped hearing her mother asking about her boyfriend.

"He is okay Mom. Why whouldn't he be? After all, he got a new movie project?" Elysia said uninterestedly.

Both of the parents just looked at Elysia with furrowed eyebrows and shared a glance with each other.

Mrs. Davies looked back at her daughter and asked, "Why are you talking like this? Did you have a fight with him?"

"Mom.. Nothing happened. Let's just not talk about him and waste our time which we can spend watching some great movies…

You know, I miss the three of us sitting together and having a movie marathon which we used to do every now and then previously." Elysia decided to divert the direction of their conversation to another way.

Being the parents of Elysia, Mr. and Mrs. Davies quickly grasped the actual motive of their daughter..

They knew that either there daughter was hiding something from them or there was some problems brewing between Elysia and her boyfriend!!

Mr. Davies stayed quite for some time and then mumbled, "I never liked that boy from the first time I've met him. But it was you Ely who decided on dating him...

So I never said anything as I know that you're enough sensible to take your own decisions. But if anything is wrong between you both, either solve it or take a wise judgement."

As Mr. Davies indirectly warned her and suggested her something, Mrs. Davies too nodded her head in affirmation.

While Elysia clearly understood exactly what her father wanted to say but she had her own plan in her mind..

And she was badly waiting for the correct time to arrive, so that she could give some people the taste of their own medicines in a very interesting way.

"Don't worry, Dad. As you have given me freedom to choose the best for my life and trusted me on every single matter, I promise that I'll never betray your loyalty…

But if someone tries to play with me, then I exactly know how to be the highest scorer in the game. Neither I'm a loser nor I'm a fool to get convinced with whatever people feed me.." Elysia said with an evil smirk on her face.

She then took both of her parents' hands in hers and held it tightly as if confirming them that nothing was wrong.

"I'm the daughter of both of you, Mom and Dad. As the only princess of the two successful business persons, I also know how to win a bet...

Though I don't know about the business politics much but I know the art of manipulation very well.." A glint of wickedness could be visible in Elysia's ocean blue eyes as she said this.

"We trust you, love.. And we know whatever our princess will do, always be for a reason.." Mrs. Davies said smilingly at their daughter while her husband just patted Elysia's head lovingly...


In an luxurious apartment...

Two people were lying on the bed naked while their bare bodies were covered only by a duvet.

The woman was resting her head on the man's chest while they both were breathing heavily as the aftermath of their lovemaking.

"Liam, do you think what we are doing is right? We should not hide it from anyone, specially her.." Kiara said making circles on Liam's bare chest.

"Babe, whatever we are doing is for our best. Both of us love each other and it's completely our decision to date whomever we want…

So the outsiders are in no position to point there fingers on us." Liam said, playing with his girlfriend's hairs.

Kiara felt really frustrated with his trivial reply and she moved away from him immediately as she sat on the bed facing Liam.

Fixing the duvet around her naked body properly, Kiara almost snapped at him, "You know exactly whom I'm talking about. And it's absolutely not the matter of outsiders…

It's about the person we both are betraying with our lies. More specifically, if the person comes to know about you cheating on her, then we'll be absolutely gone."

Hearing it, Liam too got up from the bed and pulled Kiara towards him before saying, "Why are you worrying so much darling?

We have been already dating each other from the past one month behind her back, but she being a little fool couldn't even get a single hint about us.!!!"

Hey guys...

Second update of the day..

Who do you think of being Elysia's boyfriend?

Is he also an idol like her or some businessman?

Do tell me in the comment section..



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