
Supernatural Detective

Eden comes home after being away in college only to see his brother and mother missing. They leave Eden with nothing but worry and anxiety. Now with his brother gone and mother not here Eden will have to take the family business until he finds them. But what is the family business and why cant he remember his childhood or how his father died. What does this have to do with the disappearance of his brother and mom?

System00206 · Horror
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3 Chs

Home Sweet Home (1)

A slender yet tall young man opens the door to a seemingly deserted house. The house was filled with dust and looks as if no one has been here for years. There were out dated chairs that looks to be a decade old and spoiled food on the rustic table.

The young man walks around shouting to see if theres any sign of life. he looks to be quite shocked the absolutely no one answered him. he walks out the house and asked the neighbors if he knows where the owners are.

"That house is still owned by the Prince family, I havent seen them outside that house for 3 years. You look like their youngest son Eden, he would be devastated to come home to no one. feel bad for the kid you know."

The young man thanked him and went back inside to search the house. He finds a ln envelope with keys and an address inside.

[Eden, if you're read this that means something happened to mom and me. Honestly it must be something really bad or else I wouldn't have done this. You're so untrustworthy and to think I'd write something like this to you means that its extremely bad, maybe we might meet dad, it has to be that bad. Anyways the key is the key to the address, which is the family's business. I need you to take over. And ABSOLUTELY DONT come find us. This letter isnt an S.O.S, its a warning that its really bad and and i dont need you to get hurt. So just go to the adress and in the drawers are a book and a letter explaining what the business is. Also open up as soon as you understand what the business is. Dont do anything stupid while we're gone, and whatever you do dont try to find us.

your wonderful brother,


Eden quickly gets his car keys and drive towards the address written in the envelope. He arrives at a small store selling old antique items. it was surrounded by many restaurants so it stood out. He got the store key and opened the door, despite no one being here in 3 years, unlike the house, the store was well kept to the point that it looked like someone was regularly cleaning it.

He went inside the door that read staff only and looked inside the desk drawers. It had this weird looking book with many mythological creature names in there and it look to be written in another language. Strangely enough Eden understood it perfectly.

He picked up the letter and started reading it.

[Imma make this short, we are supernatural hunters. Originally you weren't supposed to know about this but something urgent has come up so we have no choice. We dont know when youll get this but we need you to carry on the family business. We know that it'll be hard since you'll be alone but it has to be done. There are thousands of people every day being haunted by malicious entities and someone need to get rid of them. Good luck.]

Just as eden was finished reading the letter a dark tall shadow was cast over him.

Howw do yall likeee!!! ill upload the other chapters later, imma play stardew valley.

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