
Super right hand

The protagonist Li Ye, unexpectedly gaining a miraculous right hand, gradually explores the mysteries of his hand. Not only can his right hand fight and charm women, but it can also traverse between dimensions.

z13155659560 · Fantasy
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10 Chs

A boss with a bad attitude

10:00 in the morning.

Usually, by this time, the vendors selling breakfast on the square have already packed up and gone home. However, today, as if they had all agreed upon it, not a single one of them had left. Instead, they watched Li Ye, who had not yet opened his stall, with a somewhat mocking gaze, as if they were watching a monkey performing tricks.

Their eyes were filled with playful mockery, as if they wanted to see if anyone would actually buy Li Ye's overpriced lamb skewers.

"Zhang Jiayao, how much did you make selling pancakes and fritters today?"

"Hehe, not much, just over three hundred yuan. Dajie, how much did you make selling buns?"

"Not as much as you! Just over two hundred yuan, not enough to buy a few skewers of lamb from him."

The two middle-aged women continued to mock Li Ye sarcastically, counting the money they had earned that morning one bill at a time.

Li Ye sneered inwardly, but he couldn't help but feel a twinge of pity for them. After all, how can sparrows understand the aspirations of a swan?

There are people in this world who are content with their current situation, greedy for small gains and forgetful of greater principles, unable to tolerate anything or anyone that doesn't fit their narrow-minded logic.

It had been about three hours since Li Ye set up his stall and hung up the advertising board after grilling ten skewers of meat. He stopped busying himself and moved a small stool out from the barbecue stall. Sitting on it leisurely, he paid no attention to the whispers around him, instead pondering the issue of the storage bag.

Li Ye had tried many ways to open the storage bag, but to no avail. It felt like he was guarding a treasure mountain that he could see but couldn't touch. It was easy to imagine how frustrated he must be feeling.

"Hey, boss, why are your lamb skewers so expensive? Are they really that miraculous?"

Suddenly, the tired voice of a middle-aged man came over.

Li Ye frowned slightly and looked up at the man standing in front of the stall.

The man was dressed in a suit, his hair disheveled, and he wore thick glasses on his nose, his eyes bloodshot and tired.

He looked like a computer programmer.

"The price list is right there. I can guarantee it has the effect I claim. You can buy one skewer and try it," Li Ye said indifferently. He was so troubled by the issue of the storage bag that he didn't even have the mind to greet the middle-aged man properly.

Seeing Li Ye's indifferent attitude, the middle-aged man suddenly felt a surge of anger and decided to leave.

His name was Zhang Xu, and he worked as a programmer for a computer networking company. For the past few days, he had been working tirelessly to develop a mobile app software. He had worked non-stop for a week until today, finally finishing all his tasks. He had been surviving on fast food for the past seven days, and his mouth was almost losing its sense of taste.

So he dragged his exceptionally tired body out of the company, wanting to have a hearty meal nearby to comfort his exhausted body.

Just passing by Li Ye's barbecue stall, he was completely drawn in by the aroma of meat, which stirred the worms in his stomach. Seeing Li Ye's bad attitude, he was tempted to leave, but his exhaustion and the irresistibly tantalizing aroma of the meat made him involuntarily stay in place, instinctively unwilling to leave.

"Are you buying or not? If not, don't block my business," Li Ye frowned, speaking with a hostile tone.

"You..." Zhang Xu was truly stunned. How could there still be people doing business like this in the world? It felt as if he was buying something from himself, and Li Ye was acting as if he had taken advantage of him.

Hadn't this guy heard of the saying "the customer is God"?

Encountering such a rude boss was truly unprecedented for Zhang Xu.

Either this boss intentionally had such a unique attitude to attract attention, or he truly had some extraordinary skills.

But he clearly looked like he was only eighteen or nineteen years old!

"Are you saying you don't even have eighty-eight dollars on you?" Li Ye retorted sharply. He also realized that since he had marked the price of the skewers so high, it would be unlikely to sell them through ordinary means. So he chose to stimulate customers to spend by using provocative methods.

"I..." Zhang Xu felt insulted.

No matter what, he was still a computer programmer, a standard white-collar worker, a perfect noble single dog. When did he ever not have a few thousand soft sister coins in cash?

"I'm going to show you today!" Zhang Xu angrily declared, casually taking out his wallet from his pocket and placing a bright red hundred-yuan bill in front of Li Ye. He then picked up a skewer of barbecue from the stall and stuffed it into his mouth fiercely.

Zhang Xu had intended to continue saying some defiant words, but as soon as the barbecue entered his mouth and he instinctively chewed it a couple of times, he was completely stunned.

The aroma of the barbecue was beyond words!

Was he really eating lamb skewers?! No! It must be an illusion! It must be an illusion! How could it be so delicious?! The meat was tender and smooth, yet extremely refreshing, especially the elastic texture of the meat tendon. Oh my god! How could it be so delicious?!

Zhang Xu was overwhelmed with despair, almost to the point of tears.

He considered himself to be a very picky gourmet, even joining numerous QQ and WeChat groups to discuss the best foods from different places.

But ever since he had eaten the barbecue skewers from Li Ye's stall, Zhang Xu felt that all the food he had eaten before was simply garbage!

Why hadn't he encountered Li Ye's stall sooner?!!!

He wolfed down the first skewer of barbecue, his eyes gleaming as he stared at the remaining nine skewers. Breathing heavily, he hastily pulled out another eight hundred yuan bills from his wallet and continued to devour them voraciously, all the while praising non-stop.

The other breakfast vendors who were watching the scene were dumbfounded, all staring at Zhang Xu, who was burying his head in eating. Could this guy be a plant?

Finally, the stall was open!

Li Ye's previously troubled mood was slightly lifted. He neatly arranged the nine bills and said to Zhang Xu, who was still engrossed in eating, "The total for the ten skewers of barbecue is eight hundred and eighty yuan. I don't have change, so please give me the exact amount."

After saying that, he threw another hundred yuan bill to Zhang Xu.

The other vendors, including the two middle-aged women who had mocked Li Ye earlier, were dumbfounded once again.

It was truly eye-opening to see a boss doing business like Li Ye.

Zhang Xu nodded hurriedly, mumbling unclearly with his mouth full, "No rush, no rush! Boss, give me another twenty skewers! Your barbecue skewers are just too delicious!"

Li Ye chuckled and shook his head, saying firmly, "No, I only sell ten skewers to each person per day."

This time, not only the other vendors were dumbfounded, but even Zhang Xu, who had been devouring the skewers, subconsciously stopped his wolfing down and stared in disbelief.

"B-boss, are you serious?" Zhang Xu widened his eyes, filled with incredulity.

"How can there be such a weird boss in this world, with such strange rules? Is this guy's brain malfunctioning even though he has money to earn?" 

As for the breakfast vendors who had been watching Li Ye's antics, they were completely baffled now. 

Especially the two middle-aged women who were closest to Li Ye, their faces almost turning as red as pig liver, wishing they could find a hole to hide in. 

"Do I look like I'm joking?" Li Ye chuckled lightly. 

He understood that his barbecue skewers had already made a mark in the market, and with Zhang Xu's testimony, his business would only get hotter. 

So why not set strict rules from the beginning? This way, it would not only do no harm but also elevate his barbecue business to a higher level. 

"Wait a minute!" 

Zhang Xu, still eating voraciously, took out his phone and hastily made a call, saying, "Lin Dong, hurry up! Come downstairs to the plaza below the office building! Something big is happening!" 

Li Ye naturally knew what Zhang Xu was trying to do to continue buying his barbecue. When he saw Zhang Xu hang up the phone, triumphantly looking at him, Li Ye calmly said, "Customers must eat barbecue on the spot and are not allowed to buy for others." 

Zhang Xu was speechless. He had been racking his brains to give Li Ye his money, and yet Li Ye didn't want it? 

The onlookers were almost ready to worship Li Ye. Doing business with such righteousness, perhaps there was only Li Ye in the world who could do it. 

As for the two middle-aged women, they had already quietly pushed their breakfast carts away, probably never to be seen selling breakfast here again.

"Boss, you can't do this! You can't stifle my pursuit of good food! You can't... Huh?"

Zhang Xu, halfway through his plea, suddenly exclaimed softly. He casually raised his hand and shook his head, feeling as if all the fatigue in his body had been swept away. He felt light as a feather, and the warm and comfortable feeling in his stomach almost made him moan in pleasure.

Now he felt like he was back in his youth, full of vigor and vitality. He stood there dumbfounded for a moment, then looked at Li Ye with eager eyes, his voice almost pleading, "Boss, please, sell me another ten skewers of barbecue!"

Li Ye shook his head, unmoved, his expression stiff as a board, but his heart was already bursting with joy.

It was rare to have such a cooperative customer to play along with his act. He had to hold on and not laugh, he must remain steadfast in his position!