
16. Chapter XVI

She sat on Kara’s hips, thighs clenching into the tightness of her stomach, ankles locked around her ass. The hallway made for a brief journey, one filled with the kind of kisses that make Lena’s stomach roll and wash like the evening tide. Kara wasn’t particularly gentle or thoughtful, the burn of her want transcended those tender games. Lena didn’t mind, not when her spine was made to catch the doorframe, or the side of her thigh bumped the walnut chest of drawers. Kara jostled and wrangled and moved like a creature unconcerned with seeming human anymore.

She’s all the more beautiful to Lena because of it.

“Kara,” She blinked and wrapped a hand into her sweater as she was placed on the sheets. There was nothing that came naturally after, just that one whisper of her name. It made Kara hesitate.

The room is warm, that kind of warmth that sits on Lena’s shoulders and drips down her spine. Falling in love with Kara is like that, a sensation that started in one place, small and almost unnoticeable, before consuming the rest of her body — quite literally. Maybe that was what made her weak like this, being pregnant with her child. It leaves her antsy and reaching for an elbow, a shoulder, the small dip of her waist; just a tiny monument of Kara that she can anchor herself to.

“Stop.” Kara growls and nuzzles into her throat, quickly pinning hands above her head. “Don’t do that.” She almost aches.

“What?” Lena blinks again and breathes through the scalp pressing to her mouth.

“Touch me like you love me.”

“Oh,” Lena swallowed, entirely stuck. “Alright.” She said reluctantly.

She did love Kara. She wants to splutter on the headiness of the words trapped in her lungs, a dozen I Love Yous and at least several You Are The Queen Of My Universes by her own count, all begging to be hummed and echoed and pressed into different joints and muscles. The words jostle inside of her, oh they jostle like newborn hummingbirds, itching and stretching and fluttering around inside her ribs. She tames those words and buries them safely in her stomach, the safest part of her entire body, and then cranes with hands around the back of her godlet’s neck.

“Better.” Kara groaned and pushed herself between Lena’s legs.

It was rough and hot. Kara’s hands grip the hem of her silk dressing gown and pull it upwards along her milky white thighs until the material is left sitting around her belly. All the while Kara’s hips press between Lena’s slow moving legs, earning those deep hitched breaths that throttle Lena’s throat. They’re enough to have the Alpha above stiffening and resisting the urge to buck.

The sash is pulled open and the silk slips along the sides of her fast-moving ribs. Breasts arch up into the heaving of Kara’s chest, goosebumps slipping along the smoothness of Lena’s exposed belly.

Lena realised slowly just how darn in love she really was. Not kissing Kara is an impossibility, resisting the urge not to wrap her mouth into the sweetness of her kisses is pointless… and so she makes the kiss matter, makes it linger and roll and wrap and coax into the sweetness of Kara’s hesitant mouth—almost unsure of what to do with itself. Eventually Kara kissed her back, gasping and beyond the pretence of acting like she’s capable of resisting.

Suicidal insects hum around the brightness and warmth of the lights on the balcony outside.

And Lena empathises.

“Should we do this?” Kara pulled back and bit her bottom lip, conflicted. It was the aching expression that did it, that had Lena’s hands slipping around her cheeks and absolutely certain of invisible tears ghosting beneath her fingertips. 

It would be right to say no, Lena knows that, she knows it and yet still the words refuse her. Instead she’s nodding, she’s nodding and squeezing and shuddering on her breath. “Please.” She begs with that single word, her jaw opening and drawing a breath. “Maybe denying ourselves this doesn’t have to be our burden… maybe we’re allowed this one thing?” She tries to reason.

She’s met with hungry kisses and two hands that need to touch every bit of her. Kara is gentle, and it surprises her, if only because she knows she doesn’t deserve it. The insects hum and Lena realises how wrong she got it, because she is the light and Kara is the thing dancing perilously, dangerously, carelessly close to her.

“I love you and I need you to hear that, just once.” Kara growls with tears and drags her mouth between the apex of her breasts, her hot open mouth slipping along each soft pink nipple.

“This is temporary.” Lena gasps and nods, resolute and undone simultaneously. “I’m going to fix it Kara, you don’t understand yet but you will. I promise you.” She whispers and smiles to herself.

“Don’t say stuff like that.” Kara shook her head pressed her nose above Lena’s belly button. It made Lena clench nervously, and Kara heard the fastening of her heartbeat and tasted something in the air, something she couldn’t fix her tongue on. It made her forget what she was saying, “Lena?” Kara asked dumbly, “There’s something different?”

Lena panicked. “I’m just… coming into heat.” Her nostrils flared with the quick lie.

“You’re lying.” Kara grimaced and began to pull away, defeated.

Lena doesn’t know what to do, doesn’t know how to make this make sense in words that she can use. Instead she grabs at her Alpha’s wrists and pulls her back down, and she knows it’s only because Kara is willing to be brought down on top of her. That encourages her. 

“I’m coming into heat.” Lena nods again and licks her lips, “Let it be just that, please, what’s one more secret between us?” She shook her head a little and exhaled with exasperation.

Kara pulled Lena’s thighs up around the sides of her waist and set teeth gently into her shoulder, right over her pulse point. She can taste the deceit, it comes to her between the lines of her fluttering pulse. She wishes it didn’t taste delicious, then again that’s Lena at her core—delicious and smouldering. She is beautiful like this, splayed and pulling at the flimsy soft cardigan until Kara’s sinewed shoulders are freed.

Without her rut, Kara is without the kind of equipment necessary to satiate the Omega beneath her. She knows that, and it doesn’t stop her. She rips off her own clothes and settles back between her thighs, abs resting into Lena’s belly. One elbow supports her weight, the other hand slips up Lena’s ribs and makes a move for her perfect tits. It earns a groan, a whimper, a tiny submissive noise that Kara could listen to all day.

“Such a good girl,” Kara pushed her thumb between Lena’s lips and found herself saying the words without prompt. It makes her stomach roll with desire, the way Lena’s plump lips separate around her thumb and her bottom teeth submit against the pressure and open a little further. 

Kara growls and takes her thumb away, replacing it with her ring and middle finger. She pushed inside and pressed down on Lena’s tongue, felt the vibration of her whimper jostle through her fingertips and slip between her own thighs. Lena’s teeth and lips rest on her knuckles and the sight is enough to make her growl again. The air caressed her naked spine as she arched over the Omega beneath her.

She made quite the roof, Lena decides breathlessly as she looked up at the narrowing soft blue eyes that had only her in their sight. Fingers were suddenly inside of her, two of them working through her thin wetness without warning or premeditation. It makes her cry out and bite into Kara’s fingers, though, the godlet above her didn’t mind. Lena watches the smirk spread into her cheeks.

“Good girl.” The words are crooned at her again, and Lena melts into them helplessly. “Out there?” Kara nods to the door, “You’re anything but. But in here? You just be my good girl okay?”

The words stung but Lena accepts them gladly, weakened and desperate and clenching around the two fingers that tease the reset button inside of her. It feels that way, as if there’s a spot behind her clit that sends her mindless and blank, and Kara rubs and teases against it effortlessly.

A mouth wraps around her aching clit and Lena cries out, palming the sheets and curling her toes. Two fingers push inside her mouth again, pressing down on her tongue and along the inside of her teeth, they taste sweet and slick. It dawns on her suddenly and arouses her all the more. She bites, softly at first, nibbling and resting her teeth between each guttural moan as her clit and vulva is softly swiped and tentatively sucked.

By the time Kara pulls her entire cunt inside the heat and softness of her mouth, Lena is conceptual at best. She’s a puddle. A poor excuse for a woman. She writhes and cries and lifts her hips into the attention given to her by the gentle grace of Kara’s soft heart.

“Can I… Can I come?” She stutters out and arches up to look at those two narrowing blue eyes.

Slowly, Kara nods, sucking just a little harder.

Lena slumps backward as if she were boneless, her pants now frantic and disjointed against each deep pull against her most sensitive muscle. When she cums, when the soft light of the room turns into a distant glow and the shivers run down her spine into her toes, Kara’s hands are right there around her waist. It’s the best feeling in the world, being tethered and held and kept like that. It makes her feel protected, and for a moment she is exactly that, she and her baby are safe in the hands of a girl forged of diamonds and space.

Between that and the god given orgasm, she drifts asleep.



Kara didn’t mean to fall asleep too, she told herself that as she closed the door quietly behind herself and left Lena warm and still dozing in bed. It was just after seven, which by anyone else’s standards was early in the morning. Not J’onn though. Just after seven was just after late, and just after late was unforgivable, today at least. Today was a mandatory conference call meeting with the president and her chief of staff, and without Alex around, the responsibility of being the perfect Danvers sister fell down to her.

Kara wasted no time taking flight, the skyline burned orange with the promise of sunrise. It was peaceful almost, she took great pleasure in that natural quietness of the city on the brink of awakeness, used it to process through last night.

Lena came, Lena fell asleep, and somehow, somehow she ended up folding the sheets over her soft naked body and drifting asleep beside her. Between Southside and the DEO, that was all she managed to process through. There was something inexplicably different about Lena, about the way she moved and tasted and smelled, and that was unprocessable to the Kryptonian. Well, in the two minutes she had between the apartment and the office at least.

“You’re late.” J’onn was already stood on the balcony, arms crossed and grimacing.

“Did I mention how sorry I am about that?”

“Did I mention how much I don’t have the time to care?” J’onn ushered her inside and headed straight to the meeting room. “The President is on line 1. I’ll leave it to you to explain to the leader of the free world what was so pressing this morning that you kept her waiting on your account.”

“Nice.” Kara let out an exasperated sigh and crossed forearms over her emblem.

The boardroom was filled and not a single space was occupied by her sympathetic sister, which made it all the more worse. There on the screen the president sat in the Oval Office, two flags draped behind the seat and forearms resting against the desk.

“Supergirl.” She forced a curt smile, “So glad you could join us.”

The president was a soft spoken warming, in fact, everything was soft about her. She had deep brown eyes and dark skin that was without a single wrinkle, she was likeable, of course she was likeable, Kara thought. She managed to win an election after all. Still, nonetheless, she looked annoyed, and now Kara had that to add to her resume. Pissing off the leader of the free world.

“Madame President, I’m so sorry, there was… an emergency.” Kara said quickly.

“Ah yes,” The President nodded and softened, “By all means, when there’s kittens to rescue and old ladies to cross the street, someone must answer the call.” She earned a polite laugh from everyone in the room. “Lest I hold National City’s resident hero here for too long, would you like to go first Supergirl with this week’s detailing?”

“Actually Madame President,” Kara licked her lips and paused. “I have a safety concern I’d like to raise about your visit next month—”

“Kara what the hell are you doing?” J’onn glared across the room.

“Information about your arrival has leaked. I was made informed by an anonymous source that your secret visit to discuss the data leak findings isn’t so secret…” Kara blurted and rubbed her head. “It might be wise to rearrange, Ma’am.”

“J’onn, do you know anything about this?” The President looked over at him.

“No.” He said angrily, still glaring at Kara. “This is the first I’ve heard of it.”

“Supergirl,” The President’s eyes moved across the room and landed on hers. “Would you care to share this anonymous source?”

“I’m afraid I can’t do that Ma’am, I’m.” Kara paused and chewed on her jaw for a second, she hated lying, but somewhere deep down, apparently protecting Lena was more important than protecting the country. “I’m afraid I don’t know myself who this source was, they were masked.”

“And did they tell you anything about where this leak came from, who the rat is among our midsts, so to speak?” The President raised a brow.

“I’m afraid she didn’t, Ma’am.” Kara answered sheepishly.

“Well.” The President sat up and adjusted herself. “Given the gravitas of the situation, it’s imperative that I come to the DEO in person to chair this meeting. I have to assume that if you cannot, or rather will not, give up your sources Supergirl, that your information isn’t credible.” She said sternly. “The security of our nation is at stake and I will not sit by idly while our intelligence is unsafe. I expect you all to carry on as normal, and have the findings of your investigation ready for next month.”

“Trouble.” J’onn mouthed at her across the room with furious eyes. “You are in so much trouble.”

Kara slumped in defeat and held her nervousness well. She should have came clean about the information earlier, she knew that, but Alex was in hospital and then Lena… Lena was impossible and there and a mind-numbingly easy decision to make. Suddenly, it dawned on her that J’onn was capable of reading her mind. Lena was quickly tucked away into the depths of her belly for her own protection, kept right there beyond thought and reason.

And so the meeting droned on.