
Super Red Dragon

“He said… I wasn't the real hero… He was wrong. I just forgot for a little while… We all forgot…don't let them forgot again…”. The last words of Conner. But, what if he has a new chance? New life? Even in another universe? Let's watch how Conner (ex-Super Boy) will live and fight as Kazuki Hyoudou (Sekiryuutei).

Julian_Clyne · Anime & Comics
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20 Chs

A Lonely Housewife

After a day of classes and activities at the school's clubs, in the late afternoon and early evening, Kazuki heads to his night job. In a cafeteria, on a quieter street close to condominiums and apartment blocks. It's a quiet night, the usual customers arriving and placing their orders, with new customers curious about the dishes on offer. Kazuki usually does a bit of everything here. He helps in the kitchen, taking orders, serving customers and home deliveries. In home deliveries, he has the chance to meet all kinds of people, even foreigners who came to work in Japan. In one of these deliveries he had the opportunity to meet Si-yeon hong. A beautiful Korean woman in her 21 years, who got married a few years ago and moved to Tokyo with her husband who came to work in a pharmaceutical company. Si-yeon graduated in Business Administration and, to add to her intellectual qualities, she also graduated in modern ballet. Which required a well-defined and fit body, really a temptation for boys in puberty and mature men who always gave her looks of desire. Even if after getting married, she didn't take care of her body as she did when single. However, not everything is happiness, in recent months she always appeared alone at the cafeteria and stayed until closing. When possible talking to employees and customers, always smiling, but it was possible to notice that the smile was a disguise for negative feelings. Sadness, anxiety, among other feelings hidden behind a smile.

At nine-thirty at night, close to the cafeteria closing time.

{Kazuki}: So, as I was saying. I am thinking of studying software engineering at the University of Tokyo.

{Si Yeon}: It's an excellent career, Hyoudou-kun. The University of Tokyo is well-regarded, the job opportunities are great in the area and with your fluent English there are chances that you will receive job offers outside Japan.

{Kazuki}: Nothing is decided yet. I will think carefully and evaluate the options, and then decide.

{Si Yeon}: hehehe… You don't even sound like a teenager talking like that, Hyoudou-kun. Such mature thinking for your age. (I wish I had thought about my decisions as carefully as you did…)

{Kazuki}: (Well, if you add my previous and current ages together, I would be 36 or 37 years old?) I appreciate the compliment, especially coming from a beautiful woman like you. You haven't worked in your field since you came to Japan, have you? Dance teacher?

{Si Yeon}: Yes, I have some complications at the moment…

Interrupting the conversation, the diner manager calls out to Kazuki.

{Manager}: Hyoudou-Kun, we will close for today. Can you accompany Si Yeon home? There have been cases of attacks on gang members in the region lately. Her going alone at this hour could be dangerous.

{Kazuki}: (… The one who is attacking gangs is me…) No problem. Can we go, Lady Si Yeong?

{Si Yeon}: You… (Calling me that sounds like I'm already so old).

{Kazuki}: I don't understand, don't you want me to go? (who's calling you old?)

{Si Yeon}: You are wrong, please follow me (you are already an evil man aren't you Hyoudou-kun?)

{Kazuki}: Then let's go. See you tomorrow, manager.

{Manager}: See you tomorrow, Hyoudou-kun.

Leaving the cafeteria and walking for a few minutes, they finally arrive at the apartment block where Si Yeon lives. She seems to think about something intensely and finally asks Kazuki to go upstairs with her to get him a book. Now in the apartment's living room.

{Si Yeon}: Hyoudou-kun, just a few minutes and I'll find the book. Make yourself comfortable.

{Kazuki}: Okay (everything is tidy, too perfect, looks like a lifeless house), she gets everything ready before she leaves.

Discussion noise in the room, fighting on the cell phone and crying.

{Si Yeon}: Ha-jin, won't you come back today again? Why didn't you warn me before? And whenever I call you, someone different answers the call, there was a woman who hung up on me!

{Ha-Jin}: There were unforeseen events at work, and the negotiations took longer than usual. Yeon be a good wife and wait for me, don't give me a headache with your paranoia.

{Si Yeon}: WHAT PARANOIA?!? You leave me alone, you go days without coming back, and when you come back you always have an air of contempt. Also, I don't know anything about the work you do…


{Si Yeon}:… Why… when we met, you weren't like that… I…

Si Yeon turns to the open bedroom door, and sees Kazuki standing at the door looking at her.

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

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