
Superman's Lust BOOSTED (Highschool dxd)

It's a Alternative Story of Superman where Unlike Others he is . . . Very lust full due to certain reasons. his life was getting frustrating since his breeding Instincts where telling him to claim the members of the Leage who where being cocktease to him. But a big boy scout and Being in relationship he can't do that. He prayed to Kryptonian God Rao to make his pain come at ease. But maybe Kryptonian God Rao really heard his prayer. Darkseide invades earth and He Dies protecting the Earth. But when he wakes up from his Dream he finds out he is in some Other universe. . . Filled with even Bigger Cock teasers. But This time he isn't Holding back~

Power_King_4153 · Anime & Comics
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13 Chs

School is Tempting

A/N: I saw there were some misconceptions about Clark. Some people were thinking that this Clark is 25-30 years old and he shouldn't be a Student but a Teacher. To clarify it Clark's actual age is 21 and he went through some Changes which Made his Body that of a when He was 18 years old. He is only 6ft tall and less Muscular than His prime which I forgot to mention. I hope there won't be any misunderstandings. 😃





The first word that came to mind upon seeing the entrance to the school was impressive. A water fountain stood in front of the main building welcoming the many students who entered. The main building was big and with amazing architecture, along with other buildings on the large school grounds, along with lots of green trees. While he was walking looking at the structure of the school, more than one head had turned to look at him, although Clark didn't realize it.

Going to the address, he remembered that he had to talk to the secretary first so that she could give him his schedule. Not knowing where she was, he decided to ask for directions. Seeing a student who was passing by, he decided to ask her.

"Excuse me" As she said it, she turned around. She was close to his age with long black hair down to her legs tied into a ponytail with an orange ribbon, with two strands coming out of the top. She possessed an hourglass body that many men would die for. She was wearing the school uniform. A perfect face with a small nose, full lips, and long eyelashes that covered beautiful violet eyes. Although Clark didn't notice all of it.

"Yeah?" Her voice was soft and elegant.

"I'm sorry, but I need to go to the address and I don't know where it is," Clark explained to the beautiful young woman in front of him. "And I was wondering if you could tell me where it is" He finished saying to which she smiled politely and explained how to get there. "Thank you," he thanked as she gave him a nod and a smile before heading off in the direction she'd been told. Being followed by violet eyes that watched him curiously until they disappeared.

'Holy shit, what Is happening?' Clark asked himself as his all five senses were tingling and his Blood flow is going in a wrong direction. Was that because he saw the Girl? Yeah Clark hate to admit but she is the sexiest girl he has ever met on this School. The Boner was very painful,if he has to tolerate this on daily basis he is Gonna drop out from School.

"Kelex help me out!" Clark said.

{As you wish} Kelex said as it started to replace his normal underwear with his Red Kryptonian one. And It's speciality is it not only protects the Family jewels but also hids unnecessary bonners.

Now his boner was taken care of he straight headed towards the Teacher in Charge's room.

He opened the door.

"Kyaaa~!" "Hu-!?" Before Clark can tell what the fuck happened his brain was shut down with a Alien feeling on his face.

It's . . . Unparalleled softness as if he is shoving his face inside a soft flour dough. The smoothness, texture, elasticity.

Then he can smell the strong oder of a Womanly fragrance. It's pheromone.

"Ouch! Oh! Oh my goodness I am really sorry,.I tripped!" The woman stands up from the top of the Clark who's face was shoved between her heavenly Tities.

Clark's brain comes online as he immediately stands up.

Upon looking at the woman she is quite tall for a Japanese and very THICC she has brown short hair and Piercing red eyes. Her most notable trait was her Bust of course.

(Image here)

For herself she was already looking at whole Damn bakery in front of her. She is a Ultimate Class Succubus.She subconsciously rubbed her thighs upon looking at the Man who was towering over her.

"Dadd- I mean a-are you by Chance the new transfer student?" She asked.

"Yes ma'am that will be Correct, I am Clark kent." Clark introduced himself maintaining his Poker face.

"Ara~ where are my manners I am Mizuki, please Call me Mizuki -sensei and I am also your homeroom teacher Mr. Kent" she said as she pulls out Clark's schedule between her tits.

"Here you go~" she said with a Smile

Clark upon receiving his schedule, the young Kryptonian headed towards his classroom.

"He  . . . Is definitely not human, a Human can't last a Second from a mere touch from a High Class Succubus, but he is Unaffected from me? Goodness he is a BEAST and I love one Ufufufu ~" Mizuki giggled as she holds her breasts up remembering the sensation they felt quite a While Ago.

'Kelex, I fucking can't' Clark screamed inside his mind as he was feeling uncomfortable to walk due to his Not so little Rod of Steel.

{My lord, You can't give up right now, it's your duty} Kelex said.

'Duty? What duty?'

{To Re-polpulate Your bloodline}

' . . . . . !??'

{There's no need to make that Kind of face. You don't have your superhero duties anymore, so I will suggest you should Get several lovers for yourself and Enjoy your life and Focus on reproduction. I am afraid you are only  Kryptonian left regardless of Universe.} Kelex said.

'Stop Joking Kelex! You know My DNA won't be compatible with Human and these Bible races! And Multiple Girls? You crazy?' Clark shouted in his Mind.

{That's not really the case, the DNA of these specific Human species are different. They are naturally designed in such a way that they can even bond with far more Complex DNA that Humanity itself. They are quite Compatible to Kryptonians. And According to my research Fallen angels and Angels are Biologically most Compatible to Your DNA. And As for Harem I am afraid if planet Krypton was alive at this point you would have already engaged to 3 females and as a Nobel you are allowed to have as Many concubines you wanted} Kelex said.

' . . .' Clark stayed silent he maybe trying to ignore it but what he said is all true.

{And Don't lie to yourself my Lord, You don't dislike this. I understand about your strict moral codes, but in my opinion if you keep burdening yourself to your moral codes I think you will lose your own character. It's nothing bad really even In this world Polygamy is very common.} 

Clark didn't replied.

Arriving at the classroom, he knocked on the door and then it was opened by the teacher. Asking him what he wanted, Clark handed him the sheet that the secretary had given him.

"So you're an exchange student?" Said the professor as he looked at him. Clark nodded. "Okay, wait here until I introduce you" he said as he went back into the room. From outside the classroom he could hear how the teacher spoke.

"Students, today we are going to receive an exchange student, his name is Clark Kent and he comes from the United States so welcome him, come in" When they entered the room, a great silence was heard. Standing in front of the class he began to speak.

"Nice to meet you my name is Clark Kent, it's a pleasure to meet you" He said with a polite smile as he made a small bow. Not receiving an answer for a few seconds, he raised his face to see the class and as if they had turned on a switch, they all began to speak.

"!How handsome"


"!What beautiful eyes"

"!Be my boyfriend"

"!Marry me"

"!Make me a son"

"Damn look at his muscles!"

"!They are huge"

These were the comments that Clark was able to distinguish between the students and students. He had come in white and blue tennis shoes, black uniform pants along with the white long-sleeved shirt of the uniform; which covered his watch and a blue shirt under him, in addition to his backpack on his right shoulder. The problem was that the white camisole wasn't made for someone as big as him, so he ended up tight, showing all of his muscles. His big shoulders, abdomen and his arms. This one also had the top two buttons open, showing off his tight blue shirt as well as his broad, muscular chest. He didn't know why he was drawing so much attention. The teacher silenced all the students from him a few moments later. To then go angrily towards him.

"You can have a seat" Said the professor. Clark saw an open seat in the front row. As Clark walked to where his seat was, he could see the flushed faces of several of the women, with what he thought were hearts in his eyes? He must be imagining things. In addition to the angry and jealous faces of the men.

Upon arrival he simply put his backpack aside and took a seat. Making the teacher resume with the class. As the minutes passed he couldn't avoid the feeling that some eyes were watching him.

The sensation only lasted a few moments, until the teacher continued explaining the class. Ignoring that event, the school continued as normal. The class ended and a few minutes later the teacher of the next one entered. It wouldn't be until a few hours when the lunch bell rang and Clark got ready to go out, around his seat full of women who didn't make him throw one question after another. Among the questions were where he lives? His phone number, if he had a girlfriend, etc. To which he tried to answer as he could.

"I live near the school, I don't have a cell phone and no, I don't have a girlfriend" This last response earned a couple of excited squeals from the women. Not knowing how to deal with this, he just smiled politely and excused himself to leave the room.

Leaving the room he released a big sigh of relief. He wasn't used to being around people. "And it's only the first day" Clark said and then he was surprised by a voice that sounded familiar.

"Ara, Ara, it seems that Clark-san is quite popular." Turning around, Clark could see that the person who had spoken was the young woman he had asked for directions this morning. The young woman, whose name he had forgotten to ask, was coming out of the same room as him, which meant that they were partners. Remembering her manners, he couldn't help but answer her.

"It seems so," Clark said uncertainly. To which she smiled a little when she saw her discomfort at what happened in the classroom. "Clark Kent" He introduced himself even though he was sure he already knew his name.

"Nice to meet you, my name is Akeno Himejima" Akeno told him with her usual smile, polite and elegant. To then both continue walking in different directions. When Clark had already walked several meters he heard Akeno's voice calling him. Turning around he saw that she had done the same. When Clark was going to ask him what was wrong. She started talking "By the way, welcome to Kuoh Academy" She finished saying with a smile.

"Thank you Akeno-san" To which she just kept smiling turning around to continue on her way. Doing the same, Clark decided to spend his time exploring the school.

After lunch time was over, he went back to the classroom. The last few classes went by like a blur, before they knew it they were over. Starting his way home, the young Kryptonian couldn't help but think that the day had been interesting, although it didn't go as he had planned.

When he got home, he prepared some food. When he finished eating he set out to do his homework and school work. When he finished, he got dressed to exercise, went out to the terrace to do some stretching and punch combinations, and then went for a run to the park and continued with the same routine from yesterday. Doing a little more than he did yesterday. To then return home, take a shower and then go to the library. He was in the library until the manager told him that they were going to close. When I left, I noticed that it had already gotten dark. While walking through the dark streets I hear some noises. Guided by curiosity he headed there. When he arrived he could see how a robber with a weapon threatened a couple. Shouting at him to give him all the money they had.

In an instant everything had happened, the couple felt a burst of vision and closed their eyes. They opened them when they heard a grunt of pain. The assailant was several meters away unconscious and the weapon was missing. Not knowing what had happened they embraced with relief. Grateful for the miracle that had happened.

Several kilometers away, Clark was watching them thanks to his X-ray vision. He had acted fast, first disabling the gear, then using his super speed, grabbing the gun and hitting the assailant. Throwing him several meters and leaving him unconscious. To disappear just as he had appeared. Now with the weapon in hand, he crushed her using his strength, turning her to pieces. Seeing the moon at night he could hear every sound in the town, a fight in an alley, a robbery in a store, a fire in an office. I ignore all this as he had done since he was a child. He activated the gear, feeling the sounds leave him and continued on his way home.

He arrive at his house some time later. Hetook off her clothes, leaving only a pair of boxers and went to sleep. As he gazed at the ceiling of his room, he raised his right arm and looked at the bracelet with the red crystal. While the sounds from a few moments ago passed through his head, he wondered more than once if he had done the right thing. And if she could not have done more. Because hearing from him was both a curse and a blessing. But what's the point of listening to what's going on around you if you can't do anything.

The problem was that he could have done something, he reminded himself. But for that he would have to expose himself and he wasn't ready for it yet, he thought as he continued to look at the glass. If only he would find another way.

That night sleep took a long time to come. And her last thought before sinking into unconsciousness was the relieved face of the couple He had saved.






To Be Continued.