
Supernatural: heaven change of fate

A fan of Supernatural dies and gets reincarnated and he wishes for him to be an Angel at the beginning of creation. Let's see how he changes the story or will he fail and let fate play itself out? (The cover image is not mine I will replace it if the creator wishes me to)

Nonstop_Hamilton85 · TV
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93 Chs

Rage of the Darkness and creation of leviathans

Brother screamed the Darkness, rage evident from the look in her eyes. 

Yahweh: Sister, what seems to be the problem? Why are you so angry? 

Darkness: The problem is these (she points to the archangels and the seraphs) things.

One was fine initially, but you have created over 17 of these ''angels''.

"  Am I not enough for you Brother?  You use your powers to create inferior versions of yourself when you have me.

Yahweh: My children are not inferior. Sister, they are my creations, and I'm not neglecting you.  I am simply creating a new form of life then the two of us in this void. Sister give them a chance. The darkness says nothing and leaves

Helel: Who was that Father? And why did she call us inferior? 

Yahweh: That my son was my Sister the Darkness. My other half as for the reason for calling you inferior that doesn't matter.

I suggest all of you work on your powers and abilities. Isaiel come with Me (teleports both of them to heaven)

Isaiel: Father why did you bring me here?

Yahweh: I brought you here to help me find a way to reconcile with my Sister.

Isaiel: how about creating something for her Father? It would show that you care.

Yahweh: hmm, yes my son creating something I could do that.

Very well he started to use the darkness in the void. Creating this black goo substance it continued to form into a solid snake-like form with multiple rows of sharp teeth.