
Superman's Lust BOOSTED (Highschool dxd)

It's a Alternative Story of Superman where Unlike Others he is . . . Very lust full due to certain reasons. his life was getting frustrating since his breeding Instincts where telling him to claim the members of the Leage who where being cocktease to him. But a big boy scout and Being in relationship he can't do that. He prayed to Kryptonian God Rao to make his pain come at ease. But maybe Kryptonian God Rao really heard his prayer. Darkseide invades earth and He Dies protecting the Earth. But when he wakes up from his Dream he finds out he is in some Other universe. . . Filled with even Bigger Cock teasers. But This time he isn't Holding back~

Power_King_4153 · Anime & Comics
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13 Chs

Kryptonian Rizz

School hadn't been what Clark had expected, no matter how hard he tried it kept getting attention and he had no reason. Without the young Krytonian knowing it, a person like him was hard to go unnoticed. With his impressive physique, a symmetrical face and chiseled features, in addition to his reclusive and mysterious attitude, with a kind and polite personality, combined with the fact that he is an exchange student. It didn't take him long to become popular. Also with his large size he was easily picked up by most of the students. Making it easy to spot.

The next two days after entering the school nothing interesting happened.

Nah just lying. He gets always teased by his biology teacher Mizuki -sensei. He can understand why Boys always get full marks on Biology.

And It wasn't until Thursday that He spoke to Akeno-san again.

It was gym time. They had gone to the gym and then headed to the locker room to change. 

"Holy shit! Look at him! Look at his Fucking muscles!" the Guy from behind said.

Clark was feeling really uncomfortable to get those eyes for no reason.

"Does he takes steroids?" A Guy asked.

{It's Genetics . . . Simple Genetics} Clark can hear Kelex comment further embarrassing him.

"He is 3rd son of Yujiro hanma!"

"Bro taught math teacher maths"

"Bro told his parents that you are adopted "

These are the generic compliments he suppose.

He quickly ran out of the place.

The uniform consisted of a white t-shirt with blue details on the academy emblem on the left front, with blue pants for the boys and shorts for the girls. Everyone had come out of the locker room and stood in front of the coach who was a man in his forties in good physical condition. When he saw that they were all there he began to speak.

"Very well, first I want you to do stretching, a couple of push-ups, and then go around the field a few times," the teacher said in a loud voice for everyone to hear. "Take a partner" I finish saying. Immediately all the students began to get together in pairs. When Clark went to ask a partner, he was surprised by a voice that seemed familiar but now had a seductive touch, in his ear.

"Do you want to be my partner?" That voice made him turn around in surprise and see who had invaded his private space. Turning around he observed that it was a smiling Akeno, upon observing her more carefully he felt how the words were leaving her mouth. He was dressed in the same outfit as the other students, except that the shorts were mid-thigh high on her showing off her beautiful long legs. Looking up a little, he couldn't help noticing that the shirt was tight showing her large and round breasts, where his gaze lingered a little longer than normal. It took Clark a second to calm down enough to answer him in the affirmative.

Clark was uncertain if he should have declined the offer, this would possibly draw him even more attention, due to the fame of the young woman who was in front of him. Even without his powers his hearing was a little better than normal human. So he couldn't help but hear some whispers from the students. Among them some who talked about Akeno Himejima. One of the two great Ones-samas. She was known for her playful and mischievous nature, but she was also the definition of fine beauty and elegance, she was revered as a Nadeshiko woman, of great position, educated, strong, confident, and had almost all the characteristics expected of a Japanese woman. perfect.

"Let's start Clark-san" Akeno's words took Clark out of his thoughts and started with what the teacher had told him. First he helped Akeno with his stretching and held her legs to do crunches. He could see that when performing the sit-ups his breasts bounced.


{I gotch you homie} Kelex is surprisingly getting used to this new world.

He can feel his underwear getting changed.

He can't believe he has to depend on a AI to change his underwear just because he is getting a Bonner from looking sexiest Girl in the school.

He is pretty sure his parents would have been disappointed.

{I am proud of you}

'I wasn't talking about you.'

Akeno saw this but didn't comment. Then it was Clark's turn that put him in an awkward situation.

He sat with his feet stretched out and apart to see when he could stretch. The problem, or rather the two big problems, was that Akeno was pushing him from behind, being able to feel the softness and firmness of her breasts.

'Calm down Kal-EL it's not the first time you are touching breasts,  . . .  Fuck if I ever get the chance I will suck the life out of those TITIES! Ah fuck I am thinking shit again!'

{Well, Just for your Kind info, she isn't human}


{Yeah she is a Hybrid she is Fallen angel and has a Unknown DNA strain which has a Opposite structure that of a Fallen angel, she has her libido on her peak at this age and her body is still developing, a Good Waifu Material in my opinion}

'And how did you find all that out?'

{From the sweat drops that dripped from her nipples, you may not realise the shirt was short and it would have easily ripped apart from your movement, So I replaced it with Kryptonian fabric. And be warned she is really EXCITED}

Akeno, seeing that Clark didn't move, got a little closer. Which pressed his breasts a little more to his back and brought his mouth closer to the young Kryptonian's ear. "Is something wrong Clark-san?" He whispered in his ear earning a shudder from the Kryptonian,

Clark took a deep breath and using the concentration methods he had learned as a child managed to ignore the sensation in his back. Thanks to his great self-control, he was able to finish his stretches and they moved on to the abdominal part.

{Told ya} 'Thanks I guess, But my dick is Crying in pain, can't you do something?'

{I have a medicine that makes PPL Gay should I use it??}

'Forgot I asked'

Lying on the floor with his knees bent and with Akeno holding his legs, he began to do the sit-ups. Without him noticing, his shirt had risen a bit, revealing his abdomen. 

Revealing his Solar empowered Ballistic Ambs.

Akeno obviously noticed it. She knew he is . . . Muscular.

'Ara,Ara~ the things I can do with those biscuits and things he can do with my body Ah~'

{Girl, ask him out already, I swear you are thinking about him all day}

'S-Shut up' Akeno replied the entity with a Blush on her face.

"Akeno-san?" Her senses came to online upon hearing Clark's voice.

"Y-yes!?" she never lost her composer in front of anyone!

"Are you okay?" he asked.

"Yeah! I am perfectly fine." She said with her usual smile.

{I swear she was Cooking} Kelex said.

Nah he must be imagining things.


It's evening now the school has ended. The rest of the classes pass as normal. Hearing the bell that indicates the end of school hours, Clark took his things and went to the exits. Finding Akeno who was heading like him to the exit of the school. Clark being nice to her, he walked towards her and greeted her. Thinking that the right thing to do was start a conversation, he began to speak.

"I've never seen you leave school so early, Akeno-san" Clark told her, walking next to her as she left the school. And it was true she had observed that she always went to the other side of the school where there was only the old school building. Akeno smiled when she heard him, what she said was true most of the time she went to the supernatural research club, but this day they didn't have any meetings so she had the rest of the day free. Seeing the young Kryptonian next to her, she thought he might find out something about her handsome and mysterious partner. Besides, he thought with a smile, she could have a little fun.

"Ara, Ara, I didn't know Clark-san was spying on me, I never imagined he was a pervert" Akeno said mischievously. Hearing this, Clark blushed and defended himself by saying that he had only seen her by chance. Akeno, seeing his face, began to laugh softly at the confused face of the young Kryptonian.

"What's the problem him being a Perv~" A Chill ran down on Clark's spine as he felt two extremely soft mounds pressed on his back.

It was Mizuki-sensei,

"S-sensei!" "Mizuki-san!"

"Ufufufufu~ Did I scared you big boy?" she said as she ran over her hands on his masculine chest.

"Sensei . . . It's . . . Not funny" Clark said as he can feel his blood rushing towards WRONG direction.

Akeno was silent for a few moments.

And then

Akeno moves on a Unbelievable speed and Grabs Mizuki-sensei out of Clark's way.

"Bye~ Clark-kun!!" Akeno said as she dragged her away.

"Bye~ sweetheart 😘" Mizuki-sensei bid her fairwell.

"What the fuck was that?" Clark asked himself.

{Guess what?}


{Ask Azazel who is this Mizuki person is as well as Akeno, this person Mizuki can trigger your primal Instincts. I am afraid she will become your first Harem member at this rate} Kelex suggested.

"I think you are right" Clark said as he walks out of the place.

On the other hand.

"What is the meaning of this Mizuki-san?" Akeno asked in a rather aggressive tone.

"Ara~ is our maiden wounded?" Mizuki teases.

"That's not my answer"

"Hmmm~ it's because I am interested,"

"You are 200 years old hag"

"And is that gonna stop him claiming me? Don't lie Akeno we both know what our Instincts want" Akeno blushed from Mizuki's statement.

"And as you know he is Unaffected by my touch" Mizuki said shocking her.

{That's also something I noticed, that Guy definitely isn't a Normal by Any means} the Mighty being inside Akeno said.

"Do you mean . . . .  He is our enemy?"

"Ah~ no, no he is just a Teenager boy who doesn't have a Girl yet , let's go Akeno rias has still empty pieces Right, maybe we can have him for ourselves. Otherwise you know how spoiled Rias is. When she wants something" Mizuki said.

" . . . . ."

"Eh~ you are no fun, maybe I should follow him and see just how hung he is?" Mizuki said as Akeno's ears perked up.

"You . . . . Shouldn't"



The next day Clark was walking through the halls of the school heading to his classroom. He couldn't sleep the night before because he was thinking about what Akeno had told him the night before, he had taken the first step that he had made a mistake now what he needed to do was find out how this affected his future and the decisions he made. it will take. But he still had time to think about it for now he just wanted a quiet day.

Opening the door and taking a step into the room, he was surprised to feel someone grab his right arm. When he turned around, he could see dark hair and playful familiar violet eyes. Clark just stood there watching in confusion as Akeno was hugging him.

"Good morning Clark-san" Akeno greeted the young Kryptonian at the same time that she smiled when she saw his confused face.

"Good morning Akeno-san" It's the only thing Clark managed to say because of the situation he was in. While he waited for Akeno to let him go, he began to listen to the comments of the other students.

"Clark-kun is with Akeno-onesama"

"They're hugging!"

"I heard you were together yesterday"

"They must be dating"

"They look so cute together"

"They're both so hot"

"Imagine how beautiful your children will be"

These ridiculous comments made Clark blush, especially the last one. How people could assume these kinds of things he couldn't imagine.

"Something happens?" Akeno said which caused Clark to come back to reality and look at her. Looking at her, he could see that her smile had grown and that in her eyes he could see fun? And he realized that Akeno was doing this on purpose with the purpose of embarrassing him.

"You're doing it on purpose, aren't you?" Clark asked Akeno in a whisper so only she could hear. Akeno just broke away and stood in front of him with her hands behind his back.

"Ara, Ara, I don't know what Clark-san is talking about" Akeno said with her characteristic phrase with her eyes closed while still smiling. Knowing that he was lying, Clark just stared at him, before letting out a sigh after a moment.

"It doesn't matter" Clark said, downplaying the matter before going to take a seat followed by Akeno who took the seat right behind him. Clark blinked in confusion as he saw Akeno take the seat behind hers, she must not have paid much attention because he didn't remember her seeing him sitting behind hers. Noticing that it was still early, he turned around and began to chat with Akeno for a bit while the teacher arrived. They only talked about unimportant things until the teacher arrived. After that the classes continued as normal. During the breaks they took when the teachers of other subjects arrived, he began to talk a little with Akeno.

This went on all morning until the bell rang for lunch. Saying goodbye to Akeno and getting up from his seat, Clark made his way to the school cafeteria. After eating his lunch he went to the roof looking for a quiet and solitary place.

Crossing the door that led to the roof he found that it was already occupied. The occupant was eating a tray with various sweets on it, not even turning in his direction as if he knew he was coming. But that was impossible, there was no way she would have heard him. Looking at her carefully, he could notice her characteristics. She was a first-year student, wearing the school uniform without the shoulder cape, about 15 years old, thin and short, with shoulder-length white hair with two long bangs, with several strands hanging down. on the forehead with two hair clips on each side in the shape of a black cat.

"Excuse me, do you mind if I eat here?" Clark asked. Out of politeness, he believed that the right thing to do was to ask her permission, maybe she wanted to be alone, if she bothered him, she would simply look for another place to eat. Hearing her question, she finally deigned to look at him, she had stunning golden eyes that showed almost no emotion.

"No" That was his answer with a calm and cold voice. Taking a seat a few feet away, Clark began to eat. Neither of them said a word, they just enjoyed the comfortable silence before classes resumed.

Glancing at his companion, he noted that he had quickly finished his meal and that from time to time he cast little glances at his plate. He only had a little fish left and a slice of strawberry cake that he had taken.

"I'm satisfied," Clark said loud enough for me to hear. Looking up in his direction, she offered him her lunch. "Do you want it?" I ask delicately, receiving only a small expression of surprise, seeing her reluctance to take it, he spoke again "It would be a shame if it was wasted" he finished saying to convince her to take it.

"Arigato senpai" She said simply

They were silent after that. One of the things that Clark knew about himself was that he was not a person they could consider social. The only people he conversed with back in his world were his parents and rarely children his age, preferring to just stay away, watch and listen to those around him.

Coming here he hadn't improved much by only speaking when asked, except for Akeno and Azazel, actually without them he probably wouldn't have anyone to talk to. When thinking about this, he couldn't help but think that if he wanted to improve, he should start living with others. He couldn't stay away from everyone, it wouldn't be easy but he had to start with something.

"It's getting late, sempai" The voice of his companion took him out of his thoughts. Getting up he brushed off her clothes and decided what to start now. He stood in front of her offering his hand to get her up off of her, receiving a curious look in return from it. "Clark Kent" Not needing more words to understand she took her hand and rose from her.

"Koneko Toujou" Koneko said introducing herself. Koneko... somehow the name suited her, Clark thought as he felt his small hand on his . Seeing her standing Clark couldn't help noticing that it only reached the height of her abdomen. So letting go of his small hand but in an oddly strong way he pulled away.

"It's a pleasure, Koneko-san" Clark said with a small smile and then headed towards the exit of the roof satisfied with the small step he had taken, but still knowing that he had a long way to go to become the person he wanted to be.

When they got to the classroom, most of them were already there with Akeno among them, who asked him where he had gone during lunch, to which Clark only said that he had taken a little walk, Akeno seemed like she wanted to ask him something else but instead That moment the teacher arrived starting with the classes.

The rest of the class continued as normal after leaving the classroom, he said goodbye to Akeno who did not miss the opportunity to embarrass him by hugging him in front of others, Clark still not used to Akeno's way of acting, he just tried to stay calm hoping that he would. He will let go, after that he said goodbye wishing him a good weekend.


"How are you doing Kal?" Azazel asked as he looked the Kryptonian sitting in front of him.

"I am doing fine. How are you" Clark asked.

"Amazing! The robots you gave me are really Something else! They can do almost any task other than Magic related!" Azazel said.

"I am happy to hear that, I had a Question " Clark asked.

"Yeah go ahead"

"Who is this Mizuki person?"

"Ohh? You into her?"

"Uh no, she isn't human right?"

"Yeah, she is a Succubus. But be careful don't let her touch you, she is known for her extremely seductive body and her clients said that they had best . . . Time of their lives even though she just stepped on them"


"Yeah, she is a Ultimate Class Succubus and next Succubus queen candidate. What is different for her though she doesn't need semen to survive, so unlike other succubues who have sex on every week she has pleased her clients with her just foot alone. Maybe within 100 years she didn't let anyone touch her. I tried my luck though I wasn't . .  Lucky "

"Uh I see"

"Why did something happen?"

"Yeah, I touched her. . . . Tits"

Azazel jumps from his couch.

"OYE, OYE? Really? How did it felt?"

Clark gave him a Odd look.

"Hey come on I am guy to!"

"You are like 10,000 years old you know?"

"So what I feel from heaven for this! For Oppai! I swear she has some finest pairs I have ever seen in my life! Wait she let you touch? She doesn't let anybody do that!"

"Yeah, but also she hugs me teases me etc."

"Shit! Alien Rizz?" Azazel starts to think.

"let that aside can I know who Is Akeno Himejima?"

"uhhhhh . . . . That's a bit . . . . Uncomfortable story"





