
Supernatural: heaven change of fate

A fan of Supernatural dies and gets reincarnated and he wishes for him to be an Angel at the beginning of creation. Let's see how he changes the story or will he fail and let fate play itself out? (The cover image is not mine I will replace it if the creator wishes me to)

Nonstop_Hamilton85 · TV
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93 Chs

1 x 14 Nightmare

(Disclaimer warning: mentions of Abuse and Suicide.

I was in the Chalom, a plane of existence that outside reality, it took the form of a tree and it's multiple branches was a person's dreams.

It was beautiful beyond description, with a myriad of colors surrounding it, it was similar to the Dimensional Gap in DXD when looked with human eyes.

There were billions upon billions of branches and many more to come into existence with the birth of new humans.

Even with the amount of time I was here it still took me a while to find Sam's mind and to see what he was dreaming about, I managed to find his dream and sent him a vision about a man's death in his garage.

The next day after Sam received the dream and with the help of Dean, they went to Michigan the place the man had died,and they posed as priests to learn more and about the circumstance of the man's death.

"This has got to be a whole new low for us." Muttered Sam as he adjusted his collar

"Oh trust me Sam, it was a different type of low when me and Samuel did this, especially since I an angel have to dress up as a priest."

I thought with a smile as I remember the memories of those times.

"Good Afternoon, I'm Father Simmons and this is Father Freely, we are junior priests at Saint Augestine and we were wondering if we could come in?

Dean introduced himself and Sam to the brother of the dead man named Roger who opened the door.

Roger allowed them to come in and Sam offered his condolences as he spoke to Roger ,as they conversed in kitchen.

"It's difficult times like this that the Lord's guidance is most needed.... Dean began before Roger cut him off

"Look if you want to pitch your whole lord as a plan thing fine, but don't pitch it to me when my brother is dead." Roger walked away from the two hunters

I laughed at the irony as if this man actually cared about his brother, I could easily see all the sins that he had collected in his life.

The brotherly love that they had was when they went out drinking and came back to the house and beat Max every night.

That's when the dead man's wife Alice, began to speak to the boys and give them information about the man's death.

"It is wonderful for the both of you to stop by,the support of the church means so much right now." Alice smiled as she poured the boys coffee.

"Of course after all, we all are God's children." Dean gave her a warm smile

So Miss Miller, Did your husband have a history of depression? Dean questioned wanting to link this case to suicide.

"No nothing like that we had our ups and downs like everyone, but we were happy I don't understand how something like this could have happened to Jim." Alice began to cry uncontrollably.

"We're sorry you had to find him like that." Sam continued to offer his condolences to the wife.

"It wasn't me who foun him it was our son, Max he found the body." Alice Pointed to the boy sitting in the sofa.

"Do you mind if I go talk to him? Sam inqured standing up

"No, that you so much Father." As Sam began to walk to Max direction and sat infront of him.

"Miss Miller, you have a lovely home how long have you lived here? Dean offered her a tissue to wipe her tears.

"We moved in about five years ago." Alice began recalling.

"You know, the only problem with these old houses Is you probably have a bunch of headaches." Dean said with a smile

"Like what? Alice gave Dean a confused look

"Well maybe weird leaks, electrical shortages, odd sort of noises at night? Those types of things perhaps." Looking for clues about a spirts or a Ghost

"No, nothing like that everything been perfect." Alice said with a smile lying

Dean looked unconvinced and asked to use the restroom to search for more clues.

" So, what was your dad like? Sam asked Max

"Just a normal dad." Max answered not meeting Sam's eyes

"You love at home now? Sam looked at Max

"Yeah, been saving up for school but it's been hard so far." Max replied in a quiet voice

So, when you found your dad? Asked Sam getting straight to the point

"I woke up and I heard the engine running, and when I went to go check, i-i don't know why he did it. " Max's face was downcast

"I know it's rough losing a parent, especially when you don't have all the answers." Sam sympathized with Max due to their similar pasts

While Sam was busy talking with Max, Dean went upstairs and was searching the rooms with his EMF scanner, for sprit Manifestations in the house and it's history.

When Dean was finished searching, he took Sam and they left to explore, other clues in the case to what killed the man.

Later that night, while Sam and Dean were talking in their hotel room, I sent another vision to Sam about the death of Roger.

When they got back to Roger's house, Max told them that they used to live in a old house across town and Roger lived next door.

Dean and Sam went to the old neighborhood to speak with one of the neighbors, when one of them told them the truth about Max's life.

'Well, in my life I never seen a child treated like that, I would always hear Mr Miller yelling and throwing things down the street at Max."

"He was a mean type of drunk, used to beat the tire out of Max every night, bruises and broke his arm two times that I am aware of."

"And this was going on regularly? Sam had an edge of anger in his tone.

My brows furrowed in anger, the winds began to pick up speed and the sound of thunder was rumbling in the distance.

I was Pissed, I knew of the Abuse that Max had suffered when he was younger, but when I read the memories of the neighbor, it truly enraged me to no end.

"The worst part of it all was his stepmother, she just stood there as she witness the abuse every day, I called the police seven or eight times but it never did any good." The neighbor face was filled with regret and sorrow.

While the neighbor was speaking, I sent Sam another urgent vision and it was the safety of Alice, the stepmother of Max.

Meanwhile, while Sam and Dean went back to the Impala to confront Max, Max was busy using his Telekinesis powers to attack Alice for never stepping in.

When Sam and Dean enter the house for Max, they found the scene of Max cornering Alice with a levitating knife.

Sam and Dean managed to calm down Max and convince him to come with them, but Max saw though their plan to kill him with a gun.

Max immediately slammed the doors and windows, and took the gun from Dean's holster and grabbed the gun and pointed it at the boys.

Sam managed to calm down Max and convince him to allow him to talk and think the situation through.

After a while of the both of them talking and learning about Max secret childhood and the real cause of Max mom.

When Max had enough of the conversation, he threw Sam into a closet and was prepared to shoot Alice.

I then slow down time and appeared Infront of him, Max was surprised at my presence and then fired the gun at me.

I made a little smirk as the bullet moved with the speed of a sloth, and stopped the bullet.

"Who are you, how did you stop the bullet." Max had a look of shock and fear, as he looked at me and then back at the gun.

I made a peaceful and gentle smile on my face as I looked at Max, seeing the scars that the abuse and the death of his mother had on his psyche.

"Before I answer that question, how about a change of venue? I am sure that this place doesn't give you fond memories."

I began as I snapped my fingers and brought us to my own little space of reality.

When Max realized that we weren't at the house, he panicked and looked around but calm down when he heard the music that was playing in the background.

"W-where are we? You j-just snapped you fingers and we What the hell are you! As Max mind began to break due to the strangeness.

I sat down in my armchair and began to answer his questions, creating snacks and hot chocolate to snack on.

"Where are we? That is a excellent question with an not so easy answer, we are in a little space I carved out for myself during the Black plague, just on the edge of reality." I said with a straight face

Max gave me a look of disbelief and then I told him that I was an angel, and showed my wings to prove to him.

I told him I knew what he was, how his mom died, the abuse from his relatives, and how he was taking his revenge on those who wronged him.

"So, what's this huh? You here to judge me for my sins is that it, tell me that I should have not killed those bastards after all they did." Max screamed at me, his face red with rage at my stoic face.

"No, I'm not going to judge you, that is not my job and besides I know the reason as to why you did it, any person would want to claim vengeance to their tormentors." I passed him a cup of hot chocolate to soothe his nerves.

"Then what do you want? If your not hear to judge me, then why did you stop me from killing her? Referring to Alice

"Because I want to know what it is you truly desire, and it's not revenge." Cutting him off from giving me a lie

"My desire is revenge, to get back at all of those monsters and to kill the one who did nothing to stop it with my powers." Max watched as the gun levitate from the ground.

No, that is not your heart's true desire, that is you talking revenge, your real desire is to be normal and have___ Max grabbed the gun and try to shoot at me again, I didn't even let the bullet leave the chamber before melting the gun.

"Stop, Max you can't deny your true feelings anymore, all you really want is to live your life without the suffering that you endured."

"And so what, it's not like I could change time or stop the damage now, I am so tired of living in fear of the next beating and the yelling." Max Pointing the melted gun to his head and getting ready to fire.

"Stop this Max, I already have a solution to your problem, how about a new and fresh start, a family that actually loves and cares for you, and a mother that never died."

Persuading him from committing suicide and killing himself, I told him how I could give him a new life and everything else he desired.

"Are you lying to me? Max eye's narrowed at me suspiciously.

No, I'm an angel I don't lie and there is no reason for me to lie to you, and besides good things do happen time to time.

Max went quiet and thought about it for a while, and then he agreed hearing how genuine my words sounded.

I smiled and I told him to close his eyes, the first step that needed to be completed was taking away his power of Telekinesis.

The problem was due to the face that Telekinesis is from the mind, removing it could be dangerous to the person who was the power.

Similarly to the difficulty of defusing a bomb, removing the power of Telekinesis is like choosing which wire to cut to stop the timer.

If I cut the wrong link to the brain, the good case scenario is permanent death, maybe a coma if their lucky.

I carefully searched the many electromagnetic signals in his brain until I found the one I was looking for and then I severed the link to his telekinetic powers.

I then took his soul out of his body,and sent it to the birth department in heaven, where I would make him be reborn in a loving and kind family.

I then repaired the gun, and shot Max head making it look like a suicide, and left him to were Dean was for the Winchesters to think of what to do next.

the next chapter is already underway, if you have any questions/comments on the story I will be happy to read them.

Nonstop_Hamilton85creators' thoughts