
Supernatural Detective

Eden comes home after being away in college only to see his brother and mother missing. They leave Eden with nothing but worry and anxiety. Now with his brother gone and mother not here Eden will have to take the family business until he finds them. But what is the family business and why cant he remember his childhood or how his father died. What does this have to do with the disappearance of his brother and mom?

System00206 · Horror
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3 Chs


as you can see ive changed the whole book, the characters the plot, everything. I'm very motivated and its summer so i got time to write all i want without feeling stressed. Im writing the first chapter rn and will probably upload 2-10 depending on when my motivation ends. the word count will be between 500-700 mostly 600 words, i think thats pretty short.

im the type of person that losses motivation fast so T.T

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