
24. Chapter XXIV

A week had passed since the truth had been revealed. Kara still hadn’t quite recovered. She trudged on regardless, trying to remain as unaware as possible of the plan to kidnap the president in order to incriminate Lillian every time the conversation at work drifted to the presidential visit. Then, in the evenings, in the the sleepless hours of rolling from pillow to pillow after she finally got home, wondering how she would save the day this time, she forced herself the agony of knowing all of it.

Today, the truth was unavoidable. The small meeting room was stuffed with important nobodies from upstairs that neither Kara or Alex had seen before. They fidgeted in their suits, briefcases on the desk, mumbling and rubbing their headaches, all too aware that heads would roll thanks to the anonymous security breach that happened on their watch, or at least for now they thought it was anonymous. Kara and Alex just shared a look that had Lena Luthor written all over it every time the polite superficial conversation finally drew to which supervillain would have the capabilities to breach the DEO’s servers while they all waited for J’onn to appear.

Finally, J’onn came in and closed the door behind him. The fidgeting stopped. The room was made silent with the sternness and foreboding of his expression alone.

“Get up,” he said sternly to the wide-eyed suits, startling them upright out of their seats. “Everybody in this room is partly responsible for one of the most dangerous data breaches in history. For those of you stood in the corners wondering if that applies to you too, it does! Nobody has the privilege of sitting down right now when our commander-in-chief is less than seventy-two hours out. She will expect answers, which means I expect answers from you. How did this happen?”

“He’s not talking about us right?” Kara murmured quietly in Alex’s ear. “I mean, I wasn’t even a part of this until last week.”

“No, no. At least I don’t think he knows? You don’t think he’s onto us?” Alex lowered her voice to a whisper too.

“Onto us, or onto Le—”

“Shut up.” Alex grabbed her wrist hard. Kara looked up and realised too late J’onn was staring at them both, as if to say, ‘Really? Right now, girls?’ 

“Sorry,” Alex mouthed at him and blushed. “The baby is fluttering,” She rubbed her blooming belly, and the room almost breathed a collective sigh of relief that they were not the focus of his acute attention.

J’onn grinded his jaw. “Well if we’re all finished I’ll continue,” he said after a moment and clicked the presentation slides projected on to the screen. “As you’ll see here.” He stepped aside, and the satellite images of an abandoned military site were displayed. “The information we received about a potential stronghold near the site where the signal triangulated turned out to be false, as we presumed. The site is home to around thirty rough sleepers. Nothing to suggest that they are responsible for infiltrating a black ops intelligence service.” He grimaced at the quiet audience. “So people, what else do we have?”

“Sir.” A man no older than thirty shuffled his papers and pushed his glasses up the bridge of his nose. “Charles Dartford, cyber security. If I may…” he peered down at his papers and looked back up at J’onn with a nervous expression. “I believe our focuses may be focused in the wrong place all together.”

Kara and Alex held their breaths.

“You see,” Charles continued, pushing forward the documents towards a curious J’onn. “In the time since the cyber-attack there has been nothing but silence. The first thing that we are taught out of the academy is that a criminal always returns to the scene of the crime. It’s no different with cyber crime really, particularly of this magnitude too. But there has been no attempts nor has there been any terrorist cells that have taken credit in the media. We haven’t received any demands made for the safe return of the registry and I would expect that if the alien registry was really what whoever is responsible wanted… we would have seen their plan unravel by now. They’ve had more than enough time to publish the names on the list if that was their end goal.”

“Go on,” J’onn became all the more interested.

“I believe the reason that we are still in the dark is because the alien registry is simply once piece of the puzzle. A lure, if you will.”

“Seems like a lot of effort to get our attention?” J’onn furrowed his brows.

“Not a lure for us, per say, but maybe a lure for the President of the United States?” Charles breathed a heavy sigh, and the room broke out into a chorus of murmurs and strange glances at one another. “Think about it. A registry with the details of every alien immigrant stolen underneath a democratic administration? The democrats would never recover politically. Whoever did this might have known that the President would be forced to keep this quiet while the investigation is underway to prevent dissent, and that any visit she made to deal with this would have to be of the utmost secrecy. What if their angle this entire time was to create a situation in which the president would be at her most vulnerable to attack? What if the question we need to be asking is not just about who took the alien registry, but rather, what they would want with the registry and the President of the United States?”

Kara felt her stomach begin to somersault. In her mind, she became an onlooker, like she was in a dream that was becoming all the more strange. Now that she knew Lena was behind all of this, and now that she understood her plan and the importance of it, the urge to protect her became stronger in ways that transcended the heat and blood of primal urges. Now, the urge to protect her was intrinsically entwined with the essence of her duty. Maybe that made her a traitor to everything she once stood for. Kara allowed that guilty thought to persist. But another thought, a louder, more hopeful thought persisted too; if there was a chance to take out Cadmus and Lillian for good, then it was a chance she must take.

She clenched her hands and inhaled through her teeth, trying to think of a way to draw the scent away from this trail.

“You don’t actually think whoever did this is trying to kidnap the president?” Kara snorted and drew the attention of the meeting. She blushed a violent shade of red and become flustered, her telltale sign when she was trying to cover something up. “I mean, what do you think they’re going to do? Use the president’s fingerprints to launch nuclear missiles and start a war with the east unless the government agrees to deport ever alien on the—ouch!” Kara screwed her face into a pained grimace from the pinch to the back of her arm.

“I think what Kara is trying to say is that this all sounds very unlikely,” Alex said dourly with a shake of her head.

Charles didn’t let it go. His eyes became wider and his demeanor more enthusiastic, “Actually, Alex, I think Supergirl might be onto something! What if that is exactly what the plan is? What if it’s just a question of who would want to deport the aliens?”

J’onn brought the meeting back to order. “There is a long list of groups with that mission statement not to mention the ones we don’t know about, deduction would bring us no closer to figuring out who is responsible for this. Anyway, I can assure you that anyone capable of breaking into our systems is most likely well aware of why a plan to hold the President hostage wouldn’t work.” J’onn shook his head with exasperation at being no closer to the answer.

“And, just for those of us who are curious.” Alex shrugged her shoulders and licked her lips, “Why exactly wouldn’t that plan work?” She gulped.

“Well,” J’onn paused and thought for a moment. “In the event that the president is held under duress by an enemy of the state the 25th amendment would be invoked. The vice-president would take the oath of office and according to protocol a nuclear response would only be actionable by combined decree of the secretary of state, the speaker of the house, and the newly sworn-in president. The government does not negotiate with terrorists even when the life of a president is on the line. There would be no incentive to kidnap her for access to the nuclear arsenal.”

“So what you’re saying is that if, per say, the president was kidnapped, the people responsible would have no opportunity to use nuclear war as leverage for their demands?” Alex seemed relieved.

“Yes, that’s exactly what I’m saying.”

“That’s great news!” Alex beamed and nudged Kara. She suddenly became aware of herself again and cleared her throat with a cough, turning back to the meeting room. “I mean, great news for anyone who doesn’t want a nuclear war, right?” she said dourly and nodded her head.

The walk to Lena’s office after work was quiet and uncomfortable with her sister. It wasn’t a state Kara was used to, not with Alex at least. They pounded the wet pavement downtown and tried to seem the picture of normal until they were well out of earshot of anyone who might care to listen.

Alex finally spoke up as they turned the corner towards the L Corp building and away from the DEO. “At least there was some good news. No chance of a nuclear war, remember? It’s one less thing to worry about…”

Kara grinded her jaw and stopped, turning to stare at her sister in frustration. “I love her, Alex. Do you get that? I mean really get it? I couldn’t give a good goddamn right now about Lilian’s angle when I am obsessing every single second of the day about how I’m supposed to protect her and this baby while she is determined to walk right into the lion’s den. Not a single fuck, if we’re being perfectly honest.” Kara snapped and continued walking.

“It’s strange hearing you curse. I don’t think I like it,” Alex mumbled and caught up with faster strides.

“I’m sorry.” Kara shook her head and pinched her nose. “It’s just… a lot. I feel like I’m coming apart at the seams trying to figure all of this out.”

“Can’t say I don’t empathise.” Alex pushed out a sigh.

“How are things with you and Maggie?” Kara changed the subject as they slowed their pace.

Alex scratched her chin and smiled. She had seemed lighter since the big revelation. In Kara’s mind, it was one small good thing to hold on to for a moment. In the midsts of figuring out how to make this plan work, of how to keep Lena safe, of how to fix the irreparable damage between them, of becoming a mother in seven short months, tiny small good things to hold on to was all Kara had. Alex and Maggie seemed to be in a much better place. There would be two new additions to the family so soon. Two little people who would grow up the best of friends. Suddenly, Kara didn’t feel so overburdened with terrible thoughts.

Alex looked at Kara quite seriously. “For the last two years I’ve felt like I lost a best friend. It was this quiet pain, you know? Like we were pretending to be the people we thought we had to be just to help each other get through the day and… I don’t feel that way anymore.” Alex broke into a beaming smile. “I’ve got my best friend back, and it’s magical, that’s the only way I can begin to describe it. So yeah, you could say things are good.”

“I’m so happy for you guys, I really, really am.” Kara managed a smile and squeezed her sister’s hand.

“How are things with you and Lena?”

“Friendly,” Kara replied tepidly with a shrug, not wanting to talk about it too much at all. 

The slow pace down the street continued and she realised Alex was waiting expectantly for more information. 

She sighed and continued with a scratch of her blonde head,  “I mean, what more could I ask for given the circumstances? We’ve made a real mess of things and I should be grateful that I have my best friend back too. Things are just a little complicated, you know?”

“She just needs time, Kara. She needs a team of people who are always on her side and I think she knows you’re a good draft pick. The rest will figure itself out.”

“I guess she’s never had a team before, has she?” Kara pondered it sadly.

“I guess not but she does have you, and this baby, and I think… maybe… also possibly me?” Alex winced at the realisation.

“Well would you look at that.” Kara tutted and looked at her sister with a grin. “And I thought you said all Luthors were evil?” She raised a brow.

“She’ll mess up eventually, how could she not when all she has is a band of losers watching her blindspot?” Alex joked.

“Do you want to come up and hang out?” Kara suggested as they finally arrived at their destination. She dug her hands in her pockets and nodded towards the revolving doors that led into the L Corp foyer. “We could get takeout and talk about something boring and ordinary like The Bachelor?”

Alex fixed a serious expression. “There’s a five-foot-three dynamite bitch waiting for me at home with a cheeseboard and The Good Wife on pause and you think I’m going to put that on hold to hang out with you losers? Get out of here.” She smirked and softly shoved her sister towards the door. 



“I love you and I’m sorry I cursed I know it must have been a lot for your delicate sensibilities.” Kara cracked half a smile.

“Yeah yeah.” Alex rolled her eyes. “Love you too, Kiddo.”

The sight of Lena swivelling around in her office chair made Kara smile as she stepped through the door. She was on the phone to someone, twiddling the cord in her fingers, looking powerful and busy. Her green eyes lit up and a smile broke out across her face in Kara’s direction as she hurriedly said her goodbyes to whoever was on the phone. It was a pleasant feeling. Kara couldn’t help but grin back as she pushed her glasses up her nose. For a moment, she imagined what it would be like picking their kid up and bringing them over here after school. They would marvel at their mother’s office and see her on these important phone calls, looking powerful and busy, making decisions, dolling out orders, and Lena would be the superhero that they built their adorations around. Kara grew warm with the thought as she undone her jacket.

“Did I interrupt something important?” Kara asked over her shoulder as the phone call ended, already hanging up her coat and purse.

“Yes and I’m so glad you did, there’s only so much merger talk I can handle before the conversation becomes tedious.” Lena pouted and stood from her chair. “How was work? Did Alex get my text message?” She walked over to where Kara stood.

“Work was good and yes, she says she’ll take you to her prenatal class if you promise not to misbehave.” Kara pulled her in for a quick hug. “How are you? Tired?”

“Eh, my feet are killing me but I can’t say I’m tired. Do you want something to drink?”

“Ten steps ahead of you,” Kara replied and grabbed the Starbucks cup from next to her purse. “Mocha, two sugars, extra chocolate, and yes before you ask it’s decaff.” She put it in Lena’s eager hand.

“I don’t know how you do it, it’s almost like you’re a superhero.” Lena laughed and nodded to the sofa. “Come on, let’s sit down and get planning. If we get the big stuff out of the way now you’ll thank me later, trust me.”

“Ugh, I know you’re right but can we talk about ordinary things first? There was a meeting with J’onn earlier about the visit and I feel like I’m going to break out into hives any moment,” Kara complained and followed her to the sofa.

“Relax, mother bear, I’m talking about baby plans. I was thinking we could start talking about things, who is Mama and who is Mommy, that kind of stuff?” Lena lifted her brows as she took a sip of her drink with a satisfied sigh.

Kara sat down with a soft thud and leaned into the back of the sofa. She smiled and rubbed her head, utterly consumed with the desire to make those kinds of plans. It didn’t go amiss on her how ordinary all of this felt, and that was entirely a small good thing to add to her list.

“I don’t mind what they call me at all.” Kara scratched her head and then suddenly perked up. “If it’s a girl, her middle name has to be Elle. That’s non-negotiable.”

“Any particular reason why?” Lena scrunched her brow.

Kara thought about the right way to word it for a moment. “Well I can’t give my baby my last name—my real last name, at least—and it would mean a lot to me knowing there’s someone left to carry on the House of El. I don’t want my name to die when I’m gone… Even if I can only have just a little bit of it left in the world.”

“Consider it done.” Lena didn’t miss a beat.

She kicked off her high heels one by one with a wince and slung her feet over Kara’s knees. Outside, the sound of people chatting and walking towards the elevators to go home became the only sound. Lena slumped backwards against the armrest and sighed comfortably. Kara couldn’t help but blink and stare at her and drink in this rare moment of peace. It wasn’t everything she wanted, it wasn’t wedding bells and a happily ever after, but Lena was worth being thankful for in any capacity she could have her in.

Lena gave her a funny look. “Do you want me to take my feet off of you? Is this too much?”

“Shut up.” Kara rolled her eyes and started to rub the sore soles in her lap. “I would give any of my friends foot rubs if I got them pregnant. It’s the least I can do.” She earned a small chuckle.

“So you’re really in? No more out?” Lena asked quietly.

“This is me promising you that I’m going to change every dirty diaper I can get my hands on. I’ll take the baby every single time without complaint when you need to rush into work. There will be spots for you both at the family table every single year for Thanksgiving and Christmas. Every little league game, every teacher-parent conference, every time you need me to play bad cop because they’re too stubborn just like you, I’m going to be there, Lena. And I want you to know that none of it is contingent on us getting back together… I don’t know what two friends raising a baby together looks like but if that’s what it has to be then that is what it is.” Kara dug her thumbs deeper into the feet in her lap.

Lena blinked and nodded her head with a small satisfied smile. She held off for a moment and let the words sink in. It took a moment but she finally spoke, “I give you such a hard time but you really are the greatest person...”

“Well you’re my best friend, no matter what else we’ve got going on you’re always going to be that.”

“I take it you’re going to be at the birth?” Lena double-checked.

“What? did you think I was going to be at Dinah Shore weekend? Of course I’m going to be there when you give birth, dummy.”


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