
Superiority Madness

Zefiro was a man so arrogant as to be insane.  He considered himself different, and his superiority complex arose from a little bit of intelligence, which he called understanding, and luck.  A mentality so baseless and yet so unshakeable.  Who knows what will happen when a man with such a mindset swaps his soul with that of a half-god demonic cultivator, taking him to the hell of a distant fantasy world. Here you will find clashes between different values, problematic characters and breathtaking fights full of violence, born from the desire to challenge the strongest and impose itself, because no one with a ego is superior to it. And what's crazier than smiling at death, thinking about how you would redo all the mistakes in your life because you don't care? The first chapter could be slightly confusing, there are some digressions of the protagonists that are a bit complex but they serve to better understand his character and his actions. The cover is not mine and if the author wants it removed he can contact me, like all of you, here: https://discord.gg/rQCcHERNrH

Arckh3us · Fantasy
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5 Chs

Smiling Demon

Black clouds gathered above the sky, bearing the weight of heavens.

Rays of divine light passed through the dark veil, making what should be a harmonious sight into a hell of heavenly anger.

The clouds looked like the iris of a gigantic, unfathomable eye, descended upon mortals to judge and punish them.

The light began to converge in the pupil, where the clouds were darker than black, until a pillar that reached the ground was formed, the pillar began to rise thickening in the clouds, until a vortex of milky energy formed in the pupil.

Silence itself seemed afraid to exist at that moment, energy fled from everything and everyone seemed lifeless under the gaze of the almighty eye.

A spark, known to be the initiator of the universe, seemed to cause its destruction because as soon as it appeared, a mighty thunder descended from the milky vortex.

Everything was white, everyone's ears were screaming because of the mighty roar,

but a small smile formed on the face of the person to whom the heavenly punishment was aimed, as he stood up from his meditative pose, his eyes turned red, a black aura covered his body, and he raised his fist to face the wrath of the heavens.

The sun lit up the courtyard, making the morning dew sparkle.

The shade generated by the tall trees exuded serenity and tranquillity, which relaxed Zefiro and helped him divert his attention from the physics lesson.

"What is the point of learning?

We only learn what someone already knows.

If someone knows, inevitably it is something that you can figure out yourself.

Learning it then, would not be admitting that we are unable to understand it?

To understand something, however, we must first have an idea of ​​it: whether it is through direct or indirect observation.

This is why we cannot understand everything without an explanation: things that are not around us like history need advanced tools and studies to be understood.

This is why we distinguish practical from theoretical things.

Practical things, in this area, are those that are all around us and can be understood.

There are 2 ways to understand something: the mechanical one, which consists of logical processes that arise naturally when something is observed;  Physics is an example of this: to understand it, it is enough to carry out practical tests and analyze the results.

The other process is instead based on intelligence, and also arises from observation, but with the addition of a reasoning behind it, this method, unlike the first, allows you to create hypothetical situations, such as mathematics: there are more mathematical universes, the one we study is the one considered closest to the real universe and therefore is based on logical processes similar to those of the first method, the other universes are invented, born from the fantasies of mathematicians who have exploited their minds to combine them into something of tidy.

The 2 methods of understanding things are very similar: the only difference is that in the second one you have to go beyond what you see and use real intelligence which is not just a set of certainties consequential to a fact, but assumptions born thanks to instinct and a little madness, necessary to leave the sensory field and enter the fantastic one;  that of ifs, because assumptions are the enemy of reason."

Zefiro was self-reflecting on what he considered himself superior to anyone else: understanding, understanding the principles according to which things worked.  This is one of the reasons why he wasn't listening to the lecture: he didn't like Physics, being that he only considered it the writing down of what happens in the real world and there was no reasoning behind it.

An immense round table, with an interweaving of golden threads on the surface, served as the fulcrum of the room, if it could be called that: it was so high that mountains could enter it and so large that a continent could fit in, from the windows, decorated with trees from which fruits fell, heavenly light filtered.

Golden currents hovered in the air, these streams being breathed as if they were air by the individuals in this room: a little blond girl, blindfolded, in a white peplum and without shoes;  an imposing middle-aged man wearing a heavy silver armor, with a military haircut and dark complexion; finally, a man with a black tunic and a hood.

The armored man had a deep voice:

"Even though I did what I could to enhance the tribulation, it wasn't enough, the mortals won't be able to stop him, you have to do something"

The little girl, on the other hand, had a much more mature voice than her appearance: "So be it"

The 2 figures vanished turning into golden particles.

The hooded man seemed to be speaking in a faint voice, it looked like a dying old man:

"I saw, I'm warning, it will be slaughter"

Then it immediately burst out in mad laughter, nearly collapsing to the ground as the light filtering through the windows dimmed.