
Superstar Wife : Please Have Some Mercy

[WARNING! THIS BOOK HAS MATURE CONTENT] Elysia Davies, is a true beauty with many talents. She is not only the top actress in Los Angeles, California but also the lead vocalist of the ever popular girl group 'Spicy Sugars'… Ivan Moore, the handsome CEO of 'Mystic World & Entertainment', is not only the richest business tycoon of the world but also the charismatic member of the famous boy group 'Golden Amigos'… She is a troublemaker, while he is the peacemaker… She is the 'Feisty Queen’ of the industry whereas he is the 'Chill Dude'… She loves to torture people who hold a grudge against her while he is the king of forgiveness only towards those folks who doesn’t target his families… She is the rich spoiled brat while he is the wealthy respectful heir… Simply, she is the Tormentor but he is the Savior… So many differences between both of them yet they had one thing very much common in their lives…'HATE'..!!! They hate each other with every living cell in their bodies… Just a look at each other is enough to flip their mood off. If they were kept in the same place, it could turn even the most peaceful heaven into a scorching hell. In short, they should never be left alone with each other. That could cause chaos and disasters. But the question is, what will happen when these two opposite poles attract? What if the yin and yang, are abruptly tied together by a so called 'Arrange Marriage'? Will the hatred between them overcome all the boundaries and blossom into LOVE? Or, will they still continue as the two sides of coin rather than blooming into the most 'Mismatched Couple'? And, what does their lives have in store for them? A smooth love track or a roller coaster ride with many twists and turns? --- “I don’t like to walk on flowers if there are no thorns on them. And I’m no saint nor a forgiver… I’m a witch who can make the hell descend on to the earth, on those who tries to step on me. And there is no ‘mercy' in my scary dictionary. ” Elysia scowled as she glared at him. “Oh, so you’re now a spooky poet too, huh? Then let me also add my own share to your so-called poetry.. I can be the thorn in your flower bed if you wish me to be. Try intriguing my rage, I’ll never set you free. If I unleash my demonic side, you’ll perish in the hell you’ve created. Cause the word ‘mercy’ has never existed.. ” Ivan scoffed at the raging lady, standing in front of him. "Not only you but I can act like the devil too." he smirked with his eyes mocking at her. Elysia huffed in rage as she spouted with her venom filled eyes, “You know what!! I just hate you, Mr. Ivan Moore.” “Trust me…The feeling is mutual, Ms. Elysia Davies!” Ivan spat, chuckling darkly at her… --- “Never have I thought in my life that I’ll fall in love with my biggest foe. Now, she is the sole controller of my heart.” Ivan said inching closer to her. “Who could have imagined that I’ll be head over heels with my nemesis whom I have loathed the most in the past..” Elysia mumbled touching her nose to his. “I love you Sia..” Ivan whispered, pressing his forehead to hers. “I love you too, Ivan..” Elysia muttered as their lips crashed in as they kissed each other passionately, under the vast sea of stars.. --- Hi, this is author here… Thank you for looking into the synopsis. If you liked it then please join the rollercoaster ride of this amazing 'Haters turns lovers' couple by adding this book into your library.. I promise that it will be a full package of drama, love, revenge and many more interesting twists and turns which will lead you to unfold numerous of secrets… No rape and physical abuse… But have lots of face-slaps… I hope, you guys will give it a try… ---- This is my second book… My first book is 'My Heart Beats Only For You'.. If you want, then please check it out too… [P.S.- The cover is not mine.] ---- Discord https://discord.gg/AscctQj Insta @sree_exol

Sree_ExoL · Urban
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Golden Amigo members...

"We have been already dating each other from the past one month behind her back, but she being a little fool couldn't even get a single hint about us.!!!

So it's impossible for her to find out now also. Till we figure out everything about revealing our relationship without getting hates from the fans, we have to stay hidden like this.."

Kiara thought for a while about Liam's say on this matter in her head and finally she agreed with it...

But still somewhere in her mind, she was getting a wrong vibe from it as if their happy life was not going to be easy from now on...

They might get a huge block on the road towards fulfilling their plan!!

But what they didn't knew was that not only their lives but all of their past achievements and success were soon to be going down to the pool...

However, to keep her mind relaxed, Kiara put out her queries in front of him, "Liam.. I think we should take every step very carefully from now. She is not as much dumb as you think her to be.."

"Babe.. Why are you ruining our mood by talking about her? She is no one to us. The moment, we'll get what we want from her, I'll just dump her...

Then we can live happily ever after like we always did. So let's forget about her and get us busy in another round of sexy lovemaking." Liam said with a mischievous smile playing on his lips.

Kiara too chuckled and inched closer to him before whispering seductively, "Sure honey.."


The next morning…

Mystic World & Entertainment…

A long pair of strong legs stepped out of the luxurious car and walked dashingly inside the big building.

Getting out of the elevator, he took a left turn and stood in front of the wooden door.

Without knocking on it, he just strode inside the large room with long strides and saw the three person of his group already waiting for him.

"You're again late.." Adam stated as he glared at the person who has just showed up himself half an hour later to the actual time.

Currently, the four boys of the most famous boyband of whole U.S. 'Golden Amigos', were standing in the practice room...

Adam, Nathan and Ivan was already present there but they were waiting for Daniel so that they could start their dance practice session for an upcoming award function.

"Hehehe.. Sorry guys.. Was stuck up in a meeting last night which led me to wake up late today." Daniel Parker, the youngest member of the group said while smiling sheepishly.

Daniel Parker was a 25 years old guy with dirty blonde hair. He was 6 feet tall and had a good physique as he was the main dancer of the group.

He had a cheerful personality but only showcased it in front of the close people whom he adored or loved.

He was dating the second youngest member of the famous girl group 'Spicy Sugars', Ms. Abigail Jones who was also the little sister of Nathan Jones..

"Huh! Busy on a late night meeting or in a candle light dinner with my sister?" Nathan mocked him being sarcastic.

Nathan was a man in his late twenties. He was twenty nine years old with dark brown hair and had a pair of sharp eyes which was very much helpful for him to captivate every single girl.

But what made him stand out of the other three boys was his hilarious acts. He was the funniest member of the group who loved to crack jokes the most, making everybody happy.

Being the main rapper of the group, he had his own style sensation which his fans loved to follow.

Instantly, Daniel's face turned red when he heard the comment which made the other members laugh at him.

"Okay... Let's just stop now guys. We've come here for a reason, don't forget that." Ivan said, trying his best to suppress his smile while Daniel just pouted at his big brothers.

Adam too agreed and joked, "Let's start then. If you keep talking like this then the day will end but our talks won't."

Adam Austin, the thirty two years old man, was the eldest among all which made him the leader of the group as he also had a great capability of managing the unity between the boys..

He was married to Natasha Moore, Ivan's elder sister and had a three year old cute daughter Emma Austin.

In spite of being a married idol, he was still the heartthrob of many young girls who found him to be the husband and father of the entertainment industry.

Getting the order from their leader, the four of them took the right positions of their own. Soon the song started playing on the background as they involved themselves in their own form of dancing...

So, here is the final chapter of today's mass release..

I hope you enjoyed well..

What are your thoughts about Kiara and Liam?

End of today's mass release..



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Love yaa....

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