
The beginning of the unnatural (prologue)

New Year's Day 2024, Worldwide. Noon

It was supposed to be a time of celebration, a time for the world to cherish time with their loved one's while enjoying the start of a new year. While it did last as it was supposed to for half the day, what came next brought dread and terror to society as the world had known it.

Strange portals which were later called gateways, appeared in multiple major countries and eventually spread across the whole Earth. Earthquakes appeared minutes after, demolishing cities and killing hundreds of thousands. Then the monsters appeared out of castles and similar structures which had instantly replaced the fallen cities.

The arrival of the monsters had taken millions of lives in only a few days, but when all hope appeared lost a new hope rose. powerful abilities were given to a percent of the remaining population, and so the battle between monsters and Humans Began.