
Supernatural creatures aren't real right?

No living being is equal, some have stronger muscles, stronger senses, but some are just overpowered. This is the story of Rodney, the living anomaly...

TachyonicCha · Fantasy
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2 Chs

Dying and being reborn with a system

"Why? Why do I have to die? My life was already one big roller coaster, but now, I'm just gonna die, alone, why did I have to live such a sh*t life?" wondered Rodney sinking into the deep dark ocean. Closing his eyes, he drifted off to a never-ending sleep...

Sadly, our main character Rodney died alone and wet in the deep dark ocean where sea critters will be happily feasting on his rotting carcass. We can now see Rodney, he has reincarnated in another world.

"Hm, are these humans the humans who killed my children?" asked a female tiger to herself stalking a carriage protected by a few humans riding on horses.

Crouching low, the female tiger jumps and grabs one of the humans on the horses, hearing a shout then nothing, the other humans all got spooked and got off their horses. "Tiger!! Prepare your swords!" yelled one of the humans.

When the female tiger quickly grabbed the human, she aimed perfectly so her mouth could grab the human by the neck making it easier for the female tiger to snap its neck as soon as she landed. Dropping the limp human body, the tiger began circling the carriage.

The humans were speaking but the tiger didn't understand anything, the only thing she knew was revenge. Hearing a twig snap, the humans look over to a bush to find nothing, then all they heard was "Help!" then silence.

2 out of 8 people are now dead meaning there are only 6 humans left. Smelling the air, the female tiger can smell her cub's scent on the humans meaning they were the ones who killed all of her cubs in her den.

Getting filled with anger, the female tiger makes a foolish mistake and came out in the open roaring. One of the most experienced with killing animals, threw his spear at the tiger, noticing the spear, the tiger dodged to the right getting knicked on the thigh by the sharp spear.

10 minutes later, the humans looked up and saw that the sun was going down, "Oh, no, if we stay any longer, we're all gonna be turned into tiger poop," stated one of the humans.

The tiger was just waiting for night-time, she wasn't worried, since she could track a scent for miles so she stayed hidden. "We have to keep moving," demanded one of the humans.

Deciding to move on, they all got on their horses and traveled with the carriage to a river. Resting there for the night, the humans set up some bells along the perimeter to notify them if anything enters the campsite.

Sending two humans to watch the camp, the tiger was pretty smart as well, jumping over the bells without ringing them and making sure her footsteps were soundless. The campsite was near a river meaning either you escape through the forest or in the river.

Crouching low, the tiger saw the two humans watching either side of the campsite while the others sleep. Noticing that the one on the far left was nodding off, she slowly went closer and closer to the human.

Within 10 feet, the tiger went low and jumped towards the human mauling him, with a quick bite, the human couldn't even make a sound. Dropping the body, she began to stalk closer to the other human.

Doing the same thing to the human, she came closer to the campsite and noticed that the carriage was in the middle of the campsite while there were two tents on both sides of the carriage. Walking to the closest tent, the tiger clawed at the entrance.

Making a hole big enough to crawl into, one of the humans woke up due to the sound of the tiger clawing. Rubbing his eyes, he wasn't even aware that his fate was sealed, mauling the human, and with one quick bite, he was dead before he could scream.

The other human was not even bothered at all by his friend's death, he was still soundly snoring. The tiger didn't bother and just quickly bit down on the human's neck instantly giving him the sweet release of death.

Coming out of the tent, the female tiger went to the other tent and did the same thing. After finishing the humans, she was curious so she went into the carriage to find a baby human...

This baby human was all alone in the carriage, she was about to end the baby but remembered her cubs, she doesn't want to be the same as those humans. Deciding to do something, she picked up the baby by the cloth with her mouth and carried it to her den.

4 years later...

The female tiger was getting annoyed since this human baby was trying to grab her tail, smacking the baby into a wall, the baby got up completely fine. The female tiger noticed that the human baby was stronger than the average human.

One day she tried to play fight with the crawling baby, something interesting happened when the baby got a hold of her tail. To her utter shock, she was lifted off the ground and thrown into a rock, ever since the tiger treated the baby like she would her cubs.

1 year later...

When the female tiger was out hunting, the baby, or Rodney as you can guess, got a message in his head saying, "Evolution System activated. Memories and self-resemblance returned, good luck!"

Shaking his head, Rodney, or Rod for short began remembering his past life and what he has been doing for 5 years. He has been living with a tiger this whole time, "Hello?" said Rod testing out his voice.

The hello came out as childish and a bit weird since he hasn't talked even once when he was with the tiger. Practicing talking for a while, he thought System and a blue panel popped up in front of him.

Name: Rodney Cutter

Age: 5

Race: Human




Level: 1

Hearing some leaves rustling, Rodney watched from deep in the cave to see his parent, the female tiger bring back a Boar with two huge tusks. "Come eat, my son," said the female tiger.

Wait, did I just understand a tiger...