
5. Chapter V

She moves through the apartment like a hurricane, seething and muttering and too consumed with her missing sister and the blistering agony of her own heat to be enough Alex Danvers to know what to do. Luckily, Maggie is there, following her around with hushed whispers and strong arms that are capable of holding her together. And God… does she need holding together right now.

It wasn’t the act of Kara escaping that made her feel sick. Somewhere, deep down and strange as it was, she knew Kara would never hurt anyone. But the knowledge that they fired bullets at her? That men she worked with every day for seven years raised their guns and shot at her sister with the intention of putting her down like an animal if it came to that? It rendered her lungs useless in their one task, because she put her little sister in danger, and it was Lena Luthor she ran to in search of safety.

“It’s my fault.” her voice is a threshed out sob in the nook of Maggie’s neck. “I could have… I should have.” she punishes herself even more with gritted teeth. “I should have took better care of her!”

“Look at me.” Maggie’s voice soothes and tan fingers move down the small of her spine. “Look at me little one.” she says it so certainly, making her voice a low husky rasp that her omega could pour her problems into and trust her to fix all of them. “That’s it, good girl.” sobs were hushed expertly, “You messed up, and that’s okay, you’re human and you’re allowed to mess up sometimes. It’s nothing that we cannot fix tomorrow…”

“Do you promise?”

“On my life.” Maggie lifted her chin and cocked that annoying surely smile. “But you,” she took a step closer and slipped both hands around the small of her omega’s spine, “are going to need to be much better with Lena Luthor.”


“Ah ah,” Maggie raised a brow. “I wasn’t finished.”

“Sorry.” she mumbled.

“She isn’t trying to put distance between you and Kara, but if you keep fighting with her? You’ll do that all by yourself.” Maggie gently moved pieces of fringe out of Alex’s eyes and softened her expression. “It’s nothing that we can’t fix in the morning.” she reminded huskily and pressed a small kiss to her jaw.

“Did you-” there’s a canopy over the bed made of fresh linen and fairy lights. It offsets Alex’s mood, renders her completely inert as she surveys the scene and takes note of the bottle of wine and fresh strawberries on the bedside table. “You made a pillow fort?”

“Well,” Maggie hummed and pushed her hips forward slowly, her erection bumping against her thigh. “I might be in my rut but I’m not stupid…”

“Oh is that right?” Alex cocked a brow and grinned.

“Remember when we first started dating?” Maggie turned on the vinyl player Alex managed to get her for her birthday — it was a particularly special one with smooth mahogany wood and shiny little black dials that were embossed in gold; exactly like the one her grandpa had when she was a little girl. It was so typically and impossibly and frustratingly a perfect Alex Danvers gift.

“Stevie Nicks.” Alex closed her eyes and grinned as the song played.

“Stevie, right?” Maggie chuckled and kissed the nook of her neck. “Maybe we’ve been focusing too much on making a baby. I don’t want to put that pressure on you again, not after last time-”

“Stop talking.” Alex sighed and smiled, pressing a gentle kiss against her mouth. “Just… take me to bed and make me forget about everything, please?” her brows furrowed and Maggie lingered over her pulse point where the soft smell of her heat lingered.

This is exactly what she needs, just a little time to forget; a few precious moments to be nothing more than blood and bone and the worst of her heat. To exist solely and only for Maggie. It’s that thought that rises above the rest with each warm kiss from her alpha’s mouth over the most sensitive part of her collarbones.

“How much of everything is everything?” Maggie murmured, pulling fingers up to her lips to kiss them too. “Are we talking Lena Luthor or Drew in fourth grade who cut the hair off your Malibu barbie?”

Alex chuckled and wished that she didn’t, desperate to seem at least a little annoyed at the mention of that woman’s name yet again. She couldn’t though, and so instead she let that soft small alpha kiss her fingers and peer at her with warm chocolate eyes that melted her until she felt like a dripping pile of bones. “All of them,” she slipped a hand forward between Maggie’s thighs, earning a low growl from the highest part of her chest. “I mean, unless you’re not up for the challenge…”

At that Maggie growls again, lower this time, and the air is suddenly pungent with her pheromones. It knocks Alex off balance, makes her whole skeletal system feel like a concept rather than a fact, and when strong tiny arms catch her and carry her to the bed — she puts up no protest, closing her eyes and allowing the drudges of the day to slip away into a faint nothingness against the roar of her own heat.

Maggie is gentle. Always, always, so gentle, and her hands move like the only thing they were ever made for were cradling the different wonderful parts of her wife’s body. It took discipline to be like that, to not rip at clothes and bruise her hips, but she learned and she was glad that she did — because the way she earns little purrs is one of the few things she has a natural knack for.

By the time she’s tugged off pants and slipped the shirt over her head, warm skin pressed together, Alex is already deflating from the day. Maggie kisses her shoulders first, settled between her thighs and reverent in her movements — it took a learned expertise to be languid when every desire was to fuck and conquer, but Alex deserved languid, and so that she was.

“You can go faster.” Alex whispered with a little smile and unleashed a tiny moan as the scrappy material of her bra was pulled away. Maggie just grinned.

“Are you sure?” Maggie sucked gently on a stiffening nipple. “I can hurry up if you want…”

“No!” Alex said too quickly, grabbing her shoulders and keeping her justthere. “Please, just. Touch me?”

“Thought so.” she bowed her head and continued the slow onslaught.

The lump between her thighs grows, swelling and stiffening until the emptiness of the air taunts her, still, Maggie is languid — kissing and sucking nipples, fingers wound into her wife’s hips, nose brushing the crevice of her breasts.

“I love you.” Alex almost complained, moaning. “Please, I need to feel you.”

“Yeah?” Maggie gasped and closed her eyes as a soft lily-white thigh brushed her cock. “Babe… I don’t know if I can hold on when you do that...”

“It’s okay.” Alex cupped her cheeks and swallowed, barely holding back her own heat. She twisted their positions, only because Maggie managed to cling on to enough of herself to allow it. The tension in her body was palpable though, slight toned muscles working against one another beneath the surface of her caramel skin as the omega in her grasps toppled her like a mountain giving way to the wind. “I like you on your back.” the wind whispered in her ear, grinning and warm in her heat.

She brushed her vulva over the stiffness of Maggie’s cock beneath her boxers, purposeful, groaning, eyes closed and hands pinned over her alpha’s shoulders — barely keeping her on the bed.

“Do you know what you’re doing to me?” she growled and huffed a little breath, chuckling after a moment with alight eyes. “Such a naughty one, Danvers.”

“Mmhm,” she purred. Alex slipped her hand down the galley of her body, right inside the waistband of her boxers until her fingers, barely, wrapped around the thickness of her rutting cock — pulling it free in one motion and rubbing the head between her folds in another.

Maggie pounces, animalistic and beautiful as she is with eyes that could conquer mountains. She lost some of her softness, lost some of the procured gentleness in her hands, but, the sentiment remained. She kissed Alex’s neck and set her teeth into her mark as gently as she could, incisors hovering over the tiny divots of the bite she gave years ago now, lining her head up against her opening.

She tastes different, and Maggie can’t explain that, it makes her eyebrows knit together in surprise as she sheaths inside of her omega and earns the low whimpering sob that always managed to knock the wind out of her lungs. Teeth settled over Alex’s bite, she runs her tongue, wondering where she remembers that taste from.

“Don’t bottom out too hard!” Alex gasped and gripped her shoulders, writhing and rocking her hips but somehow more cautious than she ever was during their cycle.

Maggie blinked, forgetting and then remembering simultaneously. She stalled like a car engine uphill, blinking, licking her lips, looking Alex up and down curiously. There was only one time in their lives together Alex told her not to bottom too hard, only one time she ever tasted different like that, only one time her pheromones made the natural disposition Maggie’s rut so much gentler and soft.

Alex opened her mouth and closed it again, tilting her head and searching her alpha’s eyes for the reason she was prone between her legs.

“You’re pregnant… aren’t you?” Maggie whispered in realisation.