
Superman's Lust BOOSTED (Highschool dxd)

It's a Alternative Story of Superman where Unlike Others he is . . . Very lust full due to certain reasons. his life was getting frustrating since his breeding Instincts where telling him to claim the members of the Leage who where being cocktease to him. But a big boy scout and Being in relationship he can't do that. He prayed to Kryptonian God Rao to make his pain come at ease. But maybe Kryptonian God Rao really heard his prayer. Darkseide invades earth and He Dies protecting the Earth. But when he wakes up from his Dream he finds out he is in some Other universe. . . Filled with even Bigger Cock teasers. But This time he isn't Holding back~

Power_King_4153 · Anime & Comics
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13 Chs

The Duel

"That's pretty fucked up" Clark said to himself as he was lying on the bed.

{My lord, do you feel anything about her?} Kelex asked.

"Hmmm . . . Now you think about it, I don't feel a Shit from the past universe of mine. Neither I want to return. I mean . . . I have all those memories, but they mean almost nothing to me . . . Like it's a Distant past" Clark said to himself.

{So should I take that as yes?} Kelex asked.

"Hmmm yeah I do have  . . . Special feelings I guess. She is more than Just a Friend to me" Clark said.

{If that's the case, I think you should Move forward} Kelex said.

"Hmmmm maybe" Clark said as he went for sleep.

But on the other hand.

{Aphrodisiacs,BDSM equipment all is ready. It's time for Ultimate HAREM SHOWDOWN} Kelex said with other AIs inside him approving him.

Unknown to Clark of course.


The next thing Clark did after leaving the roof was to return to the classroom. During his way through the halls he thought about his future. He had made an important decision with what he would do with his powers, but for that he was going to have to be careful, it's not what his parents had dreamed of but it was a start.

Arriving, he found that Akeno was not yet in the classroom, possibly it had gotten late, a few minutes later when the teacher arrived starting the classes, with Akeno being nowhere. The school day came to an end with no trace of her. Clark couldn't help the hint of concern for her whereabouts even though he knew it was unwarranted, there could have been many reasons for her absence, he thought as he walked to his house where he took off his uniform.

He noticed a candy store, after thinking about it a bit he went in and bought a box of chocolates hoping that Koneko would like it.

Arriving at his house, he left the box on a table, and then went to his room and changed into his sports clothes. Starting with your usual exercise routine but now increasing the work and intensity.

After finishing his daily exercises, he returned home, wanting to take a shower. He made herself a big dinner, and then he did his homework. Not knowing what else to do, He went to the living room and began to watch television for a bit. Not finding anything interesting, He quickly got bored and set out to find something to read.

,Without further ado, he went to his bed and slept the rest of the night.

kuoh academy

The next day Clark entered the classroom as usual. Upon entering he was surprised that Akeno was already in his seat. At the moment of seeing her, a small concern of hers disappeared from her shoulders so he went towards her. When she saw him approaching, she smiled.

"Good morning Clark-kun" Akeno said as soon as Clark had reached his seat.

"Good morning Akeno-san" Clark said by way of greeting as he placed his backpack on his table and took a seat. After his initial greeting, Clark set out to ask himself a question. "By the way, where did you go the second part of the classes?" The young Kryptonian asked, even knowing that he shouldn't get into people's private lives, but he couldn't help but worry about Akeno.

Hearing this, Akeno only blinked at the question and then smiled again and answered. "I had a meeting of the Occult Research Club, that's why I couldn't come" Akeno said, explaining the reason why he didn't go to class. "Why do you ask Clark-kun?" Akeno asked curious about his question.

Not seeing any reason to lie, Clark answered him with the truth. "It's just that I was a little worried about you," Clark said with a little embarrassment, not used to showing his emotions.

Hearing this, Akeno couldn't explain the small blush that came to her face and the rapid increase in her heartbeat. Putting a hand on his chest to calm him down, he just smiled tenderly at Clark and then answered him. "Ara, Ara, you didn't have anything to worry about Clark-kun" Akeno said touched by her concern.

Not seeing the effect his words had on Akeno only Clark kept talking. "I know, it's just that you're the first person I met when I got here and I'm not the type of person who can relate easily, so I don't have much experience dealing with others" Clark said by way of excuse.

"You don't have to worry Clark-kun, it's common for me to take time in the club, so I usually miss it from time to time" Akeno said, not wanting him to worry too much, even though a large part of her really liked that would worry about her.

They did not continue with their conversation anymore because at that moment the teacher arrived. Turning around Clark began to pay attention to the classes ending the conversation. But he wouldn't forget this easily, Akeno thought as he looked at Clark's back.

Without further interruptions, classes continued as normal until lunchtime. As usual Clark got up from his seat to go to the cafeteria and then to the roof. But as soon as he got up he heard Akeno calling him.

"Do you mind if I walk you to the cafeteria?" Akeno asked as she saw Clark get up, wanting to spend more time with him.

"Of course not, I couldn't be mad at you," Clark said as if it was a very obvious answer. So, waiting for Akeno to take her things, they walked towards the cafeteria together.

After saying goodbye to Akeno, Clark headed up to the roof with his lunch. Entering the roof he found the same scene as yesterday. Koneko enjoying a tray of food.

"Good morning Koneko-chan" Clark greeted her as soon as he entered, receiving a nod and a look of recognition from Koneko.

Approaching the place where Koneko was sitting, he took the box of chocolates under his shoulder and held it out to her, waiting for her to take it, receiving a surprised look from her.

Seeing the unspoken question on Koneko's confused face, Clark explained. "You said you were just out of sweets" Clark said as if it were nothing to write home about. With surprise still on his face Koneko took the box from him and placed it on her lap.

After that Clark went to take a seat and began to eat his lunch while Koneko watched. Having finished his lollipop and seeing how Clark-senpai kept eating his lunch, to then look at the box and open it, seeing that it was filled with many chocolates. Taking one, he slowly brought it to his mouth to taste it. It was delicious!.

Some time later Clark got up after finishing his lunch and went to Koneko. "See you tomorrow Koneko-chan" The young Kryptonian said heading towards the door when Koneko's voice stopped him and made him turn around to look at her.

"Thank you Clark-senpai" Koneko said with a very small smile, something she hadn't done in a long time. Very few people had done something like that for her so she couldn't help but be grateful for her gesture. To which Clark simply smiled back, telling her it was nothing. "See you tomorrow" she said as a farewell to continue eating the remaining sweets.

Going down the stairs, Clark couldn't help but think of her similarities to Koneko, as her eyes showed the same loneliness that his own had once shown.

As he was walking through the halls he couldn't help but listen as the students began to speak loudly. Amidst all the commotion she could make out a few words.

"..so beautiful.."

"..Red hair.."


Those words were enough for Clark to know the reason for the uproar. Looking ahead he noticed that the reason was walking in front of him in his direction. The reason was none other than Rias Gremory.

The second onee-sama just like Akeno. Seeing her in front of him he could see the reason why she had been given that name. She had long blood-red hair, a heart-shaped face with a beautiful face, with an hourglass figure, a smile that could melt the coldest heart, and beautiful eyes between blue and green, aquamarine. In addition, she possessed an aura of elegance that surrounded her wherever she went.

He didn't know much about her, except that Akeno had told him that she was the president of the Occult Research Club, of which she was vice-president. So he kept walking.

Just before they were both meters away their eyes met. Aquamarine and Cerulean Blue. It lasted only a few seconds before Rias looked away. It was only for an instant but to Clark it seemed like so much more. As she passed right by him, He could smell her fragrance. Red roses. Ironic, like Akeno who smelled of violets like the color of her eyes.

Without giving much importance to this small event, Clark continued on his way. Nothing out of the ordinary happened after that, following the same routine as yesterday.

The days passed without much change, continuing with his usual conversations with Akeno, and spending lunch on the roof with Koneko, who apparently after the day he gave her the box of sweets seemed to accept his presence and even talked a bit.

And before he knew it, it was already Friday. He had waited for this day for a long time and had been anxious all morning, so much so that even Akeno and Koneko let him know, to which Clark only said that it was nothing important. And the truth, even though he denied it, he couldn't help but feel a little nervous.

Leaving school, he properly said goodbye to Akeno and Koneko, wishing them a good weekend.


It's week end so He went to meet Azazel.

He knocked at the Door which was opened quickly.

To greet by Azazel himself.

"Uhhhh you came at a Wrong time" Clark blinked twice and started to leave.

"Hey wait! Where are you going?" Clark looked back at him .

"I mean you said I am here at a Wrong time. So I thought I was Unwanted." Clark said with a Deadpan look.

"NO, I want you most in this world!"

"I am straight Azazel"

"I meant as My son"

"I don't need a New father" Clark said while sweat dropping.

"Who is it Old man?" Clark heard a Girly voice coming out from Inside.

Clark looked at his back to see a Girl with long white hair red eyes and matching voluptuous body like Akeno.

(Image here)

"Ah! Let me introduce her Clark she is Valina my . . . Daughter " Azazel said which somewhat Shocked Clark.

"Okay, . . . I am Clark kent it's pleasure to meet you" Clark said as he extended his hand.

She looked at his hand but didn't responded.

"I don't talk with weaklings" she said with a Arrogant voice.


"And how do you even came to this place? Humans can't enter That Old Man's field, Wait you are human right?" Valina starts spoting Bull shit.

{My lord, It's time to break a Bitch}

"Vali! He is our guest" Azazel said to her.

"Yeah! Whatever Guest" Valina said as she went inside.

"Sorry for her she can be rude sometimes but she is a Good person " Azazel said while rubbing his hair.

"No it's okay, but how can she tell That I am weak?" Clark asked Azazel.

"Uhhh . .  Well judging from the ammount of Aura you are releasing . . . That only counts for basic level Of Course " Azazel said while cracking his neck.

"Is that so?"

{I know right? I know what to do!,} Kelex deactivated the Function of the watch as Superman felt the Stored Solar energy running through his veins again.

The Red Aura around him starts to swirl around. The Bio electric aura and the Solar Aura murges  together to create a unique Aura.

A Chill ran down in Valina's spine as she immediately darted her head towards the souce of Energy.

To See.

The Guy named Clark or whatever is now Bathed in Red Aura.

A Red that she has never seen neither experienced.

"Oh~ that's some level of Power . . . Albion do you know what is this?" Valina asked the Mighty dragon inside him.

[No, I have no Idea. The Aura he is Emitting is something I have never experienced myself. His aura doesn't belongs to any Race I know of At least .The only Possibility I can think of is that this Person is a .  . .  God]

"God?" A battle Hungry smirk appeared on her face as immediately shortens the distance between them. 

"Hey, Hey how about we fight! You know I had the wrong impression of You. How about we have a -"



"If Azazel says so" Clark and Valina looked at Azazel.

Azazel let a out a sigh and said.

"Well Kal I think it will be a Good spar for you. I mean both of You"


After than within 5 mins they were inside a Dome Clark never saw before.

It's a Entirely Different dome from the previous one Clark and Azazel used to spar.

Clark saw Valina doing some stretches

"You worried about the place? Don't worry it can Handel power of Two Satans easily, Just don't hold back! If you don't want to die quickly " Valina taunted.

"A futile attempt to taught me" Superman said to her.

{Isn't that Darkseide's line?} Kelex asked.

'I thought it will look cool, I guess '

"Hehe~ we WILL SEE" Valina charged covering herself in her Aura.

[THAT'S RECKLESS FOOL] Albion screamed inside.

Valina threw a Punch to Clark.

Who didn't even Bothered to move. .


Valina threw a Punch on his face. Resulting nothing but a Crack on her finger.

Clark didn't even Flinched  . . . .  Not even a Inch.

"SHIT!" She immediately drew back from her cource.

Her hand was shaking in pain. She inspected herself just to find out that her fingers are dislocated.

[I told you, he is far more powerful than you think]

'Guessed that . . .  Do something to my finger'

[Use balance breaker, I doubt you can even Harm him without it]

"That's a Good one . . . But it's my turn" Valina said as she spreads her wings.

Shocking Clark.

10 wings of Satan.

'What is she? Bat?' Clark asked

{If I have to suggest, that's a Devil and a REALLY strong one} Kelex warned him.

'We will find out.'


[VANISHING DRAGON BALANCE BREAKER] Albion shouted as Clark saw Valina's body became Covered in white Armour with several big blue jewels all over her body.

'Is that Armour made of . . . Cells?! That's definitely scales of a Lizard on her body' Clark thought to himself.

"Here I come . . . Clark . . Or I should Call you Kal?" Valina said from distance.

"Anything is Fine." Clark saw as Valina flared out her Aura.

"Here I COME!" Valina said as she formed two balls of Condensed Demonic Energy.

And Fired towards Clark.

Clark simply stretched out his both arms wide



did a Thunder clap.  

The Shockwave was strong enough that it completely Cancelled out the Incoming attack.

"What!?" shocking her.

"Well that's not something even worth my time I guess " Clark taunted

"Ho? Is that so? I HAVEN'T EVEN STARTED" Valina said as she rushed towards Clark.

Clark also rushed this time and they started to exchange Fists.


Outside of the Dome.

Azazel was sweating a bit.

"Oi,Oi you must be kidding me! Valina is easily on Top 20 strongest beings and yet this kid  . . . He grew this much in 2 weeks? When I first Fought him he was just as strong as A High to Ultimate Class devil. Just how strong this Kryptonians can be if their entire Race was Alive? It's . . . Scary" Azazel said to himself as he felt two more presence near him.

A magic Circle appeared red in colour with L symbol in middle.

What popped out from it two women.

One was Mizuki herself in her teacher uniform

And the other one was in her maid uniform.

She has long silver hair tied in two pony tails with a Charm of Mature woman. She has silver eyes, pulm lips and a Voluptuous figure.

She is Grafiya Lucifuge Strongest Queen of Underworld.

"How do you do Azazel-sama?" Grafiya greeted him.

"Uhhh Busy I guess" Azazel replied.

"Ara, Who are they fighting? . . . . .!!?" Mizuki was shocked is understatement.

To think she will find Clark here.

"Is that Clark?" Mizuki gasped.



Shock waves were formed each passing second as two figures were fighting in super speed.


{I swear,I am not thinking anything}


"It's about time we wrap this Up!" Valina said as she stretched are arms apart.

[Divide!] Albion shouted from inside.


" . . . .!?"

" . . . .!?"


[My powers doesn't works on him?! Even if he is a God that doesn't means I can't draw even Some of his powers. Which only means He is Overwhelmingly strong . . . Even With Juggernaut drive you can't win]  Albion said in a serious Tone.

"Shit!" Valina cursed.

"You are right, It's about time we wrap this Up" Superman said as he used his superspeed.

Within Micro seconds he was behind Valina.

"What!" Before Valina can even react Superman used a Karate Chop on her shoulder.

She came crashing down.

A large creater was created.

The Battle Ended.




