
Super Red Dragon

“He said… I wasn't the real hero… He was wrong. I just forgot for a little while… We all forgot…don't let them forgot again…”. The last words of Conner. But, what if he has a new chance? New life? Even in another universe? Let's watch how Conner (ex-Super Boy) will live and fight as Kazuki Hyoudou (Sekiryuutei).

Julian_Clyne · Anime & Comics
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20 Chs

A Good Life

The first rays of the morning sun begin to appear, the few people who start their workday very early go to their workplaces, some on foot, some by bicycle and others by public transport. Many other people start their day with morning exercise, walking, jogging, yoga, tai chi. In a park usually used for this, there is a tall and muscular teenager, performing precise and smooth movements of tai chi. His wet sportswear shows others that his workouts didn't start there, but possibly with a run and other activities long before sunrise. Kazuki Hyoudou starts his day very early, frequently running four times a week, alternating between eight and twelve kilometers, followed by training in the martial arts he learned and the traditional sword style he learned from his godfather. This has been his routine for the last few years since he moved from Kuoh City to Tokyo. In reality, Kazuki wouldn't need training to increase his strength and physical capacity, his powers that began to awaken in his eight years grant him a power much greater than normal human beings even if he didn't train. Just continuing to expose himself to the yellow sun would make him powerful, his physical and genetic constitution over the years makes him more Kryptonian and less human. However, his way of thinking is different from before when he was Conner. When he was Conner, his actions were so dependent on his powers, he fought like an angry bull, lots of muscle and little brain and no technique, even though he had a Kryptonian brain and Lex Luthor "DNA". But now born as Kazuki, he has become more "intelligent" and with an enhanced perception, if his former hero friends saw him now they would be surprised at the change in personality. And to explain, the most important reason why he trains like a normal human was the discovery that he can turn his Kryptonian powers on and off at will. This was a big surprise, not even Clark could do that, always having to control his powers to the fullest not to hurt others, however, Kazuki has this ability. If Kazuki wished, he could live like a normal human. This control gave him the chance to live, feel, train and learn like a human, a completely new experience.

Finished training, time to go home and go to school. Upon arriving at his house, Kazuki finds his father in the garage (his father owns a small logistics company) to go to work.

{Kazuki}: Good morning, Dad. Starting early today?

{Hikaru}: Good morning, Kazu. Today I have a series of meetings with clients and with the company's board, possibly I'll be back late at night… Maybe we have an expansion in the company, but nothing is decided yet.

{Kazuki}: Was it after meeting and talking to your old co-workers, that one of them offered to sell the business he has father? I remember that he visited us a few months ago.

{Hikaru}: That's right, he has a small delivery company, but his father is retiring, and his family has a farm in Hokkaido, so he will take over the family business and is selling his company. Oh! They're already calling my cell! Kazu, I'm leaving, your mother is about to leave too so hurry up, you'll still be at the dojo, won't you? Kanae must be waiting, see you later.

After Hikaru leaves with the car, Kazuki enters the house and notices his elegantly dressed mother already approaching the door to leave.

{Misa}: Good morning, Kazu! I'm on my way out, your breakfast is on the table, clean up before you leave. Today I have a meeting with some old co-workers and Hibiki is already waiting for me.

{Kazuki}: Are they your old JSDF colleagues? I thought they were people interested in Aunt Hibiki's security company service?

{Misa}: That's right, they're old colleagues of ours at the JSDF. After Hibiki and I left the JSDF and started a security company, they kept in touch with us. Now some are looking for new jobs or have their own businesses and are interested in doing business with us.

{Kazuki}: (speaking very quietly: A meeting of work-crazy people… some muscle brains)… Good luck with the meeting. In a little while I'm leaving too, meeting Kanae and going to school.


{Kazuki}: No… I didn't say any of that, mom… (sometimes I think my mom has super hearing) I'm late, Kanae is waiting for me, see you later (running out).

{Misa}: KAZU!!! Hump! Today you're luck, otherwise I'd teach you a lesson boy… I'll tell Hibiki your way of "talking" about your "mothers"… your next training session with her will be interesting… lol. Okay, take care out and see you later.

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

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