
Supernaturals Bang

a guy dies and reincarnates in a world of supernatural beings. ................. There will be smut here so if you don't like it, I suggest you don't read this as this won't be for you or just skip. Characters that seem identical to real life people is pure coincidence. won't ask what harem members you want and I won't be telling you either since I want it to come natural or something like that, I'm not sure my self. BtW there is a lot of drama so if you don't like drama don't read. Updates will be.....meh...maybe 2 to 3 chapters a week Thank you and hope you enjoy! I do not own any characters from Teen Wolf, TVD/Originals or any TV shows shown here except for my MC. All credits goes to their perspective creators. Thank you all authors who create Supernatural shows, Love you all! By the way, I'm not making money here so this is just for fun, if by chance owners of the cover pics that I will be using don't want me to use them, just sent me a message and I will gladly delete them. Thank you

TheLonelyGod · TV
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33 Chs

It Was Worth It

(a/n: Soooo this has slight smut in it so I hope viewers discretion is advised....lol)

I went home after exiting that devil's dream. She was hot but she felt unhappy which is one of the reason of why I indulged in her dream, to realese some pent up fustration but I wasn't expecting her to be that wild.

Anyways, it was already past midnight and I need to get home, I think it's time I take Scott on a field trip on how to be a werewolf and not a 'I don't kill werewolf'

Melissa found out I was the one who killed the people on spikes back then but she didn't say anything bad, instead she said she would have done something worse if they tried to hurt me.

I was glad that she thought that way, I didn't have to worry about explaining anything.


Once I got home, I went directly to Scott's room. Entering I found he was gone.

How did I not know this?

Well, I wasn't focusing on it. I let my guard down just now thinking I was at home safe.

I always keep my senses active, It could be I'm just not worried anymore about my safety since, who can harm me, right?.


For the sake of my pack, I need to stay always on guard.

I spread my senses and found Scott with Derek.

I let them be for a while, I will go look for him later but first I need to check on my girls.

I walked inside my room and found Cora and Melissa sleeping, Cora woke up sniffing the air. Her eyes landed on me and smiled, I smiled back and went to 'sleep' with her clinging to my arm. totally forgetting about scott.


The bell of the start if school rang and I walked to class, along the way. I notice a well dressed Erika walking towards me.

"Hey" she greeted shyly.

"Well, hello beautiful" I smiled

Her cheeks went red and she stuttered "b-beautiful?"

"Yes, you look different today....more confident, I like it" I said.

"Hehe...t-thank you" she responds nervuosly.

"Going to class?" I asked.

"Yes, I have math right now"

"Well, good luck, if you have problems with anything you can count on me on anything, okay?" I gave her my phone number and she just stared at it for a good few seconds before coming out of her stupor.

She smiled again, said goodbye. Today she wore a sking tight blue jeans that hugged her butt really well with a loose blouse that made her tits stand out.

She swayed her hips as she walked away making those butt cheecks move enticingly 'she is doing it on purpose'

I chuckled and turned around about to go to my class but I as turned around Allison was there and kissed me right there.

Her kiss went on for a few seconds before she got daring and inserted her tongue, arms around my neck as she jumped on me. I grabbed her by her ass and fondled them "mmmhm" moaned Allison.


I put her down after feeling her arousal and push her chest against the lockers, she raised her butt "Yesss" she whimpered feeling my erection on her ass.

Last night was the best night of her life, even though she just kissed me at the party, we kissed everywhere, and everywhere we kissed she wanted to be clunged to me as she wanted to feel me on her lower lips.

"You are tempting the beast" I whispered in her ear, I felt her skin tremble in excitement "It's too bad we are in school"

I let her go much to her disappointmentbut still deeply kissed me goodbye groping my growing cock. She would have strip for me right here and now. Everyone was in their homerooms already, we were the only ones in the hallway so she was daring to be fucked in the hallway.

She walked away swaying her ass left and right, making her short skirt bounce on her ass. She porpusely dropped a pen and bent her upper half down making her dress go up showing me her skimpy underwear.

She glanced at me and winked 'Fuck! that's something only Lydia would do...is Lydia teaching her things?'

I saw as she giggled when glancing at my throbbing beast "fuck, I can't go to class right now I am right now. Even if I wear lose jeans, this thing goes down on my left thigh making it visible. 'it fucking hurts keeping it inside the fabric'

I walked akwardly towards her and lift her on my shoulders as I made my way to the nurses office. The nurse never comes to school early so we have at least one hour befor she gets here.

I opened the door and saw a couple already here, Jackson with a blonde girl.

"Get lost" I growled.

The girl instead, as soon as she saw acted like she didn't know Jackson and walked out winking at me and motioning me to call her

Jackson just stood there with a disgust look seeing as I interrupted his time with a girl even though he wasn't that much interested in a girl somehow.

He reluctantly left with his head down. He knew better than to fight such a beast. Besides, his playmate left as soons as she saw Ezekiel come in so what can he do here?

After Jackson left I put Alisson down and lower my jeans and placed a wide eye Allison's hands on my wolfie as it hurt being caged in my jeans.

"H-holy shit" stuttered Allison contemplating my cock. She gulped down her saliva thinking 'this is huge, veiny and so hard'

She traced her fingers on the veins as she licked my length making me groaned.

She smiled seeing as she made me feel good.

Soon her mouth was stuffed and bubbing her head up and down



"God..*slurp* this is sooo *slurp* gooood" she cooed working hard on my cock.

After half an hour of her attempts to make me cum she finally managed to do when I deepthroated her making her gag her eyes rolling back at the lack of oxygen. I released inside her and all she could do was take most of it as she squirmed when she couldn't rake anymore and I released her.

She coughed up cum and had cum coming out of her nostrils as well, she looked up at me with submissively eyes and with both hands she opened her mouth wide showing me her mouth empty as she drank my cum.

"mm..Soo...delicious, sir" she said with a stupid smile on her face.

"Sir?" I pondered "I like it" I said making her beam with joy as she fixed her hair sticking on her face.

"T-thank you for my drink" she giggled.

My cock was less strained now, but I can walk normal now, though my half limp cock would still be visible on the outside, it's a given being big and showing it off to make girls fantasy about it.

I wanted to wash my cock but Allison stopped me and licked it clean, lifting up my underwear and buttoning up my jeans, she patted and kissed it after being done "there" she said happily.

"Don't you think we are moving too fast?" I aske.

She shook her head "I don't think I could have waited a lot with a man like you" she said giving me a kiss on my cheeks as she walked out of the room truly satisfied. Gone was her slutty actions replaced by a tamed housewife who loves her husband dearly.

I chuckled as I saw the mess we made, I just left it like that. I'm sure the nurse won't say anything. As soon as she enters the infarmary she'll smell her favorite drink and would even probably lick clean the left overs.

I still had my class and since Allison left first, most would be oblivious but a few people in the class would still know what truly happened, like the new teacher we have today who is staring at me with a little anger but not because I'm late.

She also looked at Allison and made 'lucky bitch' face. She hid her emotions and acted proffesionally.

"Hello, you must be..." she inquired. I knew she recognize me since I saved her a while ago but who would have thought she'll be here?

Could it be the demons I killed yesterday? Most definetly. She is a demon after all.

"Ezekiel" I presented my self.

"Well, Mr. Ezekiel. I don't know if you noticed but class is almost over" She said leaning over, showing her bust.

"I was in the infarmiry" I smiled "I needed an energizer" I winked at Allison who shrunk in her seat embarrased at what she had just done, she had never done it for anyone before but today she vigirously wanted to drink Ezekiel's fluids.

The new teacher looked a little nerved that I payed her boobs little attention. She wanted me to act like I did in her dream but then she realized it was a dream and that I wouldn't act like that in real life, probably. She was a little disappointed.

After all

As far as she knows I left as soon as leaving her in a hotel room.

"Well, Mr. Ezekiel. I hope you are full of energy today because you are stating after class today with me" she smiled triumphily.

"I am the new teacher for Chemestry class, My name is Jennifer and I hope we get along well" she smiled seductively at me that only me and a couple of girls noticed. The rest were oblivios to this. The couple of girls were Allison and Lydia who had a knowing smirk as she looked at Allison and me.

"Likewise" I simply said and walked to my seat beside Lydia.

"You smell like you just had your cock sucked" whispered Lydia enough for Allison to hear.

Allison's ear went red from embarrasment, but she wasn't the only one who heard as the teacher excused herself a few seconds later and after a few minutes she came back sucking her fingers and moaning in pleasure as she licked her finger tips.

The school day went by. I had lunch with the girls and Erika who I called to our table, she seemed undecisive at first but sat nontheless. We were laughing and joking and I witnessed her laugh 'I guess it was worth it' I thought as I no longer saw a timid Erika but a more confident and happy one.


(another a/n: I hope you like the chapter, if you haven't noticed it yet it would take a while before there is actual action in the book, right now I want to focus more on the girls and growing his pack.

Thank you)

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