
Supernaturals Bang

a guy dies and reincarnates in a world of supernatural beings. ................. There will be smut here so if you don't like it, I suggest you don't read this as this won't be for you or just skip. Characters that seem identical to real life people is pure coincidence. won't ask what harem members you want and I won't be telling you either since I want it to come natural or something like that, I'm not sure my self. BtW there is a lot of drama so if you don't like drama don't read. Updates will be.....meh...maybe 2 to 3 chapters a week Thank you and hope you enjoy! I do not own any characters from Teen Wolf, TVD/Originals or any TV shows shown here except for my MC. All credits goes to their perspective creators. Thank you all authors who create Supernatural shows, Love you all! By the way, I'm not making money here so this is just for fun, if by chance owners of the cover pics that I will be using don't want me to use them, just sent me a message and I will gladly delete them. Thank you

TheLonelyGod · TV
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33 Chs

Dogded The Bullet There

I was freaked out


Because Jennifer got pregnant just now?

Jennifer seeing my worried face asked "Why do you have that face?"

"Did you just get pregnant?" sweat rolled down my forehead waiting for her answer.

She raised her brows in surprise and after a few seconds she started laughing

"Hahahaha, what are you talking about?" she wiped her tears away.

"I mean, I felt a connection with you just now....besides, your womb wouldn't let go till it was stuffed so I thought you got pregnant" I said nervous

"Ppfftt....hahaha. No silly, that connection was the contract I made for my self, when you filled me up, the requirements were met and now I'm your slave" She laughed again at my deduction "Though, I wouldn't mind having kids with you" she said shyly.

Wait, is that better or worse?

Having Jennifer as my slave would bring me unneccesary trouble, and I don't feel like dealing with them now, but I think having her as a slave is way better than having a kid right now.

I have to stop fucking women I just met.

Her answer made me released the breath I didn't know I was holding in 'Ooff...dogded the bullet there for a second'

'Whuahahaha, I'm still a free man!!"

I got up and waved Jennifer good bye without looking back.

Jennifer's eyes were twiching seeing my careless attituted "I shouldn't have told you" she pouted, seeing his retreating back, she giggled once again imagining my worried face.

"Waaiiit..." She yelled "are you seriously leaving me here like this!"

I stopped for a second, I shrugged "See you tomorrow Jennifer~" I kept walking away from her.

Jennifer sat there for a few minutes before she started cleaning everything before leaving, she started wiping off the fluids off the desk and the floor and stopped when she realized something "What am I doing." she asked herself "I have magic! why am I using tissues?"

Aftet using magic to clean the room, it became spotless and she walked out the school after dressing properly, thinking about tomorrow and the contract she just made.

She didn't know why she did the contract but her mind and body demanded it, so she did it and she doesn't regret it.

'Kids huh!' she thought as she imagine her life with dozens of her and her sisters kids playing around and daddy getting bullied by the kids.


I suddenly felt a chill run fown my spine.

I went home and found Melissa waiting for me on the bed again with a hunger look on her eyes.

'oh fuck me'


I woke up with the usual two bodies on top of me.

I freshened up and prepared breakfast for both of them 'am I forgetting someone?'


"What are you making?" asked Scott.

'Oh right....Scott is here too. I'm the worst brother ever'

I made breakfast for him aswell. After I finished some one knocked on the door and Scott went to answer it.

"Something smells nice" said an irritating voice I knew damn well 'Stiles'

"No food for you Stiles" I said.

Cora started eating everything in a hurry seeing as Stile was here. Stiles would always take away some from Scott's and Cora's but Cora almost bit his whole hand off one time so he refrains from taking from hers anymore.

I send one glare at him and he stops thinking about stealing mine. She shrugged and just ate half of Scott's breakfast which Scott didn't mind since Stile is his best friend.


I was leaving school with Cora, Allison and Lydia. I wanted to explain to Allison and Lydia about her powers and the supernatural wolrd.

Going to Lydia's house since her mom wasn't home, I spoke "I have something really important to tell you both, I hope you let me finish before asking anything"

They both nodded, Cora lie on the couch I was o and leaned her head on my lap, I started caressing her head making her fall asleep.

"So, first. Do you know of the recent animal attacks that have been happening around here and other towns and cities like Mystic Falls or New Orleans?"

They both started thinking about it "Now that you mention it....yes" said Allison as she would hear her dad talking on the phone about going to hunt wild animals attacking people soon.

"The news have been a bit weird, lately" Added Lydia.

Mystic Falls news were like Beacon Hills and other places.

"Right, so those animal attacks aren't actual animal attacks" they were confused so I continued "Let me ask you something, do you believe in the supernatural?" I asked first before continuing.

They both looked at each other even more confused.

"Well, those animal attacks aren't real animal attacks but supernatural ones" I stopped letting them sink it in.

They look a but sceptical since it was hard to believe, Lydia was more convinced since I wouldn't ever lie to her "so you are saying there are werewolves and vampires out there?" she asked. Lydia always loved drama TV so she watched vampire and werewolves shows.

Allison started thinking about it more, piecing together some puzzles as she remembers seeing some crazy thing in her house, like some jars with liquid marked Wolfsbane and Vervain.

She started thinking her family weren't just regular gun sellers and hunters.

"My dad" she started "he has stakes and some liquids in the garage hidden, I happen to see them once but I couldn't see in more detailed as he was coming to check on me" she explained the name of the liquids trusting me with her family's possible secret.

I nodded "Vervain is an herb that cancels out cumpulsion from a vampire as well as burns them. Wolfsbane is also an herb but this herb burns werewolves and there are variants that can kill the werewolf if shot by them" I said explaining to them more about the powers a out vampires and wetewolves.

"There aren't just vampires and werewolves" I said making them tense even more "there are other mythological creatures out there like, wendigos, dragons, demons, angels, fallen angels, witches etc. I will give you both a book so you know what creatures walk amongs us.

"Why are you telling us this anyways?" asked Allison confused as to why I would bring this subject to them.

"Isn't it obvious? he is a supernatural, aren't you Zeke?" Lydia knowing me for a very long time said with and understanding smile on her face.

Allison gasped "Are you really, what are you?" asked Allison surprised but not angry or afraid, instead there was curiosity in her voice.

"I'm a demon wolf" I said to both of them, finding out from Jennifer today that I was a special breed of wolves, she explained everything to me during lunch time.

"Oh, no wonder you are wild in sex" stated Lydia feeling embarrased after saying it since she finally knew why her man was full of stamina and used her body like a beast.

Allison seeing the happy expression of Lydia frowned a little but it disappeared before it was noticed. I noticed it and she saw I did so she looked down worried thinking I would hate her for feeling jeleous of Lydia.

I rubbed her head and told her it was fine and that it would be her turn soon, It made her happy.

"Can we talk about this to anyone?" asked Allison. She wanted to confront her parents why they had vervain and weapons to hunt down these creatures.

"I assume Cora is also a supernatural" said Lydia.

"Smart as always" I complimented her, she smiled happy with the compliment "Yes, she is indeed a werwolf" I said brushing Cora's hair off her face.

She glanced at Lydia and Allison and showed them her red eyes of an alpha.

Both girls jumped seeing the eyes, Cora giggled seeing their shocked faces.

"Lydia...Allison" I gained their attention "I want to teach you how to defend your self. Lydia, you are a supernatural as well while Allison is a huntress and I want to teach you both how to be prepared incase of danger or to defend yourself"

Lydia and Allison were shocked at the revelation and looked at eachother.

"Lydia, you are a banshee and I would teach you how to properly use your powers" I said to Lydia who nodded and pecked my lips.

"Now, you Allison. You are a huntress and a strong one at that so I will teach you combat and other things as well" Allison also nodded and gave me a kiss but she added tongue. With a look of determination she accepted my training, her suspicions of her family being hunters were right, seeing as the amount of weapons there and the tools to hurt such creatures.

"Well, then. We'll begin next week. I want to tell you as much about you before starting" I said as I got up and prepared to go home.

"Just so you know, I don't care what you are...you are you and I love you no matter what" said Allison surprising me, hugghing me from my back as she rested her head on my back as I was too tall for her to rest it on my shoulder.

I grabbed Allison and kissed her deeply making her moan and squirmed under my touch.

I separated and we both went different ways.

Guess we'll see what happens tomorrow.

(a/n: alright people. I knew it was too soo to have Ezekiel with a baby. So I understand some of you but don't worry for those who wanted Jennifer to be pregnant. I can assure you, Ezekiel will impregnate some girls in a few years.

Thanks for reading.

I'm out🖖)

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